Gilbert Ryle-WPS Office

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Georgie Solidum
Kizza Marru Samperoy
 Gilbert Ryle was born in Brighton Sussex, England on
August 19,1900. He was born in a prosperous family
together with his 9 other siblings. Ryle's interest in
philosophy was passed to him by his father.
 He went to Queen's College, Oxford in 1919 to study
classics but he was quickly drawn to philosopy which
he graduated with in 1924 with first-class honours in
the new Modern Greats School of Philosophy, Politics,
and Economics.
 Ryle died on October 6,1976 at Whitby in Yorkshire.
 Self as behavior or simply you are how you
 Gilbert Ryle focuses his attention primarily on
human behavior. From his perspective, the self is
best understood as a pattern of behavior, the
tendency or disposition for a person to behave in
a certain way in certain circumstances
 He calls this perspective "logical behaviorism" or
"analytical behaviorism"
 According to Ryle (contrary to the dualistic
view that states mind and body as two separate
entities) our physical bodies are just the
opposite of our minds: our bodies and their
movements are available to everyone, including
ourselves. Our bodies can be observed,
photographed, measured, analyzed, and their
movements can be recorded. Although our
minds are completely private, our bodies and
their movements are completely public.
 "I act, therefore I am."
 Ryle's book entitled Concept of Mind was
recognized on its appearance as an important
contribution to philosophical psychology
 "This is probably one of the two or three most
important and original works of general
philosophy.., both its main thesis and the mass
of its detailed observations will certainly be a
focus of discussion among philosophers for
many years to come…"Stuart Hampshire wrote in
his book review
 Ryle remains a significant defender of the
possibility of lucid and meaningful
interpretation of higher-level human activities
without recourse to an abstracted soul
 One aspect of Ryle's work has been an
important influence on cultural anthropologists
such as Clifford Geertz who approvingly quote
his notion that behavior must be understood
within context. Ryle pointed out that if
someone winks at us without a context, we
don't know what it means. As the context
changes; the meaning of the wink changes
 Gilbert Ryle was born in Brighton Sussex,
England on August 19,1900 and died on
October 6,1976 at Whitby in Yorkshire
 He believes that self is equivalent to behavior
 The self is best understood as a pattern of
behavior, the tendency or disposition for a
person to behave in a certain way in certain
 He calls his perspective "logical behaviorism"
or "analytical behaviorism"
 Although our minds are completely private, our
bodies and their movements are completely
 "I act, therefore I am"
 Ryle's book entitled Concept of Mind was
recognized on its appearance as an important
contribution to philosophical psychology
 Ryle remains a significant defender of the
possibility of lucid and meaningful
interpretation of higher-level human activities
without recourse to an abstracted soul

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