The Freeport Mine, Irian Jaya, Indonesia: "Tailings & Failings" - Stakeholder Analysis

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The key stakeholders identified are owners, employees, government, customers, community, competitors, and social activist groups. The document analyzes each stakeholder's legitimacy, power, and urgency.

Owners, employees, government, customers, community, competitors, and social activist groups.

Owners present opportunities for more investment but may withdraw investment if targets are not met. Employees can help achieve goals but their safety, motivation and rights need ensuring. Government can ease operations but regulations may change. Customers mean profit but demand must be fulfilled.


The Freeport Mine, Irian Jaya, GEMA RENDRAHADI - 29118194

Indonesia: “Tailings & Failings”— I MADE DEVANTARA - 29118149

Stakeholder Analysis SORAYA RIZKA K. - 29117527


1. Who are Your stakeholders?

2. What are Your stakeholders’ stakes?
3. What opportunities and challenges do
Freeport Indonesia Your stakeholders present to the firm?
Mine Case 4. What economic, legal, ethical, and
philanthropic responsibilities does the
firm have to its stakeholders?
5. What strategies or actions should the firm
take to best address stakeholder
challenges and opportunities?
1. Who Are Our Stakeholders?
Owners Employees Governments Customers
- Freeport-McMoran (parent - BoD of PT-FI - Indonesian Government - Business purchasers (ex:
company in America/FCX) - Bruce Marshall (begin Smelters in Spain, UK and
- RTZ development of an Japan)
- RTM Shelter environmental
- New Smelter (Mitsubishi management organization
and Flour-Daniels) for Freeport)
- Government - 13% of Amungme people
- PT Indocopper Investima
- Public ownership

Community Competitors Social Activists Groups

- Local Amungme and Kamoro - Newmont - Indonesian Environmental Forum (Wahli)
tribes - Cloud Peak Energy - International Rivers Network
- Arch coal - NGOs at the Biodiversity Convention Conference
- Alpha Natural - Various American and Australian NGOs (Australian Council for
Resources Overseas Aid)
- Foresight Energy
2. What Are Our Stakeholders’ Stake?
Stakeholders Legitimacy Power Urgency
Freeport McMoran Own 81.28% shares of FCX have the power to FCX need PT.FI to mining and
(FCX) FCX. (High) push PT.FI and stop the produce the mining product.
contract (High) (High)
RTZ Own 11.4% shares of FCX Invest up to $750 million They are shareholders, so PT FI
(Medium) to push Irian Jaya mine needs to payback the investment
expansion at least in a short period.(High)
producing 230.000
tons/day. (High)
Mitsubishi & Flour- Joint venture with PT FI. Build the 200,000 Raw materials from the mine are
Daniels (Medium) ton/year smelter in extracted in smelter. (High)
Java. (High)

Government Own 9.36% shares of Have power to impose PT FI have to obey the rule and
PT.FI.(Medium) PT.FI to follow the rule pay taxes. (High)
and pay taxes. (High)
PT Indocopper Own 9.36% shares of May take back the Payback the investment (High)
Investima PT.FI(Medium) investment (High)
Stakeholders Legitimacy Power Urgency

Employees Labour welfare in order Employees may protest if Pay the salaries and
to maintain the their needs are not ensure their safety at
productivity(High) fulfilled (High) work.(High)
Customers Giving orders to the Move their orders to Fulfill their demand.
company. (High) another company. (High) (High)

Community (local tribe) Allow the company to run Their voices are heard by PT FI has to give back to
the business in their the International society.(High)
area. (High) community regarding
their rights.(Medium)
Competitor Doing their own business Acquire PT FI market Monitor competitors
that might threatens PT share (Low) performance (Medium)
FI. (Low)
Social Activists Group Speaks and defends Give criticism regarding PT F.I has to have more
social and environmental the sociocultural and concern to the issues
causes (Medium) environmental that are bring brought
issue.(Medium) up. (Medium)
• Social Activists
• Community

• Government
• Owners
• Competitors
• Employees
• Business Purchasers
3. What Opportunities and Challenges
do Stakeholders Present?
Stakeholders Opportunities Challenges

OWNERS ● More capital Investment for the ● Owner may take back their
business. investment if the company can’t
satisfied their targets.
EMPLOYEES ● High work performance in order to ● Employees lack of motivation
achieve company’s goal. ● Employees safety at work
● Employees right must be fulfilled
GOVERNMENT ● Ease of business operation and ● Changes in government regulation
licensing. regarding the mining industry.
CUSTOMERS ● Profit maximization. ● Customers highly demand on ore
● Long-time business partners that must be fulfilled.
Stakeholders Opportunities Challenges

COMMUNITY ● Labour resources from the ● Conflict with local tribes

community around. regarding the natural
● Maintain good relationship resource scarcity and
with local tribes to ensure environmental damage
the business continuity.
COMPETITORS ● Collaboration or joint ● Competing in the
venture with competitors in proportion of market share
order to develop and in mining industry.
expand the company

SOCIAL ACTIVISTS GROUP ● Implement the triple ● Being accused and critics
bottom line in the business by the social activists
with help from the social regarding the sociocultural
activists group. and environmental issues.
4. Stakeholder/Responsibility Matrix
Stakeholders Economic Legal Ethical Philanthropic
Owners x x x
Customers x x x
Employees x x x x
Community x x x x
Government x x x
Social Activists x x x
Competitors x x
5. What strategies or actions should the firm take to best address stakeholder
challenges and opportunities?

Stakeholder’s Potential of
HIGH Threat to Organization LOW

● Government ● Customers
● Investors (FCX, RTZ, PT Indocopper) ● Employees
Cooperation to Organization
Stakeholder’s Potential for

Strategy : Collaborate Strategy: Involve

● Community (local tribes) ● Social Activists Group

● Competitors

Strategy: Defend Strategy: Monitor


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