Pain Management in Critically Ill Patient: Prof. Dr. Andi Husni Tanra, PHD, SP - An-Kic-Kmn
Pain Management in Critically Ill Patient: Prof. Dr. Andi Husni Tanra, PHD, SP - An-Kic-Kmn
Pain Management in Critically Ill Patient: Prof. Dr. Andi Husni Tanra, PHD, SP - An-Kic-Kmn
Pain is..
Pain is not felt by the brain,
but by the person
Sullivan MD et al (2013) What does it mean to call chronic pain a brain disease? J Pain 14:317–322
80% of patients experience
different intensities of pain
during their ICU stay and
identify it as one of the
greatest sources of stress
Adam VN, Matolic M, Ilic KM, Grizelj-Stojcic E, Smiljanic A, Skok I. Pain management in critically ill patients. Periodicum
Biologorum. Vol. 117, No 2, 225–230, 2015
Vazquez M et al
Vazquez M, Pardavila M I, Lucia M, Aguado Y, Margall M A, Asiain M C. 2011 Pain assessment in turning procedures for patients
with invasive mechanical ventilation. Nurs Crit Care 16: 178–185
Many more pain source..
Reardon et al
• Assess 3 domains • Assesses 4 domains
• Validated in medical, • Validated in medical and surgical
critically ill adult patients
surgical, and neurological
critically ill adult patients • Pre-eliminary phase on
neurology/neurosurgery patients
• Simpler • More complex
(Pain Pupillary Index)
We identified the presence of pain…
What next?
Basic Principle!
Why Multimodal?
• Developed analgesic ladder in 1986 for cancer pain
• Ladder approach extended to the management of acute and
chronic non-malignant pain
• 5 Guiding principles
5 Guiding Principles
Routes of Administration
Opioids are the primary medications for managing pain
in critically ill patients because of potency, concomitant
mild sedative and anxiolytic properties, and their ability
to be administered by multiple routes.
Adam VN, Matolic M, Ilic MK, Grizelj-StojcIc E, Smiljanic A, Skok I. Pain management
in critically ill patients. Periodicum Biologorum. 2015;117(2):225-30.
Commonly Used Opioids