Human Rights of Women
Human Rights of Women
Human Rights of Women
● Women’s rights are integral to human
● Women face grave human right
violations in every society.
● As perUN records the human right
violation in the case of women not only
include physical violence but also …...
….include deprevation of denial of basic
aminities and means of lively hood like
health,education etc.
● The violation of human rights occurs
in different levels viz.
1.public sphere
2.private sphere
3.religious sphere
● In the religious sphere women are victims
of evil practices like sati,devadasi
etc.Religious treat women as a secondary
to man.The personal laws on
etc.are all gender biased.
● In the private sphere the women faces
atrocities in the forms of domeatic
violences,dowry death etc.
● In the public sphere the violation
occurs in the forms of discrimination
and denial of autonomy individuality
and personality
The major forms of human right
violations faced by women are include
sexual assualt,rape,female foeticide and
infanticide,forced prostitution denial of
education and decision making etc.
The women’s right got the recognition
as human rights after the second world
war.The UN set up the commission on the
status of women in1946with an aim to
protect and monitor women’s right,all over
the world.It adopts a convention on the
Political Right of Women to legalise wome-
n’s right to political participation in 1952
The UN declared 1975 as the
year of women and the period from
1975 to 1985 as the women’s
development decade.The first world
conference on women was held in Mexico
in 1975, adopted a declaration on the
equality of women and their contribution
to development of peace
In 1979,the UN adopted the convention on
the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination Against Women.This
convention which came into force since
1981,is considered as International Bill of
Right of Women.In compliance with the
international initiatives the government of
india had also introduced a number of laws
to protect the right of women.Apart....
from the provision in fundamental rights
and DPSP,the govt inacted
● Minimum Wages Act
● Factories Act
● Maternity benefit Act
● Dowry prohibition Act
● Equal remuneration Act
● Sati prevention Act etc.
On the grounds of gender equality,there
are 10 rights an indian women holds in
india,they are:-
1. Women have the right to equal pay
2. Women have the right of dignity and
3. Women have the right against workplace
4. Women have the right against domestic
5.Female sexual assault victims have the
right to keep their identity anonymous
6.Women have the right to get free legal
7.Women have right not to be arrested at
8.Women have the right to register
virtual complaints
9.Women have the right against
indecent representation
10.Women have the right against being
History of human rights of children
The Geneva declaration of the right of
the child 1924 was the first convention
adopted by league of nations to consider
the rights of the child.TheUDHR confers
right to all humn beings without any
discrimination on the basis of age or
sex.Article 24 of the UDHR stated that a
child is entitled to special care and
The convention on the right of the
child(CRE)1989 is regarded as a
in international efforts to protect child
rights.It provides an international frame
work to determine the right of the
convention entitled the child with 4
categories of rights,they are:-
● Right to survival
● Right to protection
● Right to development
● Right to participation
The government of india ratified the
convention on right of the child on
12th Nov 1992.
The world summit for children was
held in 1990.The following conference also
mention about the different right of the
● World conference on education for
● World conference on environment and
development 1992
● World conference on human rights 1993
● Interntional conference on
population and development 1994
● World summit for social
development 1995
● World food summit 1096
● Second United Nations conference
on Human settlements 1996
Child in india is a victim of different
types of abuses like physical emotional
sexual and commercial abuses.An abuse
means,causing or permitting any harmful
or offensive contact on child’s body or
any communication of transaction of any
kind that of humalitiates shames or
frightens the child.While a physical
abuse indicates a
…physical injury,the emotional abuse is a
kind of phycological maltreatment.The
sextual abuse is the involvement of a
child in a sexual activity whether
forced or consensual that occurs prior
to the age of 18.Child labour,child
prostitution etc.ate forms of
commercial abuses of the child.
The other important problem faced by
children includes discrimination
especially in the case of girl child.
The fundamental rights in the
constitution directly relate to children
● Article 15 (3)requires the state to make
the special provision for the children
● Article 21-A provides free and
compulsory education to all children of
the age 16-14 years
● Article 23 prohibits trafficking of
beings including children.
● Article 24 mandates that no child below
14 yeas can work in any hazardous
occupation or industry
The directive principle of state policy
tha directly related to children are:-
● Article 39(a)&(f)direct that the state
policies are directed towards securing
the tender age of children
● Article 45 states that the state shall
endeavour to provide early childhood
care and education for all children
until they complete the age of 6 years
Members of minorities are entitled to the
realization of all human rights and
fundamental freedoms on equal terms with
others in society,without discrimination of
any kind.The term minorities as used in the
United Nations human rights system
usually refers to national or ethnic
,religious and linguistic minorities
,pursuant to the UN declaration.
The first explicit reference to
minority right was given in the
ICCPR.The cultural rights and right to
religion was entitled to individuals.In
Dec 1992 UN adopted a declaration on
right of person belonging to national
ethnic,religious and linguistic minorities.
Minorities in india are gradually defined
in terms of religion at the national level.As
per the minority commission of india the
minorities include
etc.One of the key institutions to protect
the interest
of the minorities in India is the National
The minorities rights provided in the
Constitution are as under:-
● Article 29(1)-Right of ‘any section of
the citizens’to ‘conserve’ its ‘distinct
languages,script or culture’.
● Article 29(2)-Restriction on denial of
admission to any citizen,to any
educational institution maintained or
aided by the State,,religion,race,caste,...
or any of them.
● Article 29(1)-Right of all religious and
linguistic minorities to establish and
administer educational institutions of
their choice
● Article 30(2)-Freedom of Minorities-
managed educational institutions from
discrimination in the matter of
receiving aid from the State.
● Article 350 A:-Provision for
facilities for instruction in mother
tounge at primary stage.
The word prisoners means any person who
kept under custody in jail or in prison
beacuse he/she committed an act
prohibited by law of the land.Prisoners have
basic legal rights that can’t be taken away
from them.The basic rights include right to
food and water,right to have attorney to
defend himself,protection from
torture,violence and racial harassment
Basic principles for the Treatment of
Prisoners was adopted and proclaimed by
General Assembly resolution 45/111 of
14 Dec 1990.The principles are as
● Prisoners shall be treated with inherent
dignity and valued as human beings.
● No discrimination on the grounds of
rase,sex,colour,language,religion etc
● Respect the religious belief and
cultural precepts of the group to
which the prisoners belong
● All prisoners shall retain the human
rights and fundamental freedoms set
out in UDHR,ICESCR,ICCPR and the
optional protocol as well as such other
rights as are set out in other United
Nations covenants.
● Right of the prisoners to take part in
cultural activities and education aimed at
the full development of the human
● Access to health services without
discrimination on the grounds of their
legal situations
The rights guaranteed in the part lll of
indian constitution are available to prisoner
The Prisoners Act,1894
This act is the first legislation
regarding prison regulation in india.The
following are some of the important
provisions regarding
prisoner’s right:-
● Accommodation and sanitary conditions
for prisoners
● Povisions relating to mental and physical
● Examination of prisoners by qualified
medical officers.
● Separation of prisoners for
and under trial prisoners
● Provisions for treatment of under
trials,civil prisoners,parole and
temporary release of prisoners.
The Prisoners Act,1990
The Prisoners Act 1990 said that;
● It is the duty of govt for the removal
of any prisoners detained under any
order or sentance of any court,which
is of unsound mind to a lunatic asylum
and other place where he will be given
proper treatment
● Any court which is a high court may in
case in which it has recommended to
government the granting of a free
pardon to any prisoner,permit him to
be a liberty on his own cognizance