Philippine Literature History

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Literature is important because..

It introduces you to fascinating people.

It makes you nicer.
It brings you from places to places.
It makes you appreciate your own culture.
It’s a cure to loneliness.
It prepares you for failure.
Chapter 1

Introduction to the Study

of Literature
Definition of Literature:

The word literature is derived from the Latin term litera which
means letter. It has been defined differently by various writers.

Some loosely interpret literature as any printed matter written

within a book, a magazine or a pamphlet. Others define
literature as a faithful reproduction of man’s manifold
experiences blended into one harmonious expression.

Because literature deals with ideas, thoughts and emotions of

man, literature can be said to be the story of man. Man’s loves,
griefs, thoughts, dreams and aspirations coached in beautiful
language is literature.
In order to know the history of a nation’s spirit, one must
read its literature. Hence it is, that to understand the real
spirit of a nation, one must “trace the little rills as they
course along down the ages, broadening and deepening into
the great ocean of thought which men of the present source
are presently exploring.”

Brother Azurin, said that “literature expresses the feelings of

people to society, to the government, to his surroundings, to
his fellowmen and to his Divine Creator.” The expression of
one’s feelings, according to him, may be through love,
sorrow, happiness, hatred, anger, pity, contempt, or revenge.
literature is anything that is printed, as long as it is
related to the ideas and feelings of people, whether it
is true, or just a product of one’s imagination.

by Atienza, Ramos, Salazar and Nazal
“true literature is a piece of written work which is
undying. It expresses the feelings and emotions of
people in response to his everyday efforts to live, to
be happy in his environment and, after struggles, to
reach his Creator.”
Why We Need to Study Philippine
We can enumerate many reasons for studying literature.

Here are but a few:

 To better appreciate our literary heritage. We cannot

appreciate something that we do not understand.
Through a study of our literature, we can trace the
rich heritage of ideas handed down to us from our
forefathers. Then we can understand ourselves better
and take pride in being a Filipino.
 To understand that we have a great and noble tradition
which can serve as the means to assimilate other

 To realize our literary limitations conditioned by

certain historical factors and we can take steps to
overcome them.

 Above all, as Filipinos, who truly love and take pride in

our own culture, we have to manifest our deep concern
for our own literature and this we can do by studying
the literature of our country.
Of Philippine Literature in English and
Time Frames
It can be said that Philippine literature in English has
achieved a stature that is, in a way, phenomenal since
the inception of English in our culture.

Our written literature, which is about four hundred

years old, is one of slow and evolutionary growth. Our
writers strove to express their sentiments while
struggling with a foreign medium. The great mass of
literature in English that we have today is, indeed, a
tribute to what our writers have achieved in the short
span of time. What they have written can compare with
some of the best works in the world.
Much is still to be achieved. Our writers have yet to
write their OPUS MAGNUMS. Meanwhile, history and
literature are slowly unfolding before us and we are
as witnesses in the assembly lines to an evolving
literary life.

Time frames may not be necessary in a study of

literature, but since literature and history are
inescapably related, it has become facilitative to
map up a system which will aid us in delineating
certain time boundaries.
These time boundaries are not exactly well-defined; very often,
time frames blend into another in a seeming continuum. For a
systematic discussion of the traditions, customs, and feelings
of our people that can be traced in our literature, we shall
adopt certain delimitations.

These time frames are:

Time Frames of Philippine Literature in English

Different opinions prevail regarding the stages that mark the

development of Philippine literature in English. Let us take
the following time frames for purpose of discussion:
1. The Period of Re-orientation: 1898-1910
2. Period of Imitation: 1910-1925
3. Period of Self-Discovery: 1925-1941
4. Japanese Period: 1941-1945
5. The Rebirth of Freedom: 1946-1970
6. Period of Activism: 1970-1972
7. Period of the New Society: 1972-1981
8. Period of the Third Republic: 1981-1985
9. Contemporary Period: 1986
Literature and history are closely interrelated.
In discovering the history of a race, the feelings,
aspirations, customs and traditions of people are
sure to be included . . . and these feelings,
aspirations, customs and traditions that are written
is literature. History can also be written and this
too, is literature. Events that can be written down
are part of true literature. Literature, therefore, is
part of history.
Literature and history, however, also have differences.
Literature may be figments of the imagination or events devoid
of truth that have been written down, while history is made up
of events that really happened.

Literary Compositions that Have Influenced the World.

Among them are:

1. The Bible or the Sacred Writings

2. Koran
3. The Iliad and the Odyssey
4. The Mahab-harata
5. Canterbury Tales
6. Uncle Tom’s Cabin
7. The Divine Comedy
8. El Cid Compeador
9. The Song of Roland
10. The Book of the Dead
11. The Book of the Days
12. One Thousand and One Nights or The Arabian Nights
Literature can generally be divided into two types; prose and

Prose consists of those written within the common flow of

conversation in sentences and paragraphs, while poetry refers to
those expressions in verse, with measure and rhyme, line and
stanza and has a more melodious tone.

a. Novels. A long narrative divided into chapters and
events are taken from true-to-life stories.

b. Short story. This is a narrative involving one or more

characters, one plot and one single impression.



c. Plays. This is presented on a stage, is divided into acts and

each act has many scenes.
Example: THIRTEEN PLAYS by Wilfredo M. Guerrero

d. Legends. These are fictitious narratives, usually about


Example: THE BIKOL LEGEND by Pio Duran

e. Fables. These are also fictitious and they deal with animals
and inanimate things who speak and act like people and their
purpose is to enlighten the minds of children to events that can
mold their ways and attitudes.


f. Anecdotes. These are merely products of the writer’s
imagination and the main aim is to bring out lessons to the


g. Essay. This expresses the viewpoint or opinion of the writer

about a particular problem or event. The best example of this
is the Editorial page of a newspaper.

h. Biography. This deals with the life of a person which may

be about himself, his autobiography or that of others.
Example: CAYETANO ARELLANO by Socorro O. Albert

i. News. This is a report of everyday events in society,

government, science and industry, and accidents, happening
nationally or not.

j. Oration. This is a formal treatment of a subject and is

intended to be spoken in public. It appeals to the intellect, to
the will or to the emotions of the audience.


There are three types of poetry and these are the following:

A. Narrative Poetry. This form describes important events in

life either real or imaginary.
The different varieties are:
1. Epic. This is an extended narrative about heroic exploits
often under supernatural control.
Example:THE HARVEST SONG OF ALIGUYON translated in
English by Amador T. Daguio
2. Metrical Tale. This is a narrative which is written in verse
and can be classified either as a ballad or a metrical romance.
Examples: BAYANI NG BUKID by Al Perez
3. Ballads. Of the narrative poems, this is considered the
shortest and simplest. It has a simple structure and tells of a
single incident. There are also variations of these: love ballads,
war ballads, and sea ballads, humorous, moral, and historical or
mythical ballads. In the early time, this referred to a song
accompanying a dance.

B. Lyric Poetry. Originally, this refers to that kind of poetry

meant to be sung to the accompaniment of a lyre, but now, this
applies to any type of poetry that expresses emotions and
feelings of the poet. They are usually short, simple and easy to
1. Folksongs (Awiting Bayan). These are short poems intended
to be sung. The common theme is love, despair, grief, doubt,
joy, hope and sorrow.


2. Sonnets. This is a lyric poem of 14 lines dealing with an

emotion, a feeling, or an idea. These are two types: the Italian
and the Shakespearean.

Example: SANTANG BUDS by Alfonso P. Santos

3. Elegy. This is a lyric poem which expresses feelings of
grief and melancholy, and whose theme is death.

Example:THE LOVER’S DEATH by Ricaredo Demetillo

4. Ode. This is a poem of a noble feeling, expressed with

dignity, with no definite number of syllables or definite
number of lines in a stanza.

5. Psalms (Dalit). This is a song praising God or the Virgin

Mary and containing a philosophy of life.
6. Awit (Song). These have measures of twelve syllables
(dodecasyllabic) and slowly sung to the accompaniment of a
guitar or banduria.

Example: FLORANTE AT LAURA by Franciso Balagtas

7. Corridos (Kuridos). These have measures of eight syllables

(octosyllabic) and recited to a martial beat.


C. Dramatic Poetry

1. Comedy. The word comedy comes from the Greek term

“komos” meaning festivity or revelry. This form usually is
light and written with the purpose of amusing, and usually has
a happy ending.

2. Melodrama. This is usually used in musical plays with the

opera. Today, this is related to tragedy just as the farce is to
comedy. It arouses immediate and intense emotion and is
usually sad but there is a happy ending for the principal
3. Tragedy. This involves the hero struggling mightily
against dynamic forces; he meets death or ruin without
success and satisfaction obtained by the protagonist in a

4. Farce. This is an exaggerated comedy. It seeks to arouse

mirth by laughable lines; situations are too ridiculous to be
true; the characters seem to be caricatures and the motives
undignified and absurd.

5. Social Poems. This form is either purely comic or tragic

and it pictures the life of today. It may aim to bring about
changes in the social conditions.
Philippine Literature
• A diverse and rich group of works that has evolved side-by-side
with the country’s history. Literature had started with fables and
legends made by the ancient Filipinos long before the arrival of
Spanish influence. The main themes of Philippine literature focus
on the country’s pre-colonial cultural traditions and the socio-
political histories of its colonial and contemporary traditions.
• Genres of literature are important to learn about. The two main
categories separating the different genres of literature are fiction
and nonfiction. There are several genres of literature that fall
under the nonfiction category. Nonfiction sits in direct opposition
to fiction.
Types of Non-Fiction
1. Narrative Nonfiction is information based on fact that
is presented in a format which tells a story.
2. Essays are a short literary composition that reflects
the author’s outlook or point. A short literary
composition on a particular theme or subject, usually
in prose and generally analytic, speculative, or
Types of Non-Fiction
3. A Biography is a written account of another person’s life.
4. An Autobiography gives the history of a person’s life,
written or told by that person. Often written in Narrative
form of their person’s life.
5. Speech is the faculty or power of speaking; oral
communication; ability to express one’s thoughts and
emotions by speech, sounds, and gesture. Generally
delivered in the form of an address or discourse.
Types of Fiction
1. Drama is the genre of literature that’s subject for compositions
is dramatic art in the way it is represented. This genre is
stories composed in verse or prose, usually for theatrical
performance, where conflicts and emotion are expressed
through dialogue and action.
2. Poetry is verse and rhythmic writing with imagery that evokes
an emotional response from the reader. The art of poetry is
rhythmical in composition, written or spoken. This genre of
literature is for exciting pleasure by beautiful, imaginative, or
elevated thoughts.
Types of Fiction
3. Fantasy is the forming of mental images with strange or other
worldly settings or characters; fiction which invites suspension
of reality.
4. Humor is the faculty of perceiving what is amusing or comical.
Fiction full of fun, fancy, and excitement which meant to
entertain. This genre of literature can actually be seen and
contained within all genres.
5. A Fable is a story about supernatural or extraordinary people
Usually in the form of narration that demonstrates a useful
truth. In Fables, animals often speak as humans that are
legendary and supernatural tales.
Types of Fiction
6. Fairy Tales or wonder tales are a kind of folktale or fable.
Sometimes the stories are about fairies or other magical
creatures, usually for children.
7. Science Fiction is a story based on impact of potential
science, either actual or imagined. Science fiction is one of
the genres of literature that is set in the future or on other
8. Short Story is fiction of such briefness that is not able to
support any subplots.
9. Realistic Fiction is a story that can actually happen and is
true to real life.
Types of Fiction
10. Folklore are songs, stories, myths, and proverbs of a person
of “folk” that was handed down by word of mouth. Folklore is a
genre of literature that is widely held, but false and based on
unsubstantiated beliefs.
11. Historical Fiction is a story with fictional characters and
events in a historical setting.
12. Horror is an overwhelming and painful feeling caused by
literature that is frightfully shocking, terrifying, or revolting.
Fiction in which events evoke a feeling of dread in both the
characters and the reader.
Types of Fiction
13. A Tall Tale is a humorous story with blatant exaggerations,
swaggering heroes who do the impossible with an here of
14. Legend is a story that sometimes of a national or folk hero.
Legend is based on fact but also includes imaginative
15. Mystery is a genre of fiction that deals with the solution of a
crime or the unraveling of secrets. Anything that is kept secret
or remains unexplained or unknown.
Types of Fiction
16. Mythology is a type of legend or traditional narrative.
This is often based in part on historical events, that
reveals human behavior and natural phenomena by its
symbolism; often pertaining to the actions of the gods. A
body of myths, as that of a particular people or that
relating to a particular person.

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