2 - Bryophyta 17 Ok

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Dwi Setyati
Mosses in Olympic National Park, WA.
Fuad Bahrul Ulum, S.Si, M.Sc

Fuad Bahrul Ulum, S.Si, M.Sc


• Dorsal: Bagian tubuh yang tidak menghadap subtrat

• Ventral: Bagian tubuhn yang menghadap substrat
• Distal: posisi terjauh dari pangkal
• Proksimal: Posisi terdekt dengan pangkal
• Periklinal: Arah pembelahan sejajar dengan permukaan jaringan
• Antiklinal: Arah pembelahan tidak sejajar dengan permukaan jaringan

Fuad Bahrul Ulum, S.Si, M.Sc

Arah Pembelahan
• Periklinal: pararel
• Vertikal • Antiklinal; tgk lurus
• Tranversal
• Diagonal
Fuad Bahrul Ulum, S.Si, M.Sc
Eight Terms to Learn to understand
Alternation of Generations of Land Plants
Spores – haploid, single cells produced by meiosis

Gametes – collective term for sperm and egg

Gametophyte – haploid plant that develops from a spore and produces gametes by
Gametangium – a “case” holding gametes
Archegonium – flask–shaped container holding the egg cell. (Ancient gonad) The
female gametangium.
Antheridium – The male gametangium
Sporophyte – diploid plant that grows from the zygote and produces spores by meiosis
Sporangium – the “case” holding spores
Gametophytes produce gametes by mitosis.
Gametes are produced in a gamete container called
a gametangium (-ia).

Male gametangia are called antheridia.

Female gametangia are called archegonia.
• Bryophytes are the most simplest and most primitive land plants
• Ø Name bryophyte is derived from two words; ‘Bryon’ = moss; ‘phyton’ = plant
• Ø At present the phylum Bryophyta includes ~ 960 genera and ~ 24000 species

Tumbuhan (Plantae) merupakan organisme eukariotik multiseluler dengan dinding sel

terdiri atas selulosa; kloroplas mengandung klorofil a & b serta karotenoid; tepung
(amilum) sebagai cadangan utama.

Tumbuhan berkembang dari alga hijau dan terbagi

menjadi 2 kelompok utama :
1. Tumbuhan non vaskuler: lumut

2. Tumbuhan vaskuler : paku-pakuan, konifer, dan tumbuhan berbunga.

These are gametophytes of
Different moss species.
Fuad Bahrul Ulum, S.Si, M.Sc
Habit and Habitat of Bryophytes
Ø They are cosmopolitan in distribution
Ø Bryophytes are quite uncommon in marine environments
Ø Bryophytes are terrestrial plants but require water at every stages in their life cycle
Ø They grow usually in moist and shady places
Ø They fail to complete its life cycle in the absence of water
Ø Few bryophytes are truly aquatic and underwater forms(example Riccia fluitans)

Habitat dimana saja, termasuk pada kulit

pohon atau batu-batuan yang terkena cahaya
matahari, asalkan kondisinya lembab.

Fuad Bahrul Ulum, S.Si, M.Sc

Bryophyta mencakup 3 kelmpok besar ( PHYLUM):
1. Lumut hati,
2. Lumut daun,
3. Lumut tanduk.
Fuad Bahrul Ulum, S.Si, M.Sc

Here you can see both gametophyte

and sporophyte, but the sporophyte is
attached to and dependent on the
These are gametophytes of
Different moss species.
Phylum HEPATOPHYTA - liverworts
The gametophyte of liverworts is a simple sheet-like structure called a thallus. It is lobed (like a liver) and dichotomously (2-
way) branched. See the rhizoids in the upper right?
Phylum ANTHOCEROPHYTA - hornworts

The gametophyte is a simple thallus and the

sporophyte, attached and dependent on the
gametophyte, is a horn-shaped structure.
• Chlorophyll a, Starch, Cellulose
• No lignin
• Usually no conductive tissue, sometimes poorly developed tissue
• Gametophyte dominant, perennial
• Sporophyte parasitic on gametophyte
Bryophytes are dependent on water to complete their life cycle
Ø Presence of water is required and essential for the:

§ Dehiscence of mature antheridia

§ Liberation of antherozoids form antheridia
§ Transfer of antherozoids form antheridia to archegonia
§ Opening of archegonial neck
§ Movement of flagellated antherozoids into the archegonial neck.

Ø Life cycle of bryophytes will not complete in the absence of water

Ø Thus they are called as the amphibians of plant kingdom.

Fuad Bahrul Ulum, S.Si, M.Sc

Ciri-ciri Umum
1. Sebagian besar Bryophyta berukuran kecil, kompak, tumbuhan hijau. Seperti alga hijau,
kelompok ini menghasilkan klorofil a & b, tepung, dinding sel : selulosa & sperma motil.

2. Tidak mempunyai jar. vaskuler dan jar. berlignin. Akibatnya, tumbuhan ini tumbuh
menempel pada habitatnya dan absorbsi air melalui kapilaritas.

3. Gametofit mendominasi siklus hidup. Gamet terbentuk melalui mitosis dalam gametangia
multiseluler yang disebut anteridia (♂) dan arkegonia (♀).
• Tiap arkegonium berbentuk botol menghasilkan satu sel telur.
• Tiap anteridium seperti kantong menghasilkan banyak sperma.
• Gametangia dilindungi selubung sel steril
4. Sporofit hidupnya sering singkat dan tidak bercabang serta
menghasilkan sporangium terminal. Walaupun fotosintetik, untuk
sebagian besar hidup sporofit secara permanen atau sebagian
menempel dan tergantung gametofit.

5. Sperma berflagel berenang melalui air menuju ke sel telur. Oleh

karena itu, Bryophyta perlu air untuk reproduksi seksualnya.
Sebagian besar reproduksi Bryophyta adalah aseksual
• Sperm swim from antheridia into archegonia
and fertilize egg
• Sporophyte grows out of archegonium

with egg

Antheridia (LS)
Ø Sex organs are more complex than
thallophytes (algae, fungi and lichens)
Ø Male sex organ is called antheridia
Ø Antheridia are stalked and globose
Ø They have one cell thick sterile jacket
around it for protection
Ø Jacket surrounds a solid mass of fertile cells
called antherocytes
Ø Antherocytes metamorphose into
Ø Antherozoids
are bi-flagellate and thus they are motile (can
swim in water)
Archegonia (LS)
Ø Female sex organ is called
Ø Archegonia is a flask shaped
Ø Archegonia have basal swollen
venter and an elongated upper part
called neck
Ø The ventre and neck are
surrounded by one layer thick sterile
jacket cells
Ø Four to six neck canals cells and
one venter canal cell is present
Fertilization in bryophytes
Ø Water is necessary for fertilization

Ø When antheridia matures, their sterile jacket disintegrate and liberate the motile
anthropoids to the surrounding thin film of water
Ø When archegonia matures, the neck canal cells and venter canal cell disintegrate and
forms a mucilage mass
Ø The cover cells of the archegonia opens and the mucilage ooze out through the pore
into the thin film of water
Ø Antherozoids are attracted by chemicals present in the mucilage and move towards it
by chemotaxis through the thin film of water
Ø Antherozoids enters into the archegonium through neck and venter
Ø Antherozoids fuse with egg to from a diploid zygote

Fuad Bahrul Ulum, S.Si, M.Sc

Ø Sporophyte develop from embryo
Ø Zygote is the first stage in the diploid sporophytic generation
Ø Zygote does not have any resting period
Ø Zygote mitotically divide immediately after fertilization
Ø Bryophyts shows exoscopic mode of embryo development
Ø First division of zygote is always transverse to produce two cells (outer cell
and inner cell)
Ø Outer cell give rise to embryo
Ø Embryo develops within the ventre of archegonium

Fuad Bahrul Ulum, S.Si, M.Sc


• Autotrophic
• Gametophore most important for energy capture
• [In mosses and hornworts some photosynthesis in sporophyte]

• Absorb water and nutrients through leaves/body and rhizoids

Economic importance of Bryophytes:
Ø Mosses are often used for soil conditioning, they increase the aeration and water holding capacity of
Ø Sphagnum moss is also used in air layering
Ø Bryophytes are ecological indicators, they indicate moist, and wet weather condition
Ø Some mosses are air pollution indicators, their absence in the area indicate air pollution.
Ø Some bryophytes indicate copper in the soil (Mielichhoferia elongata, M. mielichhoferi, and
Ø Sphagnum indicate acid condition in the soil
Ø Used to prevent soil erosion (Barbula, Bryum)
Ø Anthoceros can fix nitrogen and can enrich the soil nutrients
Ø Many mosses are attractive and they are used in gardening
Ø Some mosses are used as packing materials, they also have good insect repelling activity
Ø Peat moss is a good fuel, it is extensively used as fuel in many European countries
Ø Sphagnum moss
is used for the preparation of absorbent bandages, they also have good antiseptic properties.

Fuad Bahrul Ulum, S.Si, M.Sc

Morfologi mosses / lumut daun

Fuad Bahrul Ulum, S.Si, M.Sc

Liverworts / lumut hati (thalloid)

Fuad Bahrul Ulum, S.Si, M.Sc

Germination of spores
thallus 1
and development of
young gametophyte Female
5 thallus Antheridia with
Gemmae sperm cells
Spores Male and female Sperm
released gametophyte plants cell

HAPLOID (n) Archegonia

GAMETOPHYTE with eggs 2
Meiosis Fertilization
Tissue derived
from archegonium
Capsule Embryo
mother cells that
undergo meiosis 3

Fig. 22-9, p. 439

Liverworts / lumut hati (leafy)

Fuad Bahrul Ulum, S.Si, M.Sc

Fuad Bahrul Ulum, S.Si, M.Sc
Gametophyte Antheridia at the tip of
plants the gametophyte shoot
Buds on 1 Antheridia
protonema with sperm
Spore cells
Spores 6
Sperm cell
HAPLOID (n) Archegonium
Meiosis Fertilization

Calyptra Zygote
Spore Capsule 4 3
mother cells that Sporophyte
undergo meiosis

Fuad Bahrul Ulum, S.Si, M.Sc
Fig. 22-7, p. 437
Liverwort Gametangia and Sporophyte

Fuad Bahrul Ulum, S.Si, M.Sc


Gametophyte thallus

Fuad Bahrul Ulum, S.Si, M.Sc

Fig. 22-10a, p. 440
Fuad Bahrul Ulum, S.Si, M.Sc
Fuad Bahrul Ulum, S.Si, M.Sc
Fuad Bahrul Ulum, S.Si, M.Sc
Fig. 22-10b, p. 440
Liverwort Gametangia
and Sporophyte



Fuad Bahrul Ulum, S.Si, M.Sc

Fig. 22-10c, p. 440

Fuad Bahrul Ulum, S.Si, M.Sc

Fuad Bahrul Ulum, S.Si, M.Sc
splits open


Gametophyte with
embedded archegonia
and antheridia
Fuad Bahrul Ulum, S.Si, M.Sc
Fig. 22-11b, p. 441
Fuad Bahrul Ulum, S.Si, M.Sc
Next: Embryologi BRYOPHYTA

See You Next…………….

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