Drafting Lesson Plan

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• This is one of the areas of

specialization in T.L.E. that can be
taken by students who prefer to
take college courses related in
Architecture, Engineering, Interior
Designing, Graphic Arts etc.
• And those who want to work after
graduation in High School can be
readily apply and be employed as
draftsman in architecture and
advertising firms, art shops
,furniture shops, and machine shops.

• Drawing Board
made of seasoned
softwood where the
drawing paper is

made of celluloid plastic edge
and a wooden blade. It is used as
horizontal guide for triangles and
as primary instrument in drawing
horizontal lines. It varies in it’s
head. There are fixed head,
detachable head, and movable head.

• Upper Edge – the working

• Lower Edge – known as the
cutting edge

used for measuring
and plotting angles
from 0 degrees to 360
degrees. It can also be
used to select angles
which are not found in
the triangle.

usually made of celluloid
plastics used for making
inclined lines at an angle and
drawing vertical lines.
Triangles come in two general
types: - 45 x 45 x 90 degrees
for making oblique drawings.
• 30 X 60 X 90 for making
isometric drawings.
• There are also triangles
where you can choose any
angle you are going to use.

• an instrument used for setting off
measurements. This instrument is
used in reducing or enlarging

graduated in decimal system.
graduated in feet and inches.

• composed of irregularly
shaped curves which can be
used whenever it is found in
the templates or which cannot
be done through the use of a
compass. These instruments
are made up of geometric
curves in various sizes and

• an instrument for
finalizing pencil works and
for producing the drawing
in ink. It comes in a wide
array of points. It has the
thinnest point at 0.1 and
the thickest at 1.2 for the
border lining.

• composed of repetitive
shape holes and are used as
time-saver for easy and
accurate drawing of
circles and ellipses. It
comes in different designs
and sizes for easy
mechanical drawing of

• instruments used for
making arcs and
circles. It can also be
used to draw an

• used to transfer uniform
measurements and to divide
number of lines in uniform
sizes. Also function as a
marker or for setting
constant measurements.A

• smaller type of compass,
used for drawing circles
and arcs which are not
possible in a regular
compass. When you are
working in pencil, it is
called bow compass, but,
when you are working in
ink, it is called bow pen.

• although obsolete, it is
used for making wider and
thicker lines in ink in which
is not possible with the use
of a technical pen. It can be
used in border lining of
large drawings

• a thin sheet of metal or
plastic composed of
different sizes and
strips of holes used to
erase those errors made
by pen or pencils without
damaging the lines near
those being erased.

• a type of drawing
pencil that does not
require sharpening.

• the traditional instrument
in drawing variety of lines
which is not possible with
the use of a mechanical
pencil. It has several
grades ranging from soft
to hard.

• comes in different sizes and
gauges or thickness. It is also
available for pencil work or for
ink work. Tracing paper can be
considered as the most common
type since it enables the
draftsman to draw either in
pencil or in ink

• it is used to clean unwanted
lines in the drawing. It comes
in different materials. There
are plastic, rubber, or a
combination of both. However,
there are erasers used only
for particular type of ink.
There are also other types
used for artworks such as the
kneaded rubber or the clay
eraser. In an ordinary
cleaning of drawing, the most
ideal is the art gum.

• composed mainly of carbon
in colloidal suspension and
other chemicals and gum.
Ink is used for final
drawing work ready for

• used for fastening
drawing paper on the
drawing board. The
ordinary scotch tape can
serve the purpose;
however, the most
commonly used is the
masking tape.

• – used in preserving the
point of the pencil after
sharpening. This is made
of cardboard or plywood
with sandpaper and a
foam to wipe off the dirt.

• the latest and easiest
way to put lettering
details on your drawing
with different lettering
plates to choose from. It
is composed of a scriber,
lettering plates and a

• Freehand drawing is an important
component in drafting. That is why,
it is important that we learn the
fundamental elements of freehand

• when sharpening the pencil, remove only
enough wood to expose 3/8 “ of lead on the
end opposite the grade marking. Use a knife or
a drafter’s pencil sharpener with special
cutter which will remove wood only.

is used for general line work and lettering. It is shaped
in a lead pointer on a sand paper pad.

used for drawing long straight lines because it holds
its point ( edge ) longer than the conical point. .Shape the
point by pressing the two sides to produce a sharp point.
Finish on scrap paper and remove the excess graphite dust.

are drawn along the edge of the T-square from left to right.
Press the head of the T-square firmly against the working edge of
the board with the left hand. Then, slide the left hand so as to
press the blade tightly against the paper. Lean the pencil in the
direction of the line at an angle of approximately 60⁰ with the

• are drawn with the vertical edge of either the 30⁰ - by –
60 ⁰ or 45 ⁰ triangle supported on the upper edge of the T-
square. Draw the lines upward, away from the body. Hold
the pencil at 60⁰ angle with the paper and tilt the pencil
away from the triangle so the point will follow
accurately along the edge of the triangle.

• Inclined lines at 30⁰ , 45⁰, and 60⁰ may be drawn by
using one of triangles with the T-Square. Inclined
lines to the right are drawn in an upward stroke,
while inclined lines to the left are drawn in a
downward direction.

• To set the compass, measure off the radius on a scrap
of paper and adjust the compass. Test the setting by
drawing the circle lightly on the scrap paper, then
measure the diameter.

• To draw the circle, hold the compass in one
hand and start in clockwise direction. Lean the
compass slightly forward and revolve the
handle between the thumb and forefinger.
Draw the circle or the arc lightly at first.
When you are ready to “ heavy-in” make
repeated turns to darken the line.

• The dividers are used for dividing
distances into a number of equal parts.
They are also used for transferring
distances or for setting off series of
equal distances

• Dividers are adjusted in the same manner as
the compass. To transfer or step off the
distances, hold the knurled handle and place
the dividers in position. Mark the distances by
taking a slight dent in the paper with the
divider point.

• To draw the cirlcles, arcs, or illipse with the
aid of a template, first lay out the aid of a
template, first lay out the center lines on the
drawing. Then align the center lines of the
template and draw the figure. Other types of
templates are aligned with the features on the

• To draw a mechanical line over the freehand line with
the aid of the irregular curve, it is necessary to match
the various segments of the irregular curve with
successive portions of the freehand curve and draw
the line with pencil or ruling pen along the edge of the
curve, See to it that the irregular curve matches the
curve to be drawn for some distance at each end
beyond the segment to be drawn for any one setting of
the curve.

• Is the presentation of an object on a
drawing surface that is perpendicular to
both the view and the lines of projection.
There are three ways of viewing an

• is a basic skill in graphic arts.

• Thus, familiarity With the different

styles of letters and mastery of this
skill are essential.

• During the Stone Age, written communication
was not existent. The means of communication
then was through the use of symbols which
maybe in the form of sounds, gestures and
facial expressions, and ideas pictures curved
in the stone.

- hieroglyphic writing or picture
• Thing picture
• Idea picture ( ideograph )
• Word-sound picture
• Syllable-sound
• Letter-sound

- cuneiform ( wedge shape )
• Contributed 19 consonants
• Consisted of 22 letters

• Developed the vowel sounds

• Contributed 13 letters to the roman alphabet.

• are the simplest and the
most legible of all
letter style. This letter
is characterized by its
uniform upward and
downward strokes. From
this style, engineering
letters were derived.

• This style is
LETTERS: by a thick
downward stroke and
its thin connecting
strokes. Its end has a U V W X Y Z
spur called serif.

•A B C D E F G H
• This letter style
follows the Gothic, IJKLMNOP
Roman and other
letter styles, only QRSTUVW
done in slant position.

• Compressed or • Extended Letters
Condensed letters The extended
are made narrower letters are made wider
than the normal width than the normal width
of letters. These are of letters. These
used to fit limited letters are often used
space. for covering up spaces.

• Cap-Line-
• the topmost line where the heading of a letter touches.

• Waist Line-
• the line positioned at the center, between the cap line and the
base line. This line is where the heading of a lowercase letter

• Based Line-
• the line where all letters stand.

• Drop Line-
• the line where the descending letters touch.

• Upper letters
• - the other name for capital letters
• Lower case letters-
• the other name for small letters
• Ascending letters
• - lowercase letters that extend upward
• Descending letters-
• lower-case letters that touch the drop line

• Engineering letters are grouped according to the
strokes required to construct or draw them. Letters
are drawn either mechanically with templates and
other drawing instruments or they are drawn free

• Regular letters- these are letters E,H,I,M,N

• Irregular letters- include the letters


• Circular letters- these are letters B,C,D,G,O,P,Q,R,S

• The examples sAhown here illustrate how the
different combination of spacing work out in use. In
the word spacing above, letters of the same size and
shape are spaced both ways. Note how legibility and
unity are shown. In the example below the word
spacing is mechanically spaced. Mechanically spaced
words seldom produce pleasing result.

To draw the preliminary sketch, version, or plan is…

a. Lettering

b. shading

c. drafting

d. drawing
Process by which letters and numbers are drawn in freehand for easier
and faster reading

a. Printing

b. Stenciling

c. Typing

d. lettering
Common drafting tool used to draw horizontal lines of even distances

a. French curve

b. ruler

c. triangle

d. t-square
It comes in soft, medium and hard grade leads for drawing on

a. Drawing board

b. drawing ink

c. pencil

d. speedball
• In creating arcs and circles, use….


b. French curve

c. protractor

d. divider
• It provides angle measurement that cannot be obtained
with the triangle
• Compass b. protractor c. divider d. scale
• Light and portable board for drawing
and lettering..
a.Drafting machine
b. drawing board
c. Table
d. paper
• The line parallel to the horizon is..
a. Border line
b. vertical line
c. horizontal line
d. slanting
• A drawing that shows projection of object into two or
more views..
a. Pictograph
b. freehand
c. isometric
d. orthographic.
• Horizontal guidelines where all the letters rest or stand.
• a.Baseline
• b. capline
• c. dropline
• d. waistline
• Tool used in drawing irregular curved lines …
a. Pencil
b. French curve
c. protractor
d. d. triangle
• A good draftsman never do lettering without
a. Lines
b. pencil
c. ruler
d. guidelines
• To enlarge or reduce drawing, best tool used is
b. meter stick
c. ruler
d. divider
• When the space of lettering is limited, use
• a. extended letters
• b. compressed letters
• c. normal letters
• . All inclined letters regardless of style is called
a. Gothic
b. Italic
c. Roman
d. Text

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