Heat Transfer (EMEM-203) : Instructor Dr. Hatsari Mitsudharmadi

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 Course Structure (weekly)

 4 hours lecture per week
 2 hrs. lecture & 2 hrs

 Homework assignments.
 Labs.
 Quizzes.
Course Assessment


Quizzes 15%

Lab/Assignments 25%

Midterm Exam 25%

Final Exam 35%

Total 100 %
Course Objectives

This is an introductory level course to develop student knowledge in:

 Principles and concepts related to heat transfer.
 Steady heat conduction in solids.
 Forced and natural convection in fluids.
 Heat exchangers concepts.
 Thermal radiation properties
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

 State principles and concepts related to heat

transfer modes. [SO1, SO2]
 Determine steady state temperatures in various solid
geometries. [SO1, SO4]
 Select and apply the appropriate correlation for
convective heat transfer process. [SO2, SO4]
 Define concepts and principles related to heat
exchangers. [SO2, SO4]
 Calculate radiation exchange using radiation
properties and view factor. [SO1, SO4]
Course Topics

 Introduction to heat transfer

 Heat conduction equation.
 Steady heat conduction
 Heat convection
 External flow
 Internal flow
 Natural convection
 Heat exchanger
Course outline
Textbook Experiments (2 contact hours)
Wks. Topic Content
Modes of heat transfer. Safety demonstration of lab equipment
1 Introduction to heat transfer Ch-1
Thermodynamics and heat transfer.
Heat conduction equation. Thermal Conductivity measurement of
2 Heat conduction equation. Ch-2
Thermal conductivity. different materials
Steady heat conduction in plane walls, cylinders &
3 Steady heat conduction spheres. Ch-3
Thermal resistance networks.
Heat generation.
4 Steady heat conduction Ch-3
Extended Surfaces.
Velocity boundary layer. Heat transfer coefficient at different flow
5-6 Heat convection Thermal boundary layer. Ch-6 conditions
Laminar & turbulent flow.
Flow over flat plates. Shell and tube heat exchanger constant and
7-8 External flow Ch-7
Flow across cylinders and spheres. parallel flow rate
9 Midterm Review
Shell and tube heat exchanger constant and
10 Internal flow Flow in tubes. Ch-8
counter flow rate
Physical mechanisms. Shell and tube heat exchanger constant and
Natural convection over surfaces. counter flow rate
11 Natural convection Ch-9
Natural convection inside enclosures and from finned
Types of heat exchangers. Concentric tube heat exchanger, and
12-13 Heat exchanger The overall heat transfer coefficient. Ch-11 measuring overall heat transfer coefficient
Fouling effect.
The log-mean temperature difference method. Plate heat exchangers
14 Heat exchanger Ch-11
The effectiveness-NTU method.

15 Review Review

16 Final exam Final examination review

Course reference book

Principles of Heat and Mass Transfer

Theodore L. Bergman, Adrienne S. Lavine, Frank P. Incropera, David P.
DeWitt, 7th edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2013

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