Secularism in Education

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Prof. Dr. Sidek Baba

Wednesday, April 24, 2019 1

Budi Satriadi (G1726015)

Wednesday, April 24, 2019 2

Secular derived from Latin saeculum = the present

"Secular" is used to describe or explain a world

removed from the religious realm.
Secularization refers to the process by
which the religious and secular spheres are
separated from one another.
Secularism, can refer to either world views or
ideologies on secular subjects, or as a knowledge
regime which immediately and constantly accepts a
secular world
secularization is a process that
seeks to become secular and people
who carry out secularization in
their lives will eventually become
secular and will embrace
 This secularism developed throughout the world
brought by Western countries through power
 Through:
 The world of Education (schools and colleges) that
apply Western-style secular education.
 student exchange programs
 sending students and providing scholarships abroad.
 intelligence operations and political movements.
 The world of education is one of the
media that can be used as a means to
develop the notion of secularism,
which is also supported by the political
power of the state, which gave birth to
educational policies based on secular
education politics.
Education in Islamic Perspective
 education is “the instilling and inculcation of adab in
man – it is ta’dib
 a truly educated man in Islam as a man of adab (insan
 the purpose of education in Islam is not to produce a
good citizen, but a good man / to develop rijal
 Man of adab is the one who has high discipline of
mind (fikir), a noble discipline of the hearth (zikir)
and an exemplary discipline of (‘amal) or action.
 individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally
and physically balanced and harmonic, based on a firm
belief in and devotion to God.
 who can discharge his duties to God as His servant
(ʿabdullāh) and to serve his society as His vicegerent
 Golden civilization in the Muslim world:
 the synergy of the leadership (umara’) dan the scholarly
people (ulama’),
 integrated knowledge and education,
 the excellent tradition of scholarship
 the openness to comparative advantages from other
 Recently, the concept of education in Islam
has been influenced by secularism since the
time of colonization and the collapse of the
Ottoman Empire which consequently
resulted in the failure of the Muslim
Ummah in its quest for nation-building and
development according to Islamic
 Modern Western education –so called secularism- only
in emphasizing reason and rationality (cognitive) over
the value of moral and spiritual.
 Dualism in education : Traditional Islamic system
(Religious Education) and Modern secular system
(Modern Education).
 the syllabus mostly taught in schools with exam-
oriented methodology.
 The teachers are also forced to complete the syllabus
and ensure that the students are able to answer the
examination questions.
 the confusion of faith, decline of good conduct and the
practice of religious duties that now become a “neo
culture” among the young Muslim generation.
Secularism in educational policies
 Law on national education system Number 20 Article
4 paragraph (1) of 2003: Education is organized in a
democratic and equitable manner and is not
discriminatory with uphold human rights, religious
values, cultural values, and national pluralism.
 The mecca conference in 1977 recommended
that shariah should be obligatory to all
Muslims at all levels of education system and
curriculum and syllabi should be integrated
with shariah.
 The eclectic model is the sub-set approach
under the processes of Islamization and
Integration which can heal the malaise of the
imbalance educational approach between
religious, revealed, based education and
secular, acquired based education.
 Al-Attas, Syed Muhammad al-Naquib, Islam and Secularism (Petaling
Jaya: Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia, 1978).
 Baba, Sidek, Integration and Collaboration in Education and Learning,
(Kuala Lumpur: Yayasan Ilmuwan, 2013)
 Baba, Sidek, The Issues of knowledge and Education (Selangor Darul
Ehsan: NAS Publications, 2018)
 Hadi, Hasbullah,, Kebijakan Pendidikan Nasional Terhadap
Pendidikan Islam Dan Pendidikan Sekuler, MIQOT Vol. XL No. 2 Juli-
Desember 2016
 Raudlotul Firdaus and Mohd. Shah Jani, Islamic Education: The
Philosophy, Aim, and Main Features, International Journal of
Education and Research, Vol. 1 No. 10 October 2013
 UU No. 20 Tahun 2003 Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional RI
 Wan Daud, Wan Mohd. Noor, The Educational Philosophy and
Practice of Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas: An Exposition of the
Original Concept of Islamization (Kuala Lumpur: International
Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilication (ISTAC), 1998).

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