Phonology: Michell Engracia 17063000044

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Introduction to linguistic

Michell Engracia
PHONOLOGY 17063000044
Topics To Be Covered

• What is Phonology?

• What is the differences between Phonology and Phonetics?

What is Phonology?
Phonology is the basis for further
work in morphology, syntax,
discourse, and orthography design

Phonology used for analyzes the sound

patterns of a particular language by
determining sounds are significant, and
explaining how these sounds are
interpreted by the native speaker.
What is Phobology?
Phonemes is one of the units of
sound that distinguish one word
from another in a particular
language. For example, in most
• Phonology studies how these sounds combine and how they
dialects of English, the sound
change in combination, as well as which
patterns sounds
/sɪn/ (sin) can(sing)
and /sɪŋ/ contrast to
produce is one of a set
differences in meaning
two separate describes
words the phones
multiple possible spoken
of phonemes). distinguished by the substitution
of one phoneme, /n/, for another
phoneme, /ŋ/.
Differences between Phonology and Phonetics
• Phonology learn about how the • Phonetics simply describes the
sounds change meaning. The articulatory and acoustic
different of sound can change properties of phones (speech
meaning. sounds). Phonetics learned
about how speech sounds are
produced by the human vocal

Introduction to linguistic

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