Backup Controls It6

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Reporters: Carreos, Rosechelle L.

Centeno, Geralyn D.
Table of Contents:
Definition of Terms
Introduction: Overview of Backup Controls
Presentation Proper
What is Backup and Recovery?
Factors that can corrupt and destroy data
How to recover from such factors?
Four Backup and Recovery Features
Audit Objectives Relating to Database Backup
Audit Procedures for Testing Backup Controls
Importance of Backup and Recovery
Case Study
Definition of Terms:
 Disgruntled- Angry or dissatisfied

 Audit trail- A record of a changes that have been made to a

database or file.

 Hardware- Collective term used to describe any of the

physical components of an analog or digital computer.

 Software- Set of instructions and its associated

documentations that tells a computer what to do or how to
perform a task.
1. What is Backup and Recovery?
2. What are factors that can corrupt and destroy
3. How to recover from such factors?
4. What are the Four Backup and Recovery
5. Audit Objectives Relating to Database
6. Audit Procedures for Testing Backup Controls
7. Importance of Backup and Recovery
Presentation Proper
 the process of creating and storing copies of data that
can be used to protect organizations against data loss.
 Recovery from a backup typically involves restoring the
data to the original location, or to an alternate location
where it can be used in place of the lost or damaged
 A proper backup copy is stored in a separate system or
medium (such as tape), from the primary data to protect
against the possibility of data loss due to primary
hardware or software failure.
Factors that can corrupt and
destroy data:
 External hackers
 Disgruntled employees
 Disk failure
 Program errors
 Fires
 Floods
 Earthquakes
How to recover from such
 The organization needs to reconstruct the
database to prefailure status. Only if the
database was properly backed up
 Organizations must, therefore, implement
policies, procedures, and techniques that
systematically and routinely provide backup
copies of critical data
Four Backup and Recovery
Database Backup
 The backup feature makes a periodic backup of the
entire database.
 Should be a routine activity.
Transaction Log (journal)
 the transaction log feature provides an audit trail of all
processed transactions
Checkpoint Feature
 the checkpoint feature suspends all data processing
while the system reconciles the transaction log and the
database change log against the database.
Recovery Module
 the recovery module uses the logs and backup files to
restart the system after a failure.
Audit Objectives Relating to
Database Backup
 To verify that database backup controls are
adequate to facilitate the recovery of lost,
destroyed, or corrupted data.
Audit Procedures for Testing
Backup Controls
 The auditor should verify from system
documentation that production databases
are copied at regular intervals (perhaps
several times an hour).
 The auditor should verify through
documentation and observation that backup
copies of the database are stored off-site to
support disaster recovery procedures.
Importance of Backup and
 Backup copies allow data to be restored from
an earlier point in time to help the business
recover from an unplanned event.
 Storing the copy of the data on separate
medium is critical to protect against primary
data loss or corruption.
Case Study
Canadian Cloud Backup is an established service provider
specializing in whitelabel (custom branding) cloud backup
solutions that enable customers to offer private cloud
backup services to their clients without giving up their
brand. With its presence in multiple data centers across the
country, the company provides unlimited Canadian-based
data storage capabilities in full compliance with industry
best practices and national data privacy regulations,
including the recently amended Personal Information
Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).
Problem statement
While its existing backup software was popular among
customers because of its user-friendly interface, it could not
back up different types of devices, environments, and
operating systems. Customers need a way to protect not
only traditional physical and virtual server environments,
but also PC/Mac® workstations, laptops, iOS®/Android®
mobile devices, Azure®/Amazon® Web Services (AWS)
cloud workloads, and even cloud services like Office 365®.
Company’s Solution
After careful examination, Canadian Cloud Backup selected
Acronis Backup Cloud, a service specifically designed to
equip service providers with a comprehensive yet simple,
complete, and cost-effective hybrid backup and recovery
solution that can solve their customers’ data problems.
Powered by Acronis Backup Cloud, Canadian Cloud Backup
now delivers a highly customized, reliable service that backs
up data from any source and recovers it to any destination
or system, ensuring that their customers’ data is protected
on any device. Customers have the ability to store data both
locally and in Canadian-based data centers, ensuring that
their data never crosses country borders.
The solution encrypts data both in-transit and at-rest and
will easily scale as their business grows. Acronis Backup
Cloud’s multi-tenant architecture also ensures that
customer data is completely segregated while still allowing
Canadian Cloud Backup to manage their services using a
single web-based console.
 In this report we talked about the backup
controls in database management system. We
present the importance of backup control,
different factors that can corrupt data and how
to recover it from being destroyed. Backing up
your data is an essential task that needs to be
performed regularly. Once done, you'll have
peace of mind that your data is safe. Don’t wait
until a disaster occurs and live to regret it when
your data are lost.

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