Ethics in Construction Engineering Management

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Ethics in Construction

Engineering Management
• Definitions
• Codes of Professional Ethics
• Models of Behaviors
• Basic Case Studies
Ethics Defined
• A concept or study of morality within a
context established by
– cultural values,
– professional values,
– social norms,
– and accepted standards of behavior.
• Values
– Beliefs which guide direct and motivate opinions,
attitudes, and moral obligations
• Ethics
– The study of good and bad, of moral duty, and
moral obligation
• Ethical Standards
– Principles of conduct, how people ought to behave
in a certain situation
So What are Morals?
• Beliefs based on what someone’s
conscience suggests is right or wrong,
rather than on what is legal or illegal.
• Create an Ethical Environment
– Promotes, expects, and rewards ethical
– Conducts all external dealings in an ethical
Code of Professional Ethics
• Code of Professional Ethics for the Construction
Manager (CMAA)
• Code of Ethics by ASCE
• Code of Ethics by AGC
• Code of ethics by U.S. Department of Transportation –
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Construction Management Association of America
Code of Professional Ethics
As a professional engaged in the business of providing
construction management services, and as a member of
the CM profession, I agree to conduct myself in my
business in accordance with the following:
1. Client Service. I will serve my clients with honesty, integrity,
competence, and objectivity, establishing a relationship of
trust and confidence and furnishing my best skills and
judgment consistent with the interests of my client.
2. Representation of Qualifications. I will only accept
assignments for which I am qualified by my education,
training, professional experience and technical
competence, and I will assign staff to projects in
accordance with their qualifications and commensurate with
the services to be provided.
Construction Management Association of America
Code of Professional Ethics
3. Standards of Practice. I will furnish my services in a
manner consistent with the established and accepted
standards of the profession and with the laws and
regulations which govern its practice.
4. Fair Competition. I will build my professional
reputation on the basis of my direct experience and
service provided, and I will compete fairly and
respectfully with my professional colleagues.
5. Conflicts of Interest. I will seek to avoid any and all
conflicts of interest and will immediately acknowledge
any influences and offer to withdraw from any
assignment when any actual conflict exists which
may impair my objectivity or integrity in the service of
my clients.
Construction Management Association of America
Code of Professional Ethics
6. Fair Compensation. I will negotiate fairly and openly
with my clients in establishing a basis for
compensation, and I will charge fees and expenses
that are reasonable and commensurate with the
services to be provided and the responsibilities and
risks to be assumed.
7. Release of Information. I will release public
statements that are truthful and objective, and I will
keep information and records confidential when
appropriate and protect the proprietary interests of
my clients and professional colleagues.
Construction Management Association of America
Code of Professional Ethics
8. Public Welfare. I will not participate in any racial, sexual
or political discrimination related to any assignment I may
undertake. I will avoid any conduct that would be
considered unethical or will interfere or conflict with any
laws, statutes or regulations, and I will uphold the safety,
health and welfare of the public in the performance of my
professional duties.
9. Professional Development. I will continue to develop my
professional knowledge and competency as a
practitioner, and I will contribute to the advancement of
CM practice as a profession by fostering research and
education and through the encouragement of
subordinates and fellow practitioners.
Construction Management Association of America
Code of Professional Ethics

10. Integrity of the Profession. I will avoid actions which

promote my own self-interest at the expense of the
profession, and I will uphold the standards of the
construction management profession with honor and
Code of Professional Ethics
Fundamental Principles
• Engineers uphold and advance the integrity, honor and
dignity of the engineering profession by:
• using their knowledge and skill for the enhancement of
human welfare and the environment;
• being honest and impartial and serving with fidelity the
public, their employers and clients;
• striving to increase the competence and prestige of the
engineering profession; and
• supporting the professional and technical societies of
their disciplines.
Code of Professional Ethics
Fundamental Canons
• Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health and
welfare of the public and shall strive to comply with the
principles of sustainable development in the
performance of their professional duties.
• Engineers shall perform services only in areas of their
• Engineers shall issue public statements only in an
objective and truthful manner.
• Engineers shall act in professional matters for each
employer or client as faithful agents or trustees, and
shall avoid conflicts of interest.
Code of Professional Ethics

• Engineers shall build their professional reputation on

the merit of their services and shall not compete unfairly
with others.
• Engineers shall act in such a manner as to uphold and
enhance the honor, integrity, and dignity of the
engineering profession and shall act with zero-tolerance
for bribery, fraud, and corruption.
• Engineers shall continue their professional
development throughout their careers, and shall provide
opportunities for the professional development of those
engineers under their supervision.
PLUS Model
– P(olitics) - is the decision consistent with
organization policies, procedures and
– L(egal) is it acceptable under applicable
laws or regulations
– U(niversal) does it conform with principles
or values organization has adopted
– S(elf) does it satisfy my personal definition
of right
Some basic case studies to warm up
• The client plans a project and hires Engineer A
to furnish complete engineering services for the
project. Because of the potentially dangerous
nature of implementing the design during the
construction phase, Engineer A recommends to
the client that a full-time, on-site project
representative be hired for the project. After
reviewing the completed project plans and costs,
the client indicates to Engineer A that the
project would be too costly if such a
representative were hired. Engineer A proceeds
with his work on the project.
• Was it ethical for Engineer A to proceed
with his work on the project knowing that
the client would not agree to hire a full-
time project representative?
Code of Ethics:
“Engineers shall at all times recognize that their
primary obligation is to protect the safety,
health, property, and welfare of the public. If
their professional judgment is overruled under
circumstances where the safety, health,
property, or welfare of the public are
endangered, they shall notify their employer or
client and such other authority as may be
"Engineers shall advise their clients or employers
when they believe a project will not be
• Engineer B submitted a proposal to a county
council following an interview concerning a
project. The proposal included technical
information and data that the council requested
as a basis for the selection. Smith, a staff
member of the council, made Engineer B's
proposal available to Engineer A. Engineer A
used Engineer B's proposal without Engineer B's
consent in developing another proposal, which
was subsequently submitted to the council. The
extent to which Engineer A used Engineer B's
information and data is in dispute between the
• Was it unethical for Engineer A to use
Engineer B's proposal without Engineer
B's consent in order for Engineer A to
develop a proposal which Engineer A
subsequently submitted to the council?
Code of ethics:
• "Engineers shall not compete unfairly with other
engineers by attempting to obtain employment or
advancement or professional engagements by taking
advantage of a salaried position, by criticizing other
engineers, or by other improper or questionable
• "Engineers shall give credit for engineering work to
those to whom credit is due, and will recognize the
proprietary interests of others."
• "Engineers shall, whenever possible, name the
person or persons who may be individually
responsible for designs, inventions, writings, or other
• Engineer A is employed as the City Engineer/
Director of Public Works for a medium-sized city and
is the only licensed professional engineer in a
position of responsibility in the city government. The
city has several large food processing plants that
discharge very large amounts of vegetable wastes
into the city's sanitary system during the canning
season. Part of the canning season coincides with
the rainy season. Engineer A has the responsibility
for the disposal plant and beds and is directly
responsible to City Administrator C. Technician B
answers to Engineer A.
• During the course of her employment, Engineer A
notifies Administrator C of the inadequate capacity of
the plant and beds to handle the potential overflow
during the rainy season and offers possible solutions.
Engineer A has also discussed the problem privately
with certain members of the city council without the
permission of City Administrator C. City Administrator
C has told Engineer A that "we will face the problem
when it comes." City Administrator C orders Engineer
A to discuss the problems only with him and warns
her that her job is in danger if she disobeys.
• Engineer A again privately brings the problem up to
other city officials. City Administrator C removes
Engineer A from responsibility of the entire sanitary
system and the chain of command by a letter instructing
Technician B that he is to take responsible charge of the
sanitary system and report directly to City Administrator
C. Technician B asks for a clarification and is again
instructed via memo by City Administrator C that he,
Technician B, is completely responsible and is to report
any interference by a third party to City Administrator C.
Engineer A receives a copy of the memo. In addition,
Engineer A is placed on probation and ordered not to
discuss this matter further and that if she does she will
be terminated.
• Engineer A continues in her capacity as City
Engineer/Director of Public Works, assumes no
responsibility for the disposal plant and beds, but
continues to advise Technician B without the
knowledge of City Administrator C.
• That winter during the canning season, particularly
heavy storms occur in the city. It becomes obvious to
those involved that if waste water from the ponds
containing the domestic waste is not released to the
local river, the ponds will overflow the levees and dump
all waste into the river. Under state law, this condition is
required to be reported to the state water pollution
control authority, the agency responsible for monitoring
and overseeing water quality in state streams and
a) Did Engineer A fulfill her ethical
obligation by informing City
Administrator C and certain members of
the city council of her concerns? If you
were Engineer A, how would you
respond to this situation? Explain your
answer using the Code of Ethics
provided below
Relevant Code of Ethics:
1. "Engineers, in the fulfillment of their professional duties, shall hold
paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public in the
performance of their professional duties."
2. "Engineers shall at all times recognize that their primary obligation
is to protect the safety, health, property and welfare of the public. If
their professional judgment is overruled under circumstances
where the safety, health, property or welfare of the public are
endangered, they shall notify their employer or client and such
other authority as may be appropriate."
3. "Engineers shall act in professional matters for each employer or
client as faithful agents or trustees."
4 "Engineers shall not complete, sign, or seal plans and/or
specifications that are not of a design safe to the public health and
welfare and in conformity with accepted engineering standards. If
the client or employer insists on such unprofessional conduct, they
shall notify the proper authorities and withdraw from further service
on the project."
Thank You

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