Principles of Learning

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Presented by : Group 4-Green Team

Definition of Learning
Principles of Learning
Laws of learning
Learning - is the acquisition of a
How do we knowledge-base used with fluency
define to make sense of the world, solve
LEARNING? problems and make decisions.
Knowledge Acquisition

How do we
define Application
(Problem Solving, making decisions and making sense
LEARNING? of the world)
1. Learning is an experience which occurs inside the learner
and is activated by the learner.
2. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning and
relevance of ideas.
3. Learning (behavioral change) is a consequence of
PRINCIPLES experience.
OF LEARNING 4. Learning is a cooperative and collaborative process.
5. Learning is an evolutionary process.
6. Learning is sometimes a painful process.
7. One of the richest resources for learning is the learner
8. The process of learning is emotional as well as
9. The process of problem solving and learning is highly
unique and individual.
The process of learning is primarily
1 controlled by the learner and not by the
Learning is an Learning has to do with something which
experience which happens in the unique world of the
occurs inside the learner.
learner and is No one directly teaches anyone anything
activated by the significance…
Students more readily internalize and
implement concepts and ideas which are
relevant to their needs and problems
Within programmatic boundaries, what is
Learning is the relevant is decided by the learner, and must
discovery of the be discovered by the learner.
personal meaning It is necessary that teacher relates lessons
and relevance of to the needs, interests and problems of the
ideas. learners.
For effective learning, giving information is not
3 People learn not from having people told them
but from having experienced it.
Learning If experience is the best teacher, then a teacher
(behavioral change) should make use of experiential learning.
is a consequence of
experience. Experiential learning make use of direct as well
as vicarious experiences.
“Two heads are better that one.”
The interactive process appears to “scratch and
4 kick” people’s curiosity, potential, and creativity.
Through this cooperative approaches, people
Learning is a learn to define goals, to plan to interact and to
cooperative and try group arrangements in problem solving.
collaborative People who invest in collaborative group
process. approaches develop a firmer sense of their own
Teacher should make use more of cooperative
and collaborative approaches.
5 Behavioral change requires time and patience…
Learning situations characterized by free and
Learning is an open communications, confrontation,
evolutionary acceptance, respect, the right to make mistakes,
process. self-revelation, cooperation and collaboration,
ambiguity, shared evaluation, active and
personal involvement, freedom from threat, and
trust in the self are evolutionary in nature.
Change takes time
Behavioral change often calls for giving
up the old and comfortable ways of
believing, thinking, and valuing.
6 However, the pain is usually followed by
appreciation and pleasure in the
Learning is discovery of an evolving idea of a
sometimes a changing self.
painful process. It may good to make our students realize
that learning is a difficult task.
Each individual has an accumulation of
experiences, ideas, feelings and attitudes
7 which comprise a rich vein of material for
problem solving and learning.
One of the
richest resources As a teacher, you must draw these
for learning is learner’s ideas, feelings and experiences.
the learner
Learning is affected by the total state of
the individual.
8 When people’s feeling and thoughts are in
harmony, learning is maximized.
The process of To maximize the acquisition and
learning is internalization of ideas it seems reasonable
emotional as well that the people problems would have to be
as intellectual. dealt with first.
As teachers, let us appeal to our students’
intellect as well as to their emotions.
We need to assist people to define and to make
explicit to themselves the approaches they
9 ordinarily use so that they can become more
effective in problem solving and learning.
The process of
problem solving As people become more aware of how they
and learning is learn and solve problems and become exposed
highly unique to alternative models used by t\other people,
and individual. they can refine and modify their personal
learning styles so that these can be employed
more effectively.
Law of Effect
Law of Exercise
Law of Readiness
LEARNING Additional Laws (Principle)
(Thorndike, 1932) Law of Primacy
Law of Recency
Law of Intensity
Law of Freedom
Learning is strengthened when accompanied
by a pleasant or satisfying feeling.
Learning is weakened when associated with
an unpleasant feeling
Law of Effect Learning takes places properly when it results
in satisfaction and the learner derives
pleasure out of it.
Things most often repeated are
best remembered.
Law of
Students do not learn complex
Exercise tasks in a single session.

Individuals learn best when they

Law of are physical, mentally, and
Readiness emotionally ready to learn, and
they do not learn well if they see
no reason for learning.
Additional Laws (Principles)

Things learned first

Law of create a strong
What is taught must be
right the first time.

Law of
Recency Things most recently
learned best
Additional Laws (Principles)

 The more intense the material

Law of taught, the more it is likely

 Things freely learned are best

Law of  The greater the freedom enjoyed
Freedom by the students in the class, the
greater is the intellectual and
moral advancement enjoyed by

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