Week 5 Lesson 1 2 Tkam

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Jasper Jones as a

comparative text
Miss Setter
Sticky Definitions

An example of
intertextuality in Jasper
A theme in Jasper Jones in reference to To Kill
Jones with textual a Mockingbird and how it is
reference used to create meaning
As a result of engaging in
this lesson students will…
 Know: The purpose of intertexuality between the
two texts

 Understand: There are many intertextual

references in Jasper Jones and To Kill a

 Do: Give examples of intertextuality- Start

thinking about your essay- what question you
want to focus on
Jasper Jones
 Set in rural Australia 1969- after many of
America’s civil rights upheavals (Martin Luther
King’s freedom movement, Vietnam War protests
and second-wave feminism had begun).

 1967 referendum

 White Australia
History of Aboriginal
Australians living in the South
West of Western Australia
 Entering the twentieth century there was an
extensive inter-relationship between Aboriginal
Women and European and Asian Men= Half

 1905 Act

 Stolen Generation
 Marriage between an Aboriginal and a non-
Aboriginal person illegal unless it had been
approved by the Chief Protector

 Significant for the experiences of ‘half-castes’ like

Jasper Jones (as they were called), and also the
acceptability of his relationship with Laura.
Discussion about the post
viewing questions
 What would you say are Jasper Jones main themes?

 Of which other films or texts did Jasper Jones remind you?


Charlie makes consistent references to To Kill a Mockingbird

in the film. In doing this, Perkins invites the viewer to make
comparisons between the two texts.

 How many character parallels can you find between the

two texts?

 What themes and preoccupations do they share?

 How do they differ?

 Compare and Question: To Kill a Mockingbird and Jasper

 Which character in Jasper Jones do you think is most like

To Kill a Mockingbird’s Atticus Finch? Why?

 Compare Charlie Bucktin and Scout Finch’s character

traits. Where are the similarities and differences? How do
their traits affect the story’s development?

 Boo Radley and Mad Jack Lionel have the opportunity to

meet. What do they say to each other?

 If you had to choose either To Kill a Mockingbird or Jasper

Jones to describe why racial prejudice is wrong, which
would you choose and why?

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