Schistosoma Haematobium: Chisto/copulating - Schistosomes - Gif

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S. haematobium is  Taxonomy and
one of the three
- Kingdom: Animalia
main species of Phylum: Platyhelminthes
digenetic blood Class: Trematoda
Subclass: Digenea
trematodes that Order: Strigeiformes
causes Family: Schistosomatidae
Genus: Schistosoma
Schistosomiasis. Species: haematobium
 The infective larval cercariae enters
the human skin through contact with
contaminated water.
 It sheds its forked tail becoming
schistosomulae which migrates to
several tissues and resides in veins.
 The adult female flukes lays egg
(about 30 eggs/day) which migrates
to the urinary bladder and ureters.
 The eggs are released together with
the urine or feces going back to the
water where it hatches, releasing
 This penetrates the tissue of the host
snail and undergoes a cycle with an
end product of cercariae.
 S.haematobium can
be found in Africa
and Middle East.
 Other species that
schistosomiasis are
found in South
America, Caribbean,
and Southeast Asia
1950 BC: Egyptian pharaohs wrote of urinary bladder
disturbances that probably were schistosomiasis haematobium.
1200 BC: Schistosome ova have been found in mummies dated
from around this time
1851: Theodor Bilharz, a German pathologist, discovered the
parasite while working at Kasr El-Eini Hospital in Cairo
1915: Lieper, an English scientist, discovered the intermediate
snail host
Early: skin rash (swimmer’s itch),fever,
hepatitis, enlarged liver, spleen, and
lymph nodes.
Later, gradual onset: painful or difficult
urination, blood in urine, urethral
obstruction, kidney damage from
obstruction of urine, no urination,
and/or elephantiasis of penis.
 Diagnosis:examination of stool and urine; biopsies of
the bladder, rectum, or vaginal wall
 Therapy: schistosomiasis usually responds well to drug
therapy; corrective surgeries, kidney transplants and
chemotherapy for severe cases
 Prevention: educating the people, use of molluscides,
biologic control of snails, and environmental control to
reduce snail habitat.
Stanford University. 2004. Schistosoma haematobium.
Retrieved last February 17, 2016 from
Center for Disease Control and Prevention. 2012.
Parasites: Schistosomiasis. Retrieved last February 17,
2016 from

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