Instructor: Ms. Sonia Rafaqat

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Instructor: Ms.

Sonia Rafaqat
 Analysis focuses on producing a model of the system,

called the analysis model, which is:

◦ Correct

◦ Complete

◦ Consistent

◦ Verifiable
 Analysis is different from requirements elicitation in

that developers focus on structuring and formalizing

the requirements elicited from users .

 This formalization leads to new insights and the

discovery of errors in the requirements.

 As the analysis model may not be understandable to

the users and the client, developers need to update the

requirements specification to reflect insights gained

during analysis, then review the changes with the

client and the users.

 There is a natural tendency for users and developers

to postpone difficult decisions until later in the

project. A decision may be difficult because of lack of

domain knowledge, lack of technological knowledge,

or simply because of disagreements among users and

 Postponing decisions enables the project to move on

smoothly and avoids confrontation with reality or

 The analysis model is composed of three individual


◦ The functional model

◦ The analysis object model

◦ The dynamic model

 The functional model:

◦ represented by use cases and scenarios

 The analysis object model

◦ represented by class and object diagrams

 The dynamic model

◦ represented by state machine and sequence diagrams

 The analysis model represents the system under

development from the user’s point of view. The

analysis object model is a part of the analysis model

and focuses on the individual concepts that are

manipulated by the system, their properties and their

 The analysis object model, depicted with UML class

diagrams, includes classes, attributes, and operations.

The analysis object model is a visual dictionary of the

main concepts visible to the user.

 The dynamic model focuses on the behavior of the

system. The dynamic model is depicted with

sequence diagrams and with state machines.

 Sequence diagrams represent the interactions among

a set of objects during a single use case.

 State machines represent the behavior of a single


 The dynamic model serves to assign responsibilities

to individual classes and, in the process, to identify

new classes, associations, and attributes to be added

to the analysis object model.

 When working with either the analysis object model

or the dynamic model, it is essential to remember that

these models represent user-level concepts, not actual

software classes or components.

 The analysis object model consists of entity,

boundary, and control objects .

 Entity objects represent the persistent information

tracked by the system.

 Boundary objects represent the interactions between

the actors and the system.

 Control objects are in charge of realizing use cases.

 In the 2Bwatch example, Year, Month, and Day are

entity objects; Button and LCDDisplay are boundary

objects; ChangeDateControl is a control object that

represents the activity of changing the date by

pressing combinations of buttons.

 Generalization is the modeling activity that identifies

abstract concepts from lower-level ones.

 Specialization is the activity that identifies more

specific concepts from a high-level one.

◦ In some instances, modelers call inheritance relationships

generalization-specialization relationships.
 Identifying Entity Objects

 Identifying Boundary Objects

 Identifying Control Objects

 Mapping Use Cases to Objects with Sequence

 Modeling Interactions among Objects with CRC


 Identifying Associations

 Identifying Aggregates

 Identifying Attributes
 Modeling State-Dependent Behavior of Individual


 Modeling Inheritance Relationships

 Reviewing the Analysis Model

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