CH 5 - Analysis

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Chapter four

An Overview of Analysis

 Analysis focuses on producing a model of
the system, called the analysis model,
which is correct, complete, consistent, and
 Analysis is different from requirements
elicitation in that developers focus on
structuring and formalizing the
requirements elicited from users.
 The analysis model is composed of three individual
 the functional model, represented by use cases
and scenarios,
 the analysis object model, represented by class
and object diagrams, and
 the dynamic model, represented by state
machine and sequence diagrams.

Analysis Concepts

Analysis Object Models and Dynamic Models

The analysis object model is a part of the analysis model and
focuses on the individual concepts that are manipulated by the
system, their properties and their relationships.

depicted with UML class diagrams, includes classes, attributes, and operations.

is a visual dictionary of the main concepts visible to the user.

The dynamic model focuses on the behavior of the system.

is depicted with sequence diagrams and with state machines.

Sequence diagrams represent the interactions among a set of objects during a
single use case.

State machines represent the behavior of a single object (or a group of very tightly
coupled objects).

The dynamic model serves to assign responsibilities to individual classes and, in
the process, to identify new classes, associations, and attributes to be added to
the analysis object model.

When working with either the analysis object model or
the dynamic model, it is essential to remember that
these models represent user-level concepts, not actual
software classes or components.

For example, classes such as Database, Subsystem, Session
Manager, Network, should not appear in the analysis model as the
user is completely shielded from those concepts.

Note that most classes in the analysis object model
will correspond to one or more software classes in the
source code.

However, the software classes will include many more
attributes and associations than their analysis
 Entity, Boundary, and Control Objects
 Entity objects represent objects in the real
world problem domain.
 Boundary objects represent the interactions
between the actors and the system.
 Control objects are in charge of realizing
use cases.
Generalization and

Generalization is the modeling activity that
identifies abstract concepts from lower-level ones.

For example, assume we are reverse-engineering
an emergency management system and discover
screens for managing traffic accidents and fires.

Noticing common features among these three
concepts, we create an abstract concept called
Emergency to describe the common (and
general) features of traffic accidents and fires.

Specialization is the activity that identifies more specific
concepts from a high-level one.

For example, assume that we are building an emergency
management system from scratch and that we are discussing its
functionality with the client.
 The client first introduces us with the concept of an incident, then
describes three types of Incidents:

Disasters, which require the collaboration of several agencies,

Emergencies, which require immediate handling but can be handled
by a single agency, and

LowPriorityIncidents, that do not need to be handled if resources
are required for other, higher-priority Incidents.
Analysis Activities: From Use Cases to Objects

Identifying Entity Objects

Developers name and briefly describe the objects, their
attributes, and their responsibilities as they are identified.

Uniquely naming objects promotes a standard terminology.

For entity objects we recommend always to start with the
names used by end users and application domain specialists.

Describing objects, even briefly, allows developers to clarify
the concepts they use and avoid misunderstandings (e.g.,
using one object for two different but related concepts).

Developers should document attributes and responsibilities if
they are not obvious; a tentative name and a brief description
for each object is sufficient otherwise.
Entity objects for ReportEmergency use case:

Identifying Boundary Objects

Boundary objects represent the system interface
with the actors.

In each use case, each actor interacts with at
least one boundary object.

The boundary object collects the information
from the actor and translates it into a form that
can be used by both entity and control objects.

Boundary objects model the user interface at a coarse
level. They do not describe in detail the visual aspects
of the user interface.
 For example, boundary objects such as “menu item” or
“scroll bar” are too detailed.

First, developers can discuss user interface details more
easily with sketches and mock-ups.

Second, the design of the user interface continues to
evolve as a consequence of usability tests, even after the
functional specification of the system becomes stable.

Updating the analysis model for every user interface
change is time consuming and does not yield any
substantial benefit.
Identifying Control Objects

Control objects are responsible for coordinating boundary
and entity objects and ensure the right steps are occurring
in the right order.

Control objects usually do not have a concrete counterpart
in the real world.

A close relationship exists between a use case and a
control object; a control object is usually created at the
beginning of a use case and ceases to exist at its end.

It is responsible for collecting information from the
boundary objects and dispatching it to entity objects.

For example, control objects describe the behavior associated
with the sequencing of forms, undo and history queues, and
dispatching information in a distributed system.

Heuristics for identifying control objects

Identify one control object per use case.

Identify one control object per actor in the use case.

The life span of a control object should cover the extent
of the use case or the extent of a user session.

If it is difficult to identify the beginning and the end of
a control object activation, the corresponding use
case probably does not have well-defined entry and
exit conditions.

Rules applied for the communication
between entity-boundary-controller obj
 Actors can only talk to boundary objects
 Boundary obj can only talk to controllers and
 Entity obj can only talk to controllers
 Controllers can talk to boundary and entity obj
and to other controllers, but not to actors.
Mapping Use Cases to Objects with Sequence

A sequence diagram ties use cases with objects.

It shows how the behavior of a use case is distributed
among its participating objects.

Sequence diagrams are usually not as good a medium for
communication with the user as use cases are, since
sequence diagrams require more background about the

For clients who know computers well, they are intuitive
and can be more precise than use cases.

In all cases sequence diagrams represent another shift in
perspective and allow the developers to find missing
objects in the requirements specification.
Heuristics for drawing sequence diagrams

The first column should correspond to the actor
who initiated the use case.

The second column should be a boundary object
(that the actor used to initiate the use case).

The third column should be the control object that
manages the rest of the use case.

Control objects are created by boundary objects
initiating use cases.

Entity objects are accessed by control and
boundary objects.
Identifying Associations

While sequence diagrams allow developers to represent
interactions among objects over time, class diagrams allow
developers to describe the inter-dependencies of objects.

An association shows a relationship between two or more classes.
For example, a FieldOfficer writes an EmergencyReport.

Identifying associations has two advantages.
 First, it clarifies the analysis model by making relationships between
objects explicit (e.g., an EmergencyReport can be created by a
FieldOfficer or a Dispatcher).
 Second, it enables the developer to discover boundary cases associated
with links.

Boundary cases are exceptions that must be clarified in the model.

For example, it is intuitive to assume that most
EmergencyReports are written by one FieldOfficer.

Associations have several properties.
 A name to describe the association between the two classes.
Association names are optional and need not be unique globally.

 A role at each end, identifying the function of each class with

respect to the associations
 e.g., author is the role played by FieldOfficer in the Writes association.

 A multiplicity at each end, identifying the possible number of

 e.g., * indicates a FieldOfficer may write zero or more EmergencyReports, whereas 1
indicates that each EmergencyReport has exactly one FieldOfficer as author.

Heuristics for identifying associations

Examine verb phrases.

Name associations and roles precisely.

Use qualifiers(mostly adjectives or nouns) as often as possible to
identify namespaces and key attributes.

Eliminate any association that can be derived from other

Do not worry about multiplicity until the set of associations is

Too many associations make a model unreadable.
Identifying Attributes

Attributes are properties of individual

Properties that are represented by objects
are not attributes.

Developers should identify as many
associations as possible before identifying
attributes to avoid confusing attributes and

Attributes have:
 A name identifying them within an object.

For example, an EmergencyReport may have a
reportType attribute and an emergencyType attribute.

The reportType describes the kind of report being filed
(e.g., initial report, request for resource, final report).

The emergencyType describes the type of emergency
(e.g., fire, traffic, other). To avoid confusion, these
attributes should not both be called type.

A brief description.

A type describing the legal values it can take.

For example, the description attribute of an
EmergencyReport is a string.

The emergencyType attribute is an enumeration that
can take one of three values: fire, traffic, other.

Attribute types are based on predefined basic types
in UML.
Reviewing the Analysis Model

The analysis model is built incrementally and iteratively.

Once the number of changes to the model are minimal and
the scope of the changes localized, the analysis model
becomes stable.

Then it is reviewed, first by the developers (i.e., internal
reviews), then jointly by the developers and the client.

The goal of the review is to make sure that the requirements
specification is correct, complete, consistent, and

Moreover, developers and client also review if the
requirements are realistic and verifiable.

Note that developers should be prepared to discover errors
downstream and make changes to the specification.

The following questions should be asked to ensure that the
model is correct:

Is the glossary of entity objects understandable by the

Do abstract classes correspond to user-level concepts?

Are all descriptions in accordance with the users’

Do all entity and boundary objects have meaningful noun
phrases as names?

Do all use cases and control objects have meaningful verb
phrases as names?

Are all error cases described and handled?

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