Safety Measures in Handling Home Chemicals

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Avoid exposure to detergent.

Use with adequate fresh air ventilation
during and after use.
LAUNDRY Slight to moderate irritant to
After using the product, wash both
hands before eating or drinking.
DETERGENT the eye, skin, and digestive Safety glasses can be worn if there is a
tract. possibility of splashing or being in
contact with the eyes.
If necessary, especially to people with
sensitive skin or with skin disorders,
wear impervious hand gloves.

Eye irritant with direct contact;

may lead to skin irritation with Avoid contact with the eyes. Wear
SOAP prolonged contact.
Can cause vomiting, nausea, or
safety glasses if needed.

diarrhea if large amounts is Do not ingest.


Can form flammable 𝐻2 gas if Keep container closed and away from
it comes in contact with incompatible substances.
certain metals. Ensure that the container is not damage.
MURIATIC React with oxidizing materials, Store in a dry and cool place.
caustic materials, and some Do not mix with metals or alkaline
ACID metals. substances.
Corrosive; can burn eyes and Use old clothes with long sleeves to
skin on contact. prevent the exposure of skin to HCl
fumes. Wear rubber gloves before use.
Use toilet brush to spread muriatic acid
on the rims.
Flush multiple times to help completely
wash off HCl before using the toilet, to
prevent skin burns.
Avoid contact with skin at all times. In
case of spills, neutralize with liquid soda
ash, slaked lime, or sodium bicarbonate.
Wear tight fitting, vapor-proof goggles to
prevent the burning of the mucosa of
Do not inhale the vapors.

Depends on the type of Avoid prolonged contact with

disinfectant, but generally: skin and avoid contact with
DISINFECTANTS • Can irritate eyes, stomach,

lungs and nose. Avoid inhaling directly from

• Cause light-headedness if containers.
one is exposed to alcohol
vapors. Avoid exposure to flames and
extreme heat. Keep product
container firmly close if not
Flammable and may explode. use and when it is being
May aggravate some skin
conditions. Always wear gloves. Wash
thoroughly after use.i

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