Subject: Computer: Submitted To: Mr. Harsh Pratap Singh Submitted By: Hemang Upadhyay

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Subject: Computer

Submitted to: Mr. Harsh Pratap Singh

Submitted by: Hemang Upadhyay
 There are lot of carrier options in computer field. Computer
science requires full concentration and a good knowledge
about subject. Their are a lot of persons who are on the top
and belongs to computer science field.

 Some of the carrier options are mentioned here

 Software developers create software programs that allow
users to perform specific tasks on various devices, such as
computers or mobile devices. They are responsible for the
entire development, testing, and maintenance of software.

 Software developers must have the technical creativity

required to solve problems uniquely. They need to be fluent
in the computer languages that are used to write the code
for programs.
Communication skills are vital for securing the necessary
information and insight from end users about how the
software is functioning.
 Database administrators analyze and evaluate the data
needs of users. They develop and improve data
resources to store and retrieve critical information.

 They need the problem-solving skills of the computer

science major to correct any malfunctions in databases
and to modify systems as the needs of users evolve.
 Computer hardware engineers are responsible for designing,
developing, and testing computer components, such as
circuit boards, routers, and memory devices.
 Computer hardware engineers need a combination of
creativity and technical expertise. They must be avid
learners who stay on top of emerging trends in the field to
create hardware that can accommodate the latest programs
and applications.
 Computer hardware engineers must have the
perseverance to perform comprehensive tests of systems,
again and again, to ensure the hardware is functioning
Computer systems analysts assess an organization's computer
systems and recommend changes to hardware and software to
enhance the company's efficiency.
 Because the job requires regular communication with managers
and employees, computer systems analysts need to have
strong interpersonal skills. Systems analysts need to able to
convince staff and management to adopt technology solutions
that meet organizational needs.
 Also, systems analysts need the curiosity and thirst for continual
learning to track trends in technology and research cutting-edge
 Systems analysts also need business skills to know what is best
for the entire organization. In fact, similar job titles are business
analysts or business systems analysts.
 Computer network architects design, implement and
maintain networking and data communication systems,
including local area networks, wide area networks,
extranets, and intranets. They assess the needs of
organizations for data sharing and communications.
 In addition, computer network architects evaluate the
products and services available in the marketplace.
Computer network architects test systems before
implementation and resolve problems as they occur after
the set-up is in place.
 Computer network architects need to have the analytical
skills to evaluate computer networks.
 Web developers assess the needs of users for
information-based resources. They create the technical
structure for websites and make sure that web pages are
accessible and easily downloaded through a variety of
browsers and interfaces.
 Web developers structure sites to maximize the number
of page views and visitors through search engine
optimization. They must have the communication
ability and creativity to make sure the website meets its
user's needs.
 Information security analysts create systems to protect
information networks and websites from cyber attacks
and other security breaches. Their responsibilities also
include researching trends in data security to anticipate
problems and install systems to prevent issues before
they occur.
 Security analysts also need strong problem-solving
skills to investigate breaches, determine the causes, and
modify or repair security systems.
 Computer programmers write the code that enables
software to operate as intended by software developers.
 The computer science major equips students to master
common computer languages used to create programs
and to understand the logic and structure of languages
so that they can more easily learn new computer
 Computer programmers debug problems with existing
programs and modify programs as the needs of end
users change.
 Computer and information systems managers analyze a
company's technology needs and oversee the
implementation of appropriate data systems. They need
to be able to evaluate software, hardware, networking,
and other technology resources for purchase or
 Since computer and information systems managers
hire, train and supervise staff. Interpersonal skills are
vital in this role. They must be strong leaders who can
communicate effectively with their staff.
 Project managers in the IT sector coordinate the efforts
of a team of programmers and analysts to complete
projects. They also analyze technical problems for their
company or a client organization, proposing solutions
and tips to enhance productivity.
 Problem-solving skills and a broad knowledge of
technology and computer systems help computer
science, majors, to excel in this role.

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