Conventional and Non-Conventional Food Methods - Vinita - FinalPPT

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Compiled by Vinita Kaka

Conventional and Non-conventional food methods.

• Everyone knows that the quality of the food we eat affects our health
significantly. We’ve been taught that organic foods are better for our body
and the environment, but with the drastic difference in price, choosing
organic over non organic food may seem hard to justify.

• As such, its crucial to understand the difference between organic(non-

conventional) and non organic(conventional) food labels.

• This presentation is about the differences and benefits between organic

and non organic food methods, specifically:
- What are non organic foods?
- What are organic foods?
- Non organic VS organic
What are Conventional Food Methods?

• Conventional food methods are genetically modified organisms

• Genetically modified foods have certain molecules added or removed from
the DNA of the food product to enhance it in some way.
• A gene is inserted into the organism of the food that it normally wouldn’t
• These genes are usually from a virus or bacteria and it’s designed to alter
the way food is grown.
• For example, when you see abnormally large strawberries or blueberries
at the food stores, most of the time these are genetically modified to
produce larger fruit and often times, to make it sweeter.
• Conventional food are most commonly created to provide higher nutritional
value of food and to also make resistant to pests.
Pros of Conventional Foods

While it might seem unnatural to alter or add organisms into

food products, there are a few benefits of it:

• It costs less to produce Conventional foods

• Fewer weeds invade the crop
• Provides sweeter taste to fruits
• Provides higher nutritionally improved traits to provide health
benefits for consumers.
Cons of Conventional Foods

As with all things unnatural, there comes a few downsides:

• Many plants are now producing bacterial toxins leading to

resistant bugs
• Humans are consuming theses harmful bacterias and toxins
• Conventional are new food sources to humans which causes
allergic reactions to some people
• In rare cases, cancer is found because of the altered chemicals in
food products.
What are Organic Food Methods?

• Organic products are foods free of any harmful chemicals,

synthetic herbicides(a substance used to destroy unwanted
vegetation, toxic to plants), pesticides, antibiotics, drug residues,
and neurotoxins.

• They are almost always more expensive from non-

conventional/non organic foods because they acquire more care
to produce and they need to be certified. Pesticides must also be
organically approved before use which drives the cost up even
Pros of Organic Food

Here is why organic foods might be worth the monetary investment:

• No pesticides can be used when growing organic foods.

• Round up cannot be used with organic crops, round up is a common
herbicide used to kill off weeds.
• Organic crops don’t use hexane. Hexane is a neurotoxin used in common
vegetable oils like soya bean, canola, and corn.
• Organic meats don’t contain any hormones. Many people express concern
that meats with growth hormone can increase the chances of
cardiovascular diseases.
• Animals raised organically aren’t given any antibiotics. This means the
meat produces wont contain any harmful toxins you may have consumed
Cons of Organic Foods

While it may seem like a healthier alternative to adopt a strictly

organic food diet, there are some downsides:

• Organic foods are significantly more expensive than non

organic foods.
• Not all food stores have a wide selection of organic foods.
• Easily gods bad. Organic foods have a shorter shelf life.
They must be consumed soon after purchase.
• Higher bacteria levels since there are very little to no
pesticides and herbicides used on organic foods.
Difference between Organic and Non-Organic
food methods.
Organic Food methods Non-Organic Foods
(Non-Conventional) methods (Conventional)
Difference between Organic and Non-Organic
food methods.
Organic Food methods Non-Organic Foods
(Non-Conventional) methods (Conventional)

• Apply natural fertilizers, such as • Apply chemical fertilizers to

manure or compost to feed the promote plant growth.
soil and plants.
• Use insects and birds, mating • Spray insecticides to reduce pests
disruption or traps to reduce pests and disease.
and disease.
• Rotate crops to manage weeds. • Use chemical herbicides to
• Give animals organic feed and manage weeds.
allow access to the outdoors. Use • Give animals antibiotics, growth
preventive methods such as hormones and medications to
rotational grazing, to help prevent disease.
minimize disease.
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