Knowledge Organiser Music Video

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AO1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

GCSE Media Studies – Paper 2 Music • the theoretical framework of media

• contexts of media and their influence on media
Music Videos – Set Texts = If I products and processes.
Were A Boy and Uptown Funk
AO2 Analyse media products using the theoretical framework
Theoretical Framework: Representations of media, including in relation to their contexts, to make
judgements and draw conclusions.
Consider – the version of reality that is shown/
stereotypes/ under-representation/ messages and
values conveyed/ how the values relate to the Theoretical Framework: Audiences
Audiences ‘read’ media texts in different ways. Audience might
Beyonce – issues of gender/ masculinity, misogyny, read music videos differently depending on their background
disparity of privilege, stereotypes (gender, sexuality, ethnicity, nationality, age, musical taste,
Uptown Funk – objectification of women, fandom, peers etc)
stereotypical macho bravado, irony, self-mocking Popular music can contribute to the creation of an identity via
Both – heterosexual love represented as the norm. fandom groups, sense of belonging, identification with performer,
Both – attractive people are represented as young, characters, issues, outsider / non-mainstream identity etc
thin and able- bodied Blumler and Katz – Uses and Gratifications : Identity, Social
Interaction, Diversion, Information – audiences turn to the media
to fulfil different needs. Consider how these needs might be
fulfilled by the music videos
Media Contexts: cultural, social
Contemporary context topics: Consumerism (We express ourselves in our
STUDY consumer choices, including clothing and lifestyles - artists display their Theoretical Framework: Media Language
Media Language consumerism in the videos and encourage audiences to do the same) /
Conventions: direct address, performance, narrative, close up, editing
Representations celebrity culture (Central key performer to promote song and their pace, expressive camera work, setting to convey meaning, hybridity,
Audience celebrity)/ gender (If I Were A Boy - Explicitly feminist message about the intertextuality, disjointed narrative
Social/Cultural mistreatment of women in relationships. Uptown Funk - more traditional Media Language analysis of: sound, camera, editing, mise en scene
contexts representation of women as sex objects - some changing attitudes in the
Genre theory: Neale = repetition and difference/ genres are specific to
male representations ( eg in barbers)) / sexuality (under-representation –
their time of creation and change over time
relationships of heterosexual) / multiculturalism (Both videos reflect
Comparisons between the two videos
multiculturalism in their ethnic/ racial mix)

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