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Utilization of radioactive isotopes in

the investigation of biogenetic studies

• The living plants may be considered as a biosynthetic laboratory not
only for the primary metabolites like sugars, amino acids and fatty
acids that are utilized as food by man, but also for a multitude of
secondary products of pharmaceutical significance such as
glycosides, alkaloids, flavonoids, volatile oils, etc.
• Different biosynthetic pathways like
 shikimic acid pathway,
 mevalonic acid pathway,
 acetate pathway.
• Various intermediate and steps are involved in biosynthetic pathway in
plants can be investigated by means of following techniques: -
 Tracer technique
 Use of isolated organ
 Grafting methods
 Use of mutant strain
It can be defined as technique which utilizes a
labelled compound to find out or to trace the
different intermediates and various steps in
biosynthetic pathways in plants, at a given rate
and time.
In this technique different isotope, mainly the
radioactive isotopes which are incorporated into
presumed precursor of plant metabolites and are
used as marker in biogenic experiments.
• The labelled compound can be prepared by use of two types of
 Radioactive isotopes.
 Stable isotopes.
• Radioactive isotopes: - [e.g. 1H, 14C, 24Na, 42K, 35S, 35P, 131I
decay with emission of radiation]
– For biological investigation – carbon & hydrogen.
– For metabolic studies – S, P, and alkali and alkaline earth metals
are used.
– For studies on protein, alkaloids, and amino acid – labelled
nitrogen atom give more specific information.
– 3H compound is commercially available.
• Stable isotopes: - [e.g. 2H, 13C, 15N, 18O]
– Used for labelling compounds as possible intermediates in
biosynthetic pathways.
– Usual method of detection are: – MASS spectroscopy [15N, 18O]
– NMR spectroscopy [2H, 13C]
• Tracing of Biosynthetic Pathway: - e.g. By incorporation of
radioactive isotope of 14C into phenylalanine, the biosynthetic
cyanogenetic glycoside prunasin, can be detected.
• Location & Quantity of compound containing tracer: - 14C labelled
glucose is used for determination of glucose in biological system
• Different tracers for different studies: - For studies on nitrogen and
amino acid. (Labelled nitrogen give specific information than
• Convenient and suitable technique
• The starting concentration of tracer must be sufficient withstand
resistance with dilution in course of metabolism.
• Proper Labelling: - for proper labelling physical & chemical nature
of compound must be known.
• Labelled compound should involve in the synthesis reaction.
• Labelled should not damage the system to which it is used.
• High sensitivity.
• Applicable to all living organism.
• Wide ranges of isotopes are available.
• More reliable, easily administration & isolation procedure.
• Gives accurate result, if proper metabolic time & technique

• Kinetic effect
• Chemical effect
• Radiation effect
• Radiochemical purity
• High concentration distorting the result.
– Preparation of labelled compound.
– Introduction of labelled compound into a biological system.
– Separation & determination of labelled compound in various
biochemical fractions at later time.
I. Preparation of Labelled Compound:
-The labelled compound produce by growing chlorella in
atmosphere of 14CO2 . All carbon compounds 14C labelled.
-The 3H (tritium) labelled compound are commercially
available. Tritium labelling is effected by catalytic exchange in
aqueous media by hydrogenation of unsaturated compound
with tritium gas. Tritium is pure β – emitter of low intensity &
its radiation energy is lower than 14C.
-By the use of organic synthesis:
CH3MgBr + 14CO2 CH3 14COOHMgBr + H2O

CH314COOH + Mg(OH)Br
II. Introduction of labelled compound:
• The precursor should react at necessary site of synthesis in plant.
• Plant at the experiment time should synthesize the compound under
• The dose given is for short period.
1. Root feeding
2. Stem feeding
3. Direct injection
4. Infiltration
5. Floating method
6. Spray technique
III. Separation and detection of compound:
a) Geiger – Muller counter.
b) Liquid Scintillation counter.
c) Gas ionization chamber.
d) Bernstein – Bellentine counter.
e) Mass spectroscopy.
f) NMR eletrodemeter.
g) Autoradiography.
h) Radio paper chromatography.
1. PRECURSOR PRODUCT SEQUENCE: - In this technique, the
presumed precursor of the constituent under investigation on a labelled
form is fed into the plant and after a suitable time the constituent is
isolated, purified and radioactivity is determined.

Disadvantage: The radioactivity of isolated compound alone is not

usually sufficient evidence that the particular compound fed is direct
precursor, because substance may enter the general metabolic pathway
and from there may become randomly distributed through a whole
range of product.

• Stopping of hordenine production in barley seedling after 15 – 20
daysof germination.
• Restricted synthesis of hyoscine, distinct from hyoscyamine in
Datura stramonium.
• This method is applied to the biogenesis of morphine & ergot
2. DOUBLE & MULTIPLE LABELLING: - This method give the
evidence for nature of biochemical incorporation of precursor arises
double & triple labelling. In this method specifically labelled precursor
and their subsequent degradation of recover product are more
Application: -
• This method is extensively applied to study the biogenesis of plant
secondary metabolite.
• Used for study of morphine alkaloid.
E.g. Leete, use Doubly labeled lysine used to determine which
hydrogen of lysine molecule was involved in formation of piperidine
ring of anabasine in Nicotina glauca.
3. COMPETITIVE FEEDING: - If incorporation is obtained it is necessary to
consider whether this infact, the normal route of synthesis in plant not the
subsidiary pathway. Competitive feeding can distinguish whether B & B’ is normal
intermediate in the formation of C from A.


• This method is used for elucidation of biogenesis of propane alkaloids.
• Biosynthesis of hemlock alkaloids (conline, conhydrine etc) e.g. biosynthesis of
alkaloids of Conium maculactum (hemlock) using 14C labelled compounds.
provides information about the position of bond
cleavage & their formation during reaction.
E.g. Glucose – 1- phosphatase cleavage as catalyzed
by alkaline phosphatase this reaction occur with
cleavage of either C – O bond or P – O bond.
5. SEQUENTIAL ANALYSIS: - The principle of this
method of investigation is to grow plant in atmosphere of
14CO2 & then analyze the plant at given time interval to

obtain the sequence in which various correlated

compound become labelled.
• 14CO2 & sequential analysis has been very successfully
used in elucidation of carbon in photosynthesis.
• Determination of sequential formation of opium
hemlock and tobacco alkaloids.
• Exposure as less as 5 min. 14CO2, is used in detecting
biosynthetic sequence as
• Piperitone ----- (-) Menthone -----(-) Menthol in
Mentha piperita.
• Study of squalene cyclization by use of 14C, 3H labelled
mevalonic acid.
• Interrelationship among 4 – methyl sterols and 4, 4 dimethyl
sterols, by use of 14C acetate.
• Terpenoid biosynthesis by chloroplast isolated in organic
solvent, by use of 2- 14C mevalonate.
• Study the formation of cinnamic acid in pathway of coumarin
from labelled coumarin.
• Origin of carbon & nitrogen atoms of purine ring system by use
of 14C or 15N labelled precursor.
• Study of formation of scopoletin by use of labelled
• By use of 45Ca as tracer, - found that the uptake of calcium by
plants from the soil. (CaO & CaCO3).
• By adding ammonium phosphate labelled with 32P of known
specific activity the uptake of phosphorus is followed by
measuring the radioactivity as label reaches first in lower part
of plant, than the upper part i.e. branches, leaves etc.

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