Vedic Math-E-Magic

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 Vedic Maths in short is set of awesome magic like scientific techniques which

allows superfast arithmetic calculations; sometimes faster than calculator or


 Vedic Maths techniques can help you solve most of the calculation problems in
maximum of two steps whereas your daily methods requires 25 to 30 steps. So
no more tedious and boring calculations!

 There are shortcuts for each and every branch of mathematics (that includes
arithmetic, algebra, trigonometry, calculus-differential and integral etc). Or in
short there are shortcuts for any field having calculation in it.
 Very useful even though you have calculator.. Why? because using this
techniques you will be able to do complex calculations before calculator does!!

 This technique are easy to understand, easy to apply, easy to remember with
very less efforts required to learn them. Every thing can be done mentally and
are useful to anybody who have to deal with calculation in any form, anywhere.
This techniques will surely change your attitude towards mathematics.
 Can you multiply 245861 by 115489 and get answer in one line? or can you
multilpy 12345678910111213141516171819 by
999999999999999999999999999 in 10 seconds?

 Can you find cube root of 704969 or 538.7041 orally in seconds?

 Can you find cube of 94 or 104 or 84 in 2 seconds?

 Can you find decimal digit equivalent of 1/19 or 25/89 to atleast 18 digits

 If not, than Vedic Mathematics is for you; because it can do all above and
much more general and complex calculation in few seconds and that too
mentally and easily .....
 Solve Complex Problems Mentally In Seconds With Pin Point Accuracy.

 Solve Maths Problems Mentally With Ease Even If You’re

Absolutely Terrible At Maths.

 Improve your mental maths capability.

 Increase your problem solving speed and score higher in

Competitive exams by being able to complete all problems
within the time allotted ; which most people can’t do!

 You will be able to multiply huge numbers, such as 996 X 993 in your head
as fast as a calculator! and be able to impress everyone with your newly
acquired skill.

 Gives you the confidence and ability to solve problems that make even your
teachers or professors nervous.

 Become a mathematical whiz from the borderline math student in just few
 Make addition, subtraction, multiplication and division a walk in the park
for you.

 Equips you with quick methods to make accurate calculations.

 Solve fractions which even your calculator can't!

 Empowers you to solve simultaneous linear and quadratic equations with

minimal effort.

 Enables everyone who previously struggled with mathematics, to

increase their numerical aptitude!
 Because we have taken years of pain and work
to decode ancient sanskrit Vedic text formulae to
make learning easiest for you; in other words
we actually are the pioneers in teaching vedic

 Learn it with our unique approach in fastest and

easiest way with least efforts and time.
 Learn in steps the concepts of Vedic Maths.

 Learn with easy to follow, idiot proof

explanation and representations.
 Can you multiply 112233445566778899 x 999999999999999999 orally?

 With Vedic Maths you can..!

 To multiply a huge number like 112233445566778899 by same no’s of 9 it seems very tedious,
boring and time consuming work. The way Vedic maths does it is surprisingly simple, see it for
yourself :-
x 999999999999999999
ANS = 1122334455667788988877665544332201

 Explanation:
• When a multiplicand and multiplier are of equal digits then to get the answer, we divide the
answer in two parts;
• The first will contain the (Multiplicand - 1) and second will contain (number of 9’s - first part
of answer)

112233445566778899 <- Multiplicand

X 999999999999999999 <- Multiplier
(112233445566778899-1) / (999999999999999999 - (112233445566778899-1) <- Trick
1122334455667788988877665544332201 <- ANS
 Following is a conventional approach for multiplication
 E.g.: 67 X 99
i) 7X9 = 63 write 3
ii) 6X9 = 54 (a carry over of 6)
iii) 54+6 = 60 (adding the carry over to get 60) write 60
iv) 7X9 = 63 write 3 (& again carry over of 6)
v) 6X9 = 54
vi) 54+6 = 60 write 60
vii) So first write 603
than below it put 0 and than write above value to get 6030
viii) And than we add as follows
ix) 3+0 = 3
x) 0+3 = 3
xi) 6+0 = 6
xii) 0+6 = 6
And we obtain answer as = 6633

This is how much steps & time is required to multiply by conventional method
 By Vedic Maths technique

67 <-- Multiplicand
X 99 <-- Multiplier

( 67-1 ) / (99 – ( 67 -1) ) <-- Trick

66 33 <-- ANS
Course Details & Fees structure

Name of Course Fees* (per student) Total Course Duration Weekly duration
• VEDIC MATHS 1200 12 weeks 2 hrs
Module 1: Level I
• VEDIC MATHS 1200 12 weeks 2 hrs
Module I: Level II
• VEDIC MATHS 1200 12 weeks 2 hrs
Module I: Level III

Vacation Course 1200 2 weeks 15 hrs
Module1:Level 1
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