The Ten Principles of Catholic Social Teaching

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The Ten Principles of

Catholic Social
Dana Jain Angela Mayor Patrick Sarte
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The principle of human dignity states that every
human being has inherent dignity being created
according to the image and likeness of God and
therefore, everyone, regardless of gender, age,
nationality, color, economic status, and belief, is of
great value and is worthy of respect. The dignity
that one possesses is not gained by what one does
or achieved in life but rather, it is something that is
inherently given to him/her by God when he
created him/her as a human being. Your Logo or Name Here
for Human
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The principle of respect for
human life, from the moment of
its conception until its natural
end, is sacred and therefore must
always be valued, respected, and
defended. Your Logo or Name Here 5

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Association the principle of association states
that every human being is by nature Q social
being. People live in a community. By
associating oneself and building harmonious
relationships with fellow human beings, one
meets his/her needs in living a dignified life and
experiencing fulfilment in life The basic unit of a
community or society is the family. It is where
most people learn the fundamental values
needed in living a just and dignified life.
Therefore, it must always be protected from
anything that could destroy or disintegrate it.
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Participation The principle of participation
states that we human beings have the right and
duty to participate in the creation of a just
society where common good is served and
every human right is respected and protected. It
is every individual's right and duty to participate
in any activity that could help one experience
fulfilment for himself/herself and improve
his/her well-being and that of other people
around him/her. No one has the right to prevent
any individual from doing such thing.
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The Principle
Option for
the Poor and
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is founded on the story of the Last Judgment in
Matthew 25:31-46 wherein Christ explicitly told the
people that serving those who are in need is
equivalent to serving Jesus himself. Therefore, for
us to please and serve Christ, we must minister to
the needs of the hungry, thirsty, naked, sick
imprisoned, and strangers for what we do to these
considered least in the society, we do it also unto
Christ. Giving priority to the needs of these people
over acquisition of excess wealth also means
serving the common good for this leads to a more
balanced distribution of earthly goods. Your Logo or Name Here 11

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The principle of solidarity states that we
human beings belong to one family and
therefore, we are expected to love and
serve one another by looking after the
well-being of every member of this big
family. This principle calls us to work for
the good of every people in this world
regardless of race, social status, gender,
and religious affiliation by doing acts of
charity and justice. Your Logo or Name Here 13

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The principle of stewardship states that we must
respect God our Creator by caring for and
cultivating his wonderful creation which he
entrusted to us being his stewards. It is totally
unjust to the Creator to abuse and destroy this
world that we live in since it does not belong to
us but to him and he just asks us to take care of it
and make it productive for our own good. The
principle of stewardship also calls us to make
full use of our talents, skills, and properties not
only for our own good but for the good of our
neighbor. Your Logo or Name Here

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The principle of subsidiarity is about giving
aid or assistance to those who are in need in
a way that is not too much so as not to make
them perennially dependent on others and
not too little as to let them continue to be
lacking in their basic needs. This principle
also states that the higher level of institution
like the government must let the lower level
of institution handle or address the issues or
problems to which they are closer to. Your Logo or Name Here
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The principle of human equality is also
founded on the religious truth that every
human being has equal dignity given by
God having created every human
according to his image and likeness.
Therefore, everyone deserves to be
equally respected and all types of
discrimination can never be compatible
with it. Your Logo or Name Here 19
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The principle of common good is
understood as the attainment of what is
good not only for few individuals but for
the entire community or society as well.
This can be realized by providing a just
structure or condition where all people
live a dignified life, enjoy their rights,
and reach the fullest of their potentials
as human beings. Your Logo or Name Here 21
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