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PARUL UNIVERSITY - Faculty of Engineering and Technology


Heat Transfer (I03103251)
Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Examination

Credit Total
Externa Internal
LectH Tut Lab l
rs/ Hrs/ Hrs/ T P T CE P
Wee Wee
k k
3 1 0 4 60 - 20 20 - 100
Lect- Lecture, Tut - Tutorial, Lab - Lab, T - Theory, P - Practical, CE - CE, T - Theory, P – Practical


Sr. Topic Weightage
Heat Transfer Fundamentals:

1 Modes of heat transfer, thermal diffusivity and heat transfer 7% 4

coefficient; Differential equations of heat transfer; special forms

Conductive heat transfer:

2 one dimensional problems, heat transfer from extended surfaces, two 13% 8
and three dimensional problems, Insulation
Convective heat transfer:

3 natural and forced convection; Dimensional analysis; 13% 8

Thermal boundary layer; Analogies and Correlations
Design of heat transfer equipment:

double pipe heat exchanger, concept of LMTD, DPHE sizing; shell and
4 tube heat exchanger - Kern's method for design, effectiveness-NTU 33% 20
method, construction aspects in brief, Bell Delaware Method, Design
aspects of finned tube and other compact heat exchangers
Basics of Heat transfer with phase change:

5 - Introduction to boiling, Introduction to condensation 7% 4

Design aspects of Condensers, Reboilers and Evaporators:

6 13% 8
Design aspects of Condensers, Reboilers and Evaporators

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Heat Transfer to Agitated tanks, unsteady state heat transfer: Heat
7 7% 4
Transfer to Agitated tanks, unsteady state heat transfer

8 7% 4
Introduction to Radiative Heat Transfer, Design aspects of Furnaces

*Continuous Evaluation:

It consists of Assignments/Seminars/Presentations/Quizzes/Surprise Tests (Summative/MCQ) etc.

Reference Books:
1. Welty, Wicks, Wilson &Rorrer, Fundamentals of Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer,4th ed.
Wiley (TextBook)
2. Heat transfer (TextBook) Holman, J. P.
3. Process Heat Transfer (TextBook)D. Q. Kern,; McGraw Hill.
4. Heat Transfer Handbook, Bejan, A., A. D. Kraus,; John Wiley (2003).
5. Unit operations of Chemical Engineering (TextBook)
6. Warren L. McCabe, Julian C. Smith, Peter Harriott; Mc-Graw-Hill

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