5 Macro Skills

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The key takeaways are that there are 5 macro skills of language learning - listening, speaking, reading, writing and viewing. These skills allow individuals to communicate effectively.

The 5 macro skills of language learning are listening, speaking, reading, writing and viewing. These skills allow individuals to comprehend and produce spoken language for proper communication.

Listening effectively improves personal relationships through the reduction of conflict and strengthens cooperation through a collective understanding.





When we learn a language, there are 5 skills that we need to
complete in communication. These skills are listening,
speaking, reading, writing and viewing. These 5 skills of
language (also known as the 5 skills of language learning) allow an
individual to comprehend and produce spoken language for
proper and effective interpersonal communication.
The main skills are all basic and very important. They are
called the MACRO SKILLS.
Macro skills refer
When we learn a language, there are 4
skills that we need to complete in
to the primary, key, main, and largest skill
set relative
communication. to are
These skills a particular context. It is commonly referred to
in English
listening language.
, speaking, reading , and
writing. These 4 skills of language (also
known as the 4 skills of language learning)
Listening and speaking are the brain input skills but reading
allow an individual to comprehend and

produce writing
languageare brain output skills.
for proper
and effective interpersonal
“Honor your relationships by developing
listening skills.” - Alan Lokos

Listening effectively
improves personal

Listening is the relationships through

This is a communication
most important the reduction of
technique that requires the
skill in conflict and
listener to understand,
communication. strengthens
interpret and evaluate what
cooperation through a
he or she hears.
Listening is the ability to accurately
receive and interpret messages in the
communication process. Listening is key to all
effective communication, without the ability
to listen effectively messages are easily
misunderstood – communication breaks
down and the sender of the message can
easily become frustrated or irritated.
Activities for Grades 1-3
Bring Me
5W's and 1H
Simple Retelling

Activities for Grades 4-6

1. Watch films that model
conversation skills.
2. Reinforce active listening.
3. Ask open-ended questions.
“Ever ything becomes a little different as soon
as it is spoken out loud.” - Her mann Hesse
In primary schools elocution
Language is a tool for
and recitation are main
communication. We
sources to master the sounds,
communicate with others,
rhythms, and intonation of
to express our ideas, and to
the English language through
know others’ ideas as well.
simple reproduction.

The manifestations of the This assists the learners to

language in games and begin to manipulate the
pair work activities are language by presenting them
encouraging source to with a certain amount of
learn to speak the choice, albeit within a fairly
language. controlled situation.
Activities in Activities in
Grades 1 to 3 Grades 4 to 6
• Oral with rewards • Role Play
• Comparing a • Brainstorming
• Picture Describing • Interviews
• Story telling • Story Completion
“Reading is a way for me to expand my mind,
open my eyes, and fill up my heart.” -
Oprah Winfrey
Reading is a fundamental skill for learners, not
just for learning but for life with reading being
defined as ― the ability to draw meaning from
the printed page and interpret this information
Reading is a learning skill. It helps you
improve all parts of the English
language – vocabulary, spelling,
grammar, and writing.
It helps to develop language intuition in the
corrected form. Then the brain imitates
them, producing similar sentences to express
the desired meaning.
Imagine what your life would be like if
you didn‘t know how to read.
Approximately only 80% of the
world‘s population is reported to be
able to read.
Using skimming or
Reading Skills
scanning technique
to read quickly is
help the
highly effective. students grasp
While reading the content and
underlining of key draw
words is a must. conclusions.
Reading skill development
The students should includes the ability to
also make it a point comprehend and use both
to familiarize listening and speaking skills
themselves with the because you need to:
jargons and new
words by making Hear a word before you
reading a habit be it can say it
reading newspapers, Say a word before you can
articles, books, read it
magazines etc. Read a word before you
can write it
“ W r i t i n g i s a n e x p l o r a t i o n . Yo u s t a r t f r o m
nothing and lear n as you go.” - E.L.
Writing provides a learner with
physical evidence of his
achievements and he can measure
his improvement. It helps to
consolidate their grasp of
vocabulary and structure, and
complements the other language
skills. It helps to understand the
text and write compositions.
It can foster the learner’s ability to
summarize and to use the language
freely. To write flawless language one
should excel in the Writing Skills.
Importance should be given to
composition and creative writing.
These has four main goals for student achievement:
1.To write clearly and creatively to convey a message
2. To communicate ideas, thoughts, feelings, and
3. To understand that writing is a reflective and
interactive process
4. To understand the different purposes, audiences, and
forms for writing
“ W r i t i n g i s a n e x p l o r a t i o n . Yo u s t a r t f r o m
nothing and lear n as you go.” - E.L.
Viewing is a process that supports
oracy and literacy. Understanding visual
images and connecting them to
accompanying spoken or written
words. It involves interpreting the
images for which words stand and
connecting visual images in videos,
computer program and website
Viewing enhances listening
skills when students attend to
nonverbal communication and
visual elements of performance,
video, television, film and
multimedia presentations.
Grades 1-3
Short Videos
Grades 4-6
Movies Multimedia

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