Brand and Branding: Jean - Noel Kapferer

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Brand and Branding

Jean – Noel Kapferer

Branding dilemma
• What is brand?
Name,sign, symbol,intended to identify goods
& services of one seller from another
• Branding is decommodification of product

Brand identity Brand image

Perspectives of Perspectives of
Marketer Consumer
Brand name
• “A rose by any other name would not smell as
• Brand name provides an identity which
• Key marketing concept of positioning, imagery
are centered around brand name
Product logic(marketing mix) to
brand logic (meaning and value)

Brand identity prism
Brand Culture - Authors
The Firm Popular
Culture Douglas B.Holt
Brand Stories

Brand Culture
Brand Shared,Stories, Brand
Stories images & Stories

Brand Stories

Influencers Customers
Brand value
• Brand culture (accepted truth about product) can
greatly enhance brand value
• Difference between what a consumer will pay for
branded product and a physically identical product
without brand
• Reputational value perceived product quality
• Relationship value trusted as a long term partner
• Experiential value Shape experience of product
• Symbolic value which expresses values &
• Handling of a large product portfolio
• Brand-product relationship
• Six models in the brand-product relationship
– The product brand;
– The line brand;
– The range brand;
– The umbrella brand;
– The source brand and;
– The endorsing brand
The Product Brand Strategy
• It involves the assignment of a particular
name to one, and only one, product as well as
one exclusive positioning.
• The result of this strategy is that each new
product receives its own brand name that
belongs only to it
• For example, Procter & Gamble-detergent
market by brands ariel, vizir,dash and soap
market by camay ,zest etc.
 The Line Brand Strategy
• This strategy involves the exploitation of
successful concept by extending it but by staying
very close to the product
• For example, L’Oreal hair line products

 The Range Brand Strategy

• It bestow a single brand name and promote
through a single promise a range of products
belonging to the same area of competence
• For example, in food sector it is heinz, green
giant etc.
 Umbrella Brand Strategy
• The same brand supports several products in
different markets.
• Each of them has its own advertising tool and
its own communications
• The main advantage of umbrella strategy is
the capitalisation on one single name and
economies of scale on an international level
• For example, TATA, Palmolive etc.
 Source Brand Strategy
• This is identical to umbrella brand strategy except for
the point that they are no longer called by one generic
• Two tier brand structure
• Sub-branding
• For example, AMUL Masti Dahi

 Endorsing Brand Strategy

• It gives approval to a wide variety of products grouped
under product brands, line brands or range brands
• The brand endorsement can be indicated in a graphic
manner by placing the emblem or in a nominal way
• For example, Johnson products with duck
Brand Equity
• Financial—Goodwill, over a period of time
• What is to be measured
– Clear understanding of concept
– Consumer way of determining the brand
• What are the measures
– Critical, Continuous, Creative
– You can manage what is under your control
• How to measure
Brand Equity
• Brand doesn’t exist in isolation it has to be
understood in relation to category
• Differential account of brand reflecting in behavior
• The brand image consumer feels, thinks and
experiences(the cognitive and affective mixes)
Brand Equity – BRANDZ Model
Strong relationship/
high share of
Nothing else beats it category expenditure
Does it offer something
better than others
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Can it deliver?

Does it offer
me something

Do I
about it Weak relationship/Low share
of category expenditure
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Brand Equity - Resonance Model
Stages of brand Branding objective at
development each stage

Brand building
ona blocks


mance Imagery

Adapting to Market

Brand Kernel
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Brand style
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• Meaning evolve over a period of time, It is
relational, Categories also get redefined
-Brand Management.
• Aligning of People, Structure, Processes.
• Engagement and Complexity should not
disable our thinking/knowledge.
Thank You

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