African Literature

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An introduction
Africa: The Timeline
 The cradle of life
 Egypt
 African countries and regions
 Oral traditions
 Literature
 Colonization
 Modern African Contributions
In the Beginning……
 Anthropologists believe that the first modern
humans (Homo sapiens) began in the
northern regions of the African continent
 Cradle of life
 High number of archeological finds
 Some of oldest fossils
 Homo sapiens: Roughly 100,000 years ago
 African climate is varied in several regions:
Desert, coastline, tropical rain forest, plains
and mountains.
 3000 B.C.-343 B.C.
 First great civilization
 Vibrant and strong empire that centered
on a polytheistic society
 Pantheon of gods and influence on the
middle eastern religious perspective:
Greek, Roman
 Written language: Hieroglyphics
The Golden Age:
 300-1600 AD
 Sculpture, music, metal work and textiles
 Literature plays a huge role in the creation
and success of the empires
 Oral traditions and epics
 Praise poems
 Fables
 Proverbs
 Dramas
Types of literature
 Epics: long narrative that relates deeds of larger-
than-life hero who embodies traits of society
 Proverb: a short, traditional saying that expresses
some obvious truth or familiar experience
 Used to convey accumulated cultural wisdom
 Often use literary elements (metaphors, alliteration,
parallelism, rhyme)
 Oral traditions: stories passed from generation to
generation through word of mouth.
 Dilemma/enigma tale: moral tale that ends with
question to allow audience to share judgments
 Chain/cumulative tale: formulaic, each incident is
repeated as new incidents are added
 The 12 days of Christmas
 A single extended joke
Eastern Africa:
Fasa and Aksum
 Well developed oral
 These were the first great
civilizations that created
full and dominant
cultural footholds in the
northern region of Africa
 These were the center of
trade routes from Rome
all the way to India
 The key to their success
was the development of
a specific and complex
writing system.
African empires
 Old Ghana: A strong
and prosperous
kingdom: Mainly traders
of salt and gold
 Old Mali: Overtook Old
Ghana for supremacy
 Songhai: The last of the
great kingdoms
 Timbuktu: The marriage
of Songhai and Old Mali
empires: Hugely
successful kingdom
Religious and cultural
 Tribal origins are founded in a polytheistic
and nature-based belief system
 4th century A.D. Roman empire introduces
 700 A.D. Islam introduced into the African
 Islam becomes the recognized state
religion of Mali and many eastern nations
in 1235
Literary devices for Africa
 Parallelism  Refrain
 Epithet  Folk tale
 Apostrophe  Trickster
 Polytheistic
vs.  Personification
Monotheism  Proverb
 Omniscient Point of  Metaphor
view  Alliteration
 Legend
 Rhyme
 Oral epic
Colonization of Africa
 Many countries playing economic role in
continent since exploration began
 Power of Islam and Christianity both
fluctuate throughout Africa
 Initial interest: Economic not religious
 Withthe end of slave trade, Western
world needed to fill financial gap
 “Scramble for Africa”: Who gets what part?
 Religious purposes allow for further
 Religious colonization meant to “civilize”
the natives

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