Timeline of Atomic Nature

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Between 384 – 322 BC

Aristotle proposed that all substances are
composed of four elements: air, earth, water
and fire in different proportions.
Approximately 450 BC
Empedocles divided matter into four elements;
air, earth, fire, and water.
Around 500 BC
Democritus and Leucippus proposed that
everything is composed of very small bit of
matter that is indivisible and called it atom (
from the Greek word “ atomos “ meaning
indivisible )
Antoine Lavoisier clarified the concept of an
element as a simple substance that could not be
broken down by any known method of chemical
analysis. He also devised a theory of the
formation of chemical compounds from
Charles Coulomb explained that like fluids repel
and unlike fluids attract. This was important in
the development of the Theory of Absolute
Measurement, and had a great impact on
electrical potential.
John Dalton gathered all the findings made by
the ancient philosophers and results of various
experiments. He came up with Atomic Theory.
Sir William Crookes constructed the forerunner
of the modern television picture tube in the
1870s to investigate the properties of cathode
Wilhelm Roentgen discovered X-ray by
observing the fluorescence they produced.
Pierre Curie and his wife , Marie stated that
radioactive materials cause atoms to break
down spontaneously , releasing radiation in the
form of energy and sub- atomic particles.
Joseph John Thomson was the first to discover
the electron.
Max Planck stated that energy is radiated in
small , discrete units, which he called quanta.
Albert Einstein was known for the Special and
General Theories of Relativity, and for his
intelligent hypothesis concerning the particle
nature of light.
1908 - 1917
Robert Millikan was known for his work in
atomic physics and major science dealing with
the fundamental constituents of the universe,
the forces they exert on one another, and the
results produced by these forces.
1909 - 1911
Ernest Rutherford worked on nuclear physics
and on his theory about the structure of the
Neils Bohr made numerous contributions to our
understanding of atomic structure and quantum
Louis De Broglie discovered that electrons had a
dual nature similar to both particles and waves.
He called it particle/wave duality.
Erwin Schrodinger explained movement of an
electron in an atom as a wave.
• James Chadwick measured the energy of the
protons emerging from the hydrogen atoms.

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