Presentation By: Poonam Pitrubhakta

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3G & 4G Mobile

Presentation by:
3G & 4G Mobile
• What is 3G? refers to the third generation of
mobile telephony (that is, cellular) technology. The third
generation, as the name suggests, follows two earlier
• 3G refers to the third generation of mobile
telephony (that is, cellular) technology. The third
generation, as the name suggests, follows two
earlier generations (1G & 2G).

• At the moment 3G is a well-established

mainstream mobile technology around the world.

• 3G allows simultaneous use of speech and

data services and higher data rates (up to 14.0
Mbit/s on the downlink and 5.8 Mbit/s on the
3G & 4G Mobile
• What is 4G?
• Following the evolutionary line of cell phone
f mobile standards,
telephony (that is,that has spanned
cellular) fromThe
technology. 1G,third
2.5G to 3G, 4G
generation, describes
as the the entirely
name suggests, bravetwo
follows newearlier
world beyond advanced 3G networks, the third

• 4G, which is also known as “beyond 3G” or

“fourth-generation” cell phone technology, refers to
the entirely new evolution and a complete 3G
replacement in wireless communications.

• Just as data-transmission speeds increased from

2G to 3G, the leap from 3G to 4G again promises
even higher data rates than existed in previous
generations. 4G promises voice, data and high-
quality multimedia in real-time (“streamed”) form all
the time and anywhere.
3G & 4G Mobile
3G & 4G Mobile
• Evolution of Mobile Network

• First generation (1G): Analog voice systems

• Second Generation (2G): Digital voice systems

• Second Generation – advanced (2.5G): Combining

voice and data communications
• Third Generation (3G): Digital voice and data
– Developing a more general mobile network
• Handling Internet access, email, messaging,
• Access to any services (voice, video, data,
– Requires high quality transmission
• Fourth Generation (4G): All-IP mobile networks
– Wireless communications
– Transparent to any services
– Integrating multi-networks
3G & 4G Mobile
• Application

• Voice
- Voice is and remains the most important type of
application in mobile telecommunications.
- The most important features of ASCI include the
• Voice broadcast service (VBS): the capacity for a
single mobile to talk to a group of mobiles;
• Voice group call service (VGCS): the capacity for a
group of mobiles to talk to each other;
• Enhanced multilevel priority and preemption (EMLPP):
The fact that urgent calls can preempt less urgent calls.

3G & 4G Mobile
• Application

• Messaging
 Multimedia Messaging Services (MMS)
– Text, sounds, images, and video
– Transition from Short Message Service (SMS)
– Open Internet standards for messaging

• Internet Access
 Web Applications
– Information portals
– Wireless Markup Language (WML) with signals using
Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)

3G & 4G Mobile
• Application
• Location-Based Applications
􀁺 Emergency services
• E911 - Enhanced 911
􀁺 Value-added personal services
• Friend finder, directions
􀁺 Commercial services
• Coupons or offers from nearby stores
􀁺 Network internal
• Traffic & coverage measurements

3G & 4G Mobile
• Application
􀁺 Lawful intercept extensions
• Law enforcement locates suspect
􀁺 Location (in 3D), speed and direction
• With timestamp
􀁺 Accuracy of measurement
􀁺 Response time
• a QoS measure
􀁺 Security & Privacy
•authorized clients, secure info exchange, privacy
control by user and/or operator

3G & 4G Mobile
• Application
• Games
- Games will be another major application segment in

• Electronic Agents
- Electronic agents are supposed to play an important
role for mobile working in the future – as agents are
dispatched to carry out searches and tasks on the
Internet and report back to their owners.
- They will be e-assistance, e-secretaries, e-advisors,
e-administrators etc. This kind of control is what
home automation applications anticipate.
3G & 4G Mobile
• Advantages of 3G & 4G Mobile

• Strong position of telecommunications vendors

expected in the marketplace.
• Faster data transmission and higher bit rate and
bandwidth, allow more business applications and
• Has advantage for personalized multimedia
communication tools.
3G & 4G Mobile
• Limitation of 3G & 4G Mobile
• No large user community for advanced mobile data
applications yet.
• Growing divergence between telecommunications
vendors and operators.
• Not possible to offer full internet experience due to
limited speed and bandwidth.
• Comparatively higher cost to use and deploy
infrastructure compared fast mobile generation.
• Since 3G mobile is still in the market, 4G reduces the
market competition in the mobile industry.
3G & 4G Mobile
• Prospects

• Worldwide economy recover stimulates consumption

and consumer confidence, therefore bring in
opportunities for telecommunication sections.
• It is expected and predicted that consumers will
continue to replace handsets with newer technology at
a fast rate.
• Desirable higher data capacity rates, the growth
opportunity for 3G/4G is very bright and hopeful.
• 3G/4G technology would encourage more applications
of e-commerce and m-commerce.

3G & 4G Mobile
• Prospects

• 5G (Real wireless world) (completed WWWW:

World Wide Wireless Web):
- The idea of WWWW, World Wide Wireless Web, is
started from 4G technologies. The following evolution
will based on 4G and completed its idea to form a
REAL wireless world. Thus, 5G should make an
important difference and add more services and benefit
to the world over 4G; 5G should be a more intelligent
technology that interconnects the entire world without
3G & 4G Mobile

• Conclusion

• This term paper was based to differentiate between 3G

& 4G.
• 4G just right started from 2002 and there are many
standards and technologies, which are still in
developing process.
• Therefore, no one can really sure what the future 4G
will look like and what services it will offer to people.
• 4G is the evolution based on 3G’s limitation and it will
fulfill the idea of WWWW(5G), World Wide Wireless
Web, offering more services and smooth global
roaming with inexpensive cost.
3G/4G Mobile Technology

Thank You

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