Assessment Task 2 - TWTWB

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Our Backyard Term Four Major Assessment Task

Tomorrow, When the War Began

Your major assessment task for Term Four will demonstrate everything you have learned about John Marsdens heroic tale, Tomorrow, When the War Began. The task is comprised of three components; you will need to choose ONE option for each component.
SECTION ONE: Written Component

Uses your verbal/linguistic skills.

Option One: Themes Essay Choose one of the four key themes we have analysed: COURAGE, SURVIVAL, SACRIFICE or SELF DISCOVERY. Write an essay, explaining what your theme is and how it is portrayed in the text (using the THEMES ESSAY STRUCTURE template to guide you). Essay length: 500 words minimum. Option Two: Themes Presentation Choose one of the four key themes we have analysed: COURAGE, SURVIVAL, SACRIFICE or SELF DISCOVERY. Create an ORAL PRESENTATION or DOCUMENTARY/PODCAST or PREZI/POWERPOINT, explaining what your theme is and how it is portrayed in the text (using the THEMES ESSAY STRUCTURE template to guide you). Presentation length: Five minutes minimum. SECTION TWO: Creative Component

Uses your visual/kinaesthetic skills.

Option One: Comic Strip Choose one main event from the text, for example: When the bridge is blown up, when Corrie is shot, when the planes first fly over Hell, etc. You may choose an action packed scene or you may prefer a more dramatic, emotional moment the choice is yours. Create a comic strip either digitally (using COMIC LIFE) or illustrated on paper, to retell this event. You must ensure that you include dialogue; this can be taken directly from the text or written in your own words. Comic strip length: Nine boxes minimum. Option Two: Dramatic Role Play Choose one main event from the text, for example: When the bridge is blown up, when Corrie is shot, when the planes first fly over Hell, etc. You may choose an action packed scene or you may prefer a more dramatic, emotional moment the choice is yours. Retell this event by presenting it dramatically, either in front of the class or filmed. You must ensure that you include dialogue and drama; this can be taken directly from the text or written in your own words.

Presentation length: Three minutes minimum. SECTION THREE: Reflective Component

Uses your intrapersonal skills.

Option One: Character Analysis Poster Choose one key character from the text; think about which characters you connect with (the ones that you can relate to). Create a poster, profiling your chosen character by outlining who they are, their strengths and weaknesses, key moments in the text that reflect their personality and any other characteristics you can think of (using the CHARACTER ANALYSIS template). Word length: 300 words minimum (plus an attractive layout). Option Two: Character Analysis Diary Choose one key character from the text; think about which characters you connect with (the ones that you can relate to). Write a diary entry, describing a day in the life of this character. With this, you need to ensure you give the reader a sense of who they are, their strengths and weaknesses, key moments in the text that reflect their personality and any other characteristics you can think of (using the CHARACTER ANALYSIS template). Word length: 400 words minimum (plus an attractive layout).

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