What Is Poverty

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Poverty is basically a state of a person in which the person doesn’t have the finances for a minimum

standard of living. It means that the income of the person is so low that he or she can’t meet the basic
human needs. People and families with poverty might go without drinkable water, healthy food, proper
houses and medical attention.

The World Bank Organization describes poverty in this way:

“Poverty is hunger. Poverty is lack of shelter. Poverty is being sick and not being able to see a doctor.
Poverty is not having access to school and not knowing how to read. Poverty is not having a job, is fear
for the future, living one day at a time.

Poverty has many faces, changing from place to place and across time, and has been described in many
ways.  Most often, poverty is a situation people want to escape. So poverty is a call to action -- for the
poor and the wealthy alike -- a call to change the world so that many more may have enough to eat,
adequate shelter, access to education and health, protection from violence, and a voice in what happens
in their communities.”
Poverty is basically a state of a person in which the person doesn’t have the finances for a minimum
standard of living. It means that the income of the person is so low that he or she can’t meet the basic
human needs. People and families with poverty might go without drinkable water, healthy food, proper
houses and medical attention.

Based on the economical, social and political aspects Poverty can be identified as different types, which

1. Absolute Poverty- It is basically scarcity of clean drinking water, food, health and houses to live.
People with absolute poverty may struggle to live and child deaths because of preventable
diseases such as malaria, cholera is a common scenario.
2. Relative Poverty- It basically refers to people whose incomes are less than a certain percentage
of people of the country. For example, a family can be considered poor if it cannot afford to buy
presents for their children during Diwali or cannot send them to university.
3. Situational Poverty- It is a period when a person falls below the poverty line because of a
sudden event e.g. divorce, death of the head of family, illness ,loss of job, a natural disaster
such as flood or a pandemic like the current pandemic because of covid-19.
4. Generational Poverty – This type of poverty occurs in the families where at least two
generations have been born into poverty and they don’t have the resources to move out of their
5. Rural Poverty – This type of poverty occurs in rural areas because there are not enough jobs.
People in rural areas have less access to services, comparatively less support for disabilities.
Adding on to this they don’t have good education opportunities.
6. Urban Poverty – Urban poverty is when people in metropolitan areas face challenges such as –
limited or zero access to health and education, no proper housing and services , violence
because of overpopulation and no or very less social protection schemes to protect them.

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