Carrying Cost: Inventory Costs

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Inventory Costs

1. Carrying Cost CCC

– opportunity cost of capital
– insurance
– breakage, spoilage, pilferage, deterioration,
– handling & storage
– Storekeeping
CC = Carrying cost per unit per annum
f = Company-wide Carrying Cost rate in fraction
Cu = Average Cost per unit of material stocked
CC = f x Cu
CCC = Q/2. CC
Inventory Costs …contd.
2. Ordering Or Set-up Cost CCO
CO = Cost of ordering per order / set up
no = Number of orders placed in a year
Q = quantity ordered per order
CCO = CO * no
3. Purchase Cost CCu = R . Cu
4. Shortage Cost CCs = QS . Cs / 2
Basic Fixed-Order Quantity (EOQ) Model
Total Annual Annual Annual
Annual = Purchase + Ordering + Holding
Cost Cost Cost Cost

TC = RCu + Co + Cc
Q 2

E.O.Q.= Qo=√ 2R.Co/Cc

TVC = √ 2 R. Co. Cc
2. Economic Batch Quantity (EBQ)/
Production Model
Total Annual Annual Annual
Annual = Production + Set up + Holding
Cost Cost Cost Cost

TC = RCu + Co + (1 - r/p)Cc
Q 2

EBQ = QB = √2RCo/Cc(1 – r/ p)
TVC = √ 2 R. Co. Cc.(1 – r/ p)
EOQ Model with Inflation
EOQ (with inflation)
=√ 2R.Co. (1 + i/2)/[ (f – i).Cu]
• Service Level (Fx) can also be calculated by equating
Carrying cost per unit per annum with shortage cost
per unit per annum.
i.e. Cc = Cs
= Csus * Prob. Of shortage * Number of
times shortage situations can occur
in a year
= Csus * (1 – Fx) * R/Q
• (1 – Fx) = Cc * (Q÷R) * 1 / Csus
Fx = 1 - Cc * (Q÷R) * 1 / Csus
Service Level (Fx) can also be calculated by
using the following formula:
Fx = Ku / (Ku + Ko)
where Ku = Opportunity cost of under
stocking an item
Ko = Opportunity cost of over
stocking an item
SAFETY STOCK (constant lead time and normally distributed DDLT)

• For the desired service level, find the value of

Z from the table “Area under Normal Curve”
• Let µL be Mean demand during lead time
(DDLT) and σL be standard deviation of
demand during lead time. Also let x be stock
at which order is placed i.e. ROP
• (X - µL)/σL = Z
• Safety stock is = Z x σL
• Take value of Z = 2.6 (2.33 for 95% service level)
Regression and Seasonal Index
Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
1 520 730 820 530
2 590 810 900 600
3 650 900 1000 650


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Regression and Seasonal Index

Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
1 520 730 820 530
2 590 810 900 600
3 650 900 1000 650
Sum 1760 2440 2720 1780
Regression and Seasonal Index

Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual total

1 520 730 820 530 2600
2 590 810 900 600 2900
3 650 900 1000 650 3200
Sum 1760 2440 2720 1780 8700
Avg 586.7 813.3 906.7 593.3 725.0
Regression and Seasonal Index

Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual total

1 520 730 820 530 2600
2 590 810 900 600 2900
3 650 900 1000 650 3200
Sum 1760 2440 2720 1780 8700
Avg 586.7 813.3 906.7 593.3 725.0
SI 0.809 1.122 1.251 0.818
Regression and Seasonal Index
De-seasonalized data

For year 1 and Q1, 520 / 0.809 = 642.6

Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
1 642.6 650.7 655.7 647.6
2 729.1 722.0 719.7 733.1
3 803.3 802.3 799.6 794.2
Regression and Seasonal Index
De-seasonalized data


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Exponential Smoothing

• The weights used to compute the forecast (moving

average) are exponentially distributed.

• The forecast is the sum of the old forecast and a

portion (a) of the forecast error (A t-1 - Ft-1).

Ft = Ft-1 + a(A t-1 - Ft-1)

Exponential Smoothing
• The smoothing constant, , must be
between 0.0 and 1.0.
• If demand is stable, value of  may be taken
between 0.1 to 0.3 to smoothen out sudden
noise, if any, that might have occurred.
• If demand is slightly unstable, value of 
may be taken between 0.4 to 0.6
• If demand is unstable (generally for new
products), value of  may be taken between
0.7 to 0.9
Example: Central Call Center
Moving Average

CCC wishes to forecast the number of incoming calls it

receives in a day from the customers of one of its clients.
CCC schedules the appropriate number of telephone
operators based on projected call volumes.
CCC believes that the most recent 12 days of call volumes
(shown on the next slide) are representative of the near
future call volumes.
Example: Central Call Center

Moving Average
Representative Historical Data

Day Calls Day Calls

1 159 7 203
2 217 8 195
3 186 9 188
4 161 10 168
5 173 11 198
6 157 12 159
Example: Central Call Center

Moving Average

Use the moving average method with an AP = 3

days to develop a forecast of the call volume in
Day 13.

F13 = (168 + 198 + 159)/3 = 175.0 calls

Example: Central Call Center
Weighted Moving Average
Use the weighted moving average method with an AP
= 3 days and weights of 0.1 (for oldest datum), 0.3, and
0.6 to develop a forecast of the call volume in Day 13.

F13 = 0.1(168) + 0.3(198) + 0.6(159) = 171.6 calls

Note: The WMA forecast is lower than the MA

forecast because Day 13’s relatively low call volume
carries almost twice as much weight in the WMA
(0.60) as it does in the MA (0.33).
Example: Central Call Center

Exponential Smoothing

If a smoothing constant value of 0.25 is used and the

exponential smoothing forecast for Day 11 was
180.76 calls, what is the exponential smoothing
forecast for Day 13?

F12 = 180.76 + 0.25(198 – 180.76) = 185.07

F13 = 185.07 + 0.25(159 – 185.07) = 178.55
Measuring Accuracy

• Accuracy of a forecasting approach needs to be measured

to assess the confidence you can have in its forecasts and
changes in the market may require re-evaluation of the

• Accuracy can be measured in several ways

– Standard Error of the forecast (covered earlier)
– Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD)
– Mean Squared Error (MSE)
Measuring Accuracy

Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD)

Sum of absolute deviation for n periods

 Actual demand -Forecast demand

i i
MAD = i=1

Measuring Accuracy

Mean Squared Error (MSE)

MSE = (SE)2

A small value for SE means data points are tightly grouped around
the line and error range is small.
When the forecast errors are normally distributed, the values of
MAD and S.E are related:
MSE = 1.25 (MAD)
Example: Central Call Center
AP = 3 a = .25
Day Calls Forec. |Error| Forec. |Error|

4 161 187.3 26.3 186.0 25.0

5 173 188.0 15.0 179.8 6.8
6 157 173.3 16.3 178.1 21.1
7 203 163.7 39.3 172.8 30.2
8 195 177.7 17.3 180.4 14.6
9 188 185.0 3.0 184.0 4.0
10 168 195.3 27.3 185.0 17.0
11 198 183.7 14.3 180.8 17.2
12 159 184.7 25.7 185.1 26.1

MAD 20.5 18.0

Example: College Enrollment
• Simple Linear Regression

At a small regional college enrollments have grown steadily over the past six
years, as evidenced below. Use time series regression to forecast the student
enrollments for the next three years.

Students Students
Year Enrolled (1000s) Year Enrolled (1000s)
1 2.5 4 3.2
2 2.8 5 3.3
3 2.9 6 3.4
Simple Linear Regression
• Constants a and b

The constants a and b are computed using the following


  y- x xy
x 2

n  x 2 -(  x)2

n xy-  x y
n  x 2 -(  x)2
Simple Linear Regression

• Once the a and b values are computed, a future value of

X can be entered into the regression equation and a
corresponding value of Y (the forecast) can be
Example: College Enrollment
• Simple Linear Regression

x y x2 xy
1 2.5 1 2.5
2 2.8 4 5.6
3 2.9 9 8.7
4 3.2 16 12.8
5 3.3 25 16.5
6 3.4 36 20.4
Sx=21 Sy=18.1 Sx2=91 Sxy=66.5
Example: College Enrollment
• Simple Linear Regression
91(18.1)  21(66.5)
a  2.387
6(91)  (21) 2

6(66.5)  21(18.1)
b  0.180

Y = 2.387 + 0.180X
Example: College Enrollment

Predicting the future

Y7 = 2.387 + 0.180(7) = 3.65 or 3,650 students

Y8 = 2.387 + 0.180(8) = 3.83 or 3,830 students

Y9 = 2.387 + 0.180(9) = 4.01 or 4,010 students

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