Ecommerce Through Email, Whatapp Business Accounts, Videos, Facebook Marketting

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through email, whatapp business accounts,

videos, facebook marketting
Email Basics

• What is an Email – an electronic message

transmitted over a network from one user to

• Can be as simple as a few lines of text, or

include attachments such as pictures or
What Makes Up An Email

• The Header

– Who sent the email.

– To whom the mail is sent.
– When the email was sent.
– The email subject.
– The size of the email.
What Makes Up An Email

• The Body

– Contains the message.

– May also contain an attachment.

• Attachments

– If not embedded within the body, attachments

are sent along with the email.
E-mail address

Format of an email

The Mail Folders
• Inbox – new messages as well as messages that have
been read
• Outbox – messages not yet sent
• Sent items – messages that have been sent (moved
here from outbox)
• Deleted items – messages deleted from any folder
• Custom folders – additional folders created by the user
Additional E-mail Capabilities
• Address Book
– Contains the e-mail addresses of frequent
– Enables you to enter an alias; e.g., “Bob”
instead of the complete address
• Distribution List
– A set of e-mail addresses stored under one
– Ideal for your professor to e-mail the class
How Email Works

• Forms in which clients appear:

– Application based - these are installed onto user’s

machines and include Microsoft Outlook and the freely
available Outlook Express and Eudora or Mozilla
Thunderbird etc.

– Web based - these appear in a web browser’s window

and include Hotmail, Yahoo and Outlook web client.
How Email Works
 Provides a list of messages that people have sent to you. Each
entry in the list contains the name of sender, a subject, a few
words from the message body and the time/date on which it
was received.
 Provides the ability to read a complete message, reply to it or
forward it to other people.
 Provides the ability to compose a new message and send it to
the desired recipients.
 Delete a message.
There could be many advanced abilities that e-mail clients may
provide but whatever the type of e-mail client be, the core
abilities described above are provided by all type of clients.
How E-mail works

How email works
This e-mail first goes to the SMTP server (also known as MTA (Mail
transfer agent) ) to which the e-mail client is connected.
The e-mail server looks out for the recipients address. The address is of
the form <name>
The e-mail server first uses the DNS technique to resolve the domain
name into a valid IP address.
Next it sends the e-mail to this IP address over the Internet.
Now the e-mail traverses over the Internet in a series of IP packets and
reaches the destination SMTP server or the MTA.
This server collects all the e-mails and places them to appropriate
location so that these are accessible to your e-mail clients through POP or
IMAP services.
How Email Works
 An email server is typically a combination of processes running on a
server with a large storage capacity – a list of users and rules, and
the capability to receive, send and store emails and attachments.

 These servers are designed to operate without constant user


 Should process emails for months as sending, receiving and

maintenance tasks are carried out at scheduled times. The client
only has to connect to the email server when it sends and
checks/receives new email.

 Sometimes it may be permanently connected to the server to allow

access to shared address books or calendar information – this is
typical of a LAN-based email server.
How Email Works
 Most email servers conduct email services by running two
separate processes on the same machine.

 One process is the POP3 (Post Office protocol 3) server,

which holds emails in a queue and delivers emails to the
client when they are requested.

 The other is the SMTP (simple mail transfer protocol) server

that receives outgoing emails from clients and sends and
receives email from other SMTP servers.

 These two processes are linked by an internal mail delivery

mechanism that moves mail between the POP3 and SMTP
Send and receive e-mail
• To send an e-mail message:
– Press the New Mail button on the Outlook Express toolbar
– Type in the e-mail addresses of the recipient
– Type your subject matter
– Type your message and then click the Send button
• To retrieve mail that has been sent to you:
– Click the Send/Recv button on the toolbar
– Outlook Express will contact your e-mail server and download your e-mail
• To reply to a message:
– Click the Reply button
– The recipient address and the subject matter are automatically filled in
– When you have completed typing your reply, click the Send button

New Perspectives on Browser and E-mail

Basics Tutorial 1
Use Email Marketing to Connect with E-Commerce Customers

• If you operate an online store, what do you think is

the most effective marketing strategy for converting
visitors into customers?
• Social Media! Nope.
• Email marketing is at the top of the list for e-
commerce owners, coming in second only to organic
search. Just how profitable can email marketing be
for your e-commerce business? For every dollar that
e-commerce businesses invest in email marketing,
they make $38.
Identify Your Goal

• Not every e-commerce email marketing campaign is

designed to motivate people to buy something in the
immediate term. Some campaigns are created to increase
loyalty, increase the number of followers a retailer has on
social media, or generate goodwill. Before you start your
campaign, identify what you want it to achieve.
• For example, let’s say you want to build loyalty with an
email blast. A common approach is to offer some sort of
“thank you”, such as a discount. This is a decent attempt,
but what does it do to get the customer to invest in your
• Toys R Us took this approach when they offered an incentive for
providing customer feedback. This approach is great for several
• Taking the time to fill out the survey makes the customer feel
more invested in your brand.
• The customer feels that you value their opinion, which is
important in building loyalty.
• The incentive is an entry in a drawing which will keep recipients
engaged to see if they won.
• At the cost of a single $250 gift card, which only cost the company
a percentage of that, this is a highly profitable email marketing
Resist multiple Goals
• While you might want to get as much
information across in one email campaign as
possible, resist the temptation to include
multiple goals in a single campaign. Multiple,
disconnected CTAs in a single email will not
only confuse your subscribers, but also make
analyzing the success of your campaign more
Automate Your Emails

• Automate Your Emails

• Now that you know what you want to achieve with your email
campaign, how do you plan on getting it out to all your subscribers?
• As an e-commerce business owner, you are busy enough. You don’t
need the added stress of figuring out how to send out hundreds,
possibly thousands of emails. This is where a professional email
service becomes your best friend.
• Email service providers such as Mailchimp and AWeber make email
automation a breeze, no matter the size of your subscriber list. There
are dozens of efficient, reputable email providers out there. Take your
time and research to see which one offers you the best in terms of
available services, fees and customer support before you commit.
Choose A Template

• Choose A Template
• Think email templates are boring? Think again!
• Sure, your email template needs to include basic
information like the name of your business, contact info
and a CTA, but that doesn’t equal boring. As an ecommerce
business, you depend on imagery to sell your product or
service. Keep this in mind as you are choosing an email
template. Make sure there is plenty of available space to
for high quality images.
Get Personal

• Get Personal
• Modern technology makes it possible to personalize emails in a
way that goes beyond addressing the recipient by name. There
are multiple ways of personalizing your ecommerce emails that
will inspire people to react and engage.
• How about tailoring your emails for these specific niches?
• New customers via a welcome message
• Birthday month messages
• Based on buying habits
• Special events, such as back to school, holidays, tax return season
• Thank you messages post purchase
Create Original, Engaging Content

• Create Original, Engaging Content

• Every time you send a message to your existing or
prospective clients, your content should be original and
engaging. Redundant copy will only encourage readers to
click “unsubscribe”.
• Plus, boring and repetitive content speaks poorly for your
brand image in general. If you can’t create lively, engaging
content for your emails, why should potential customers
believe that the products or services the you offer are any
better? This is your chance to build your image with your
Always be original and Engaging
• Just as your content should always be original and
engaging, it should also be concise. Consumers have
an increasingly shorter attention span so it’s vital
that you say want to communicate as succinctly as
possible. If you can say it five words instead of eight,
do it.
• Content creation can be tricky. If you’re worried
about your ability to create material that’s
compelling, unique and concise, consider hiring an
experienced copywriter.
• If your emails aren’t optimized for easy viewing on mobile devices, stop
what you are doing and fix it now.
• 80 percent of internet users have a smartphone, and depending on your
market, that number will go up. Especially if you are targeting millennials.
This means that there is a really good chance that your email will be
opened on a mobile device. What will your subscribers get when they
open it?
• Emails that have been optimized for mobile should include:
• Short subject lines
• Highly visual content
• Short, scrollable content
• Well designed CTA buttons
• A link to your mobile optimized web page.
Create Compelling Subject Lines

• Create Compelling Subject Lines

• What inspires you to open an email? If it’s not the name of the person who sent it, it’s
probably what’s in the subject line. Like you, many consumers read an email’s subject line and
then decide whether or not they’re going to open it.
• Your subject line should communicate the immediate value of opening your email. Here are a
few topic ideas for great e-commerce subject lines:
• Discounts and Specials: Highlight the value you are offering
• Last Chance Deals: Last chance to stock up on a favorite? Let them know in the subject line.
• Solutions: Does your product or service offer a solution to a problem or need of your target
• Highlights: Are you featuring a top name in your current collection? Place their name in the
subject line.
• New Arrivals: Has a long-anticipated product or service arrived?
• Referrals: Highlight a referral initiative in the subject line.
• Personalize: Including a personal element such as a name or a birthday greeting will increase
your open rate.
Make Signing Up Easy

• Make Signing Up Easy

• Don’t limit your list of subscribers to people
who’ve made purchases from your store in the
past. Make it easy for prospective shoppers to
sign up for your emails by adding a signup
form to your website’s homepage. If you have
an active blog and social media pages, make
sure to add webforms to each of those
platforms as well.
Segment Your Email List

• Segment Your Email List

• While your email list contains information that can be vital
to your success, you can increase the value your list has for
your business by segmenting it. By creating specific groups
of targeted shoppers, you’ll be better able to send content
that is relevant and meaningful to each group.
• You can segment your list in accordance with several
factors, such as what people have done when they’ve
visited your website, their shopping preferences and
personal traits, just to name a few.
Prepare Sequences

• Prepare Sequences
• Ecommerce retailers will find success by sending a
sequence of individual emails, each one designed to move
the consumer one step further along in the buying
process. Two of the most important email sequences you
need to be optimizing are your welcome and abandoned
cart series.
• Your welcome series should include a sequence of
messages that warm the subscriber to your brand. You can
accomplish this by highlighting your brand reputation,
service quality and value.
Up-Sell And Cross-Sell

• Up-Sell And Cross-Sell

• Selling to someone who has already made a purchase from
your e-commerce store is easier than making a sale to someone
new because you’ve already established trust. This gives you
the chance to up-sell and cross-sell to your exiting clientele.
• After someone makes a purchase from your online store, you
can send an email that suggests complementary items. Sending
a digital sales receipt is also a good idea because they have high
open rates. You can include a special offer along with the sales
receipt or an incentive for the recipient to send referrals your
way or write a review of your e-commerce business.
Mention Wish Lists

• Mention Wish Lists

• If people have taken the time to create wish lists, you can
use this information to create custom messages. You can
follow up to remind consumers about what they wanted
to buy. You can send notices that a desired product is
now in stock and can be shipped on the same day.
• A wish list is a personal touching point that you can
capitalize on through email marketing. Be sure you have
a dedicated landing page for people who click through
the emails that discuss their wish lists.
Use Images And Video

• Use Images And Video

• People are visual creatures by nature. You can
take advantage of this by incorporating images
and videos into your email content to make more
of an impact on your subscribers, which is
especially important for e-commerce businesses.
• Even if you decide to go the text only route with
your email, you can still include links to product
images or relevant video content in your message.
Work With A Local Digital Marketing Agency

• Work With A Local Digital Marketing Agency

• If you want to make the most of your email
campaigns, you should consider working with
a local digital marketing agency that has
experience with the e-commerce industry.
Bolster your online store to the next level of
success. Find your
e-commerce digital marketing partner now.
E commerce through whatsapp
E commerce through whatsapp.
• WhatsApp, with a presence in over 180 countries, continuously comes up with new
features to make the lives of its users simple and set higher standards of quality
communication around the industry. With the introduction of end-to-end encrypting,
live location sharing, group phone and video calling, visible last seen and read
messages, indication of forwarded messages and more, WhatsApp has earned the
trust of several successful companies, around the globe, by keeping their data private
and secure and their business communication technologically driven.

Customers now want to communicate with businesses with the same ease in which
they can reach their friends and family. With WhatsApp Business, its
1.6 billion-plus customers who send more than 60 billion messages per day , now have
a chance to communicate with their favorite brands in the way they want. As e-
commerce companies have limited physical customer interaction, it is important that
they make their online interactions instant, easy and powerful. Using a platform like
WhatsApp, allows businesses to do just that. Here are some ways in which e-
commerce firms can leverage this dynamic platform:
• Visibility

Businesses can create a WhatsApp Business profile in 3 easy steps:

• Use your business phone number to sign up
• Settings > Business Settings > Profile Add your business address, working hours,
website links, social media URLs, contact information and other details
• After the WhatsApp team verifies your business, your profile is created and good to go

• Having a business profile on
WhatsApp helps businesses create visibility by providing an opportunity to connect wi
th customers directly
, expanding reach to global reach and thus, increasing the potential growth of the
company. Through this profile, businesses can also provide company information to
customers that can help them connect to you easily. In such a way you are always
connected to each and every customer
Organized communication

• Organized communication

Businesses can now easily organize all their customer communication. With
the options of using “labels” as we create folders to organize emails,
businesses can label each conversation into a specific category and quickly
find the exact information when needed. Companies can also create a
‘broadcast list’ by adding the contact information of a group of customers to
the list. With this, they can send messages to multiple people at once,
without them seeing the other recipients. Moreover, since businesses use
different communication strategies for different customers, they can also
create separate lists for customers, for example, a list for ‘regular customers’,
‘potential customers’ and so on.
• This enables them to send all the required information to the specific
category, at once. Since all the communication takes place through one
platform, businesses can easily track their interactions with each
customer. In addition, through the search feature available on WhatsApp,
businesses can also search for particular keywords to find the exact
sentence out of all the conversations.

For example, if there is a miscommunication of pricing, businesses can

search for the keyword and locate the exact communication they had with
the customer regarding their costs. In such a way, no party can falsely
accuse the other. In a similar way, if a company representative has
forgotten what the customer had reached out to them for, he can easily
track down the conversation and provide all the information, the
customer needs.
• Instant Analytics

Businesses can now get instant analytics for their

communication process. Carefully understanding their past
communication patterns, businesses can gain keen insights
that can help them drive future business planning. Business
can now enjoy access to immediate information on the
status of each communication through powerful messaging
features available on WhatsApp like last seen detail,
message delivery status and the indication of read
Two-way communication

• Two-way communication

Every business can utilize efficient two-way communication
with their customers, depending on their needs. This means
that customers can initiate Customers can directly contact you
for additional information or assistance through WhatsApp’s
private channels. When they need to change their hotel
reservation or receive a new boarding pass after flight changes,
they can message you and you can solve the problem then and
there. Customers no longer need to call your business line, pass
through IVR, stay in the queue and then get in touch with a
customer representative.
Multimedia attachments

• Multimedia attachments
• WhatsApp conversations with businesses as and when they need
additional information, have queries or want to give feedback. With
the inclusion of 7 different multimedia attachments- audio, video,
documents, images, location, contact information, and text, you can
answer customer queries you can enrich your message and ensure
that you are providing them with all the required resources. Your
customer wants the same perfume they bought last month but is no
longer in stock? No problem. You can now notify them when it is back
in stock and even send a picture of the product to ensure its the one
they are looking for. Using GPA for live location sharing, you can share
a link with customers that can easily help them track their delivery,
on WhatsApp.
Quick replies

• Quick replies
• With quick replies, you can send more
messages with lesser effort. It lets you save
and reuse messages that are frequently sent
out to customers so you can easily send the
saved answer for frequently asked questions
in no time.
Reply during non office hours.
• Don’t keep customers waiting! Reply to customers even when
they message you during non-business hours and keep them
updated about when to expect a response. You can also
automate greeting messages at the start of your conversation for
new customers.
• E-commerce businesses can send PNR status, QR codes and
more to ensure that all their processes are running smoothly
and important data can only be accessed by the authorized user.
The WhatsApp Business API helps you reach your customers on
a platform they frequently use. You can gather instant feedback
through their replies and leverage the data you receive to
understand your customers and serve them better.
Facebook e commerce
Fb e commmerce
• Don’t just take my word for it. According to Facebook reports, by the end of
2018, 2.32 billion users were on the platform. If you had any doubts about your
ecommerce audience being there, set them aside – your potential customers
are most certainly there, regardless of your industry, business size, budget, or
goals. Sure, Facebook has had its fair share of bad publicity, rising costs, and
targeting changes in the last year; however, the tech giant continues to reign
supreme as the least expensive online advertising channel and its robust
targeting options are incomparable to others.
• If you’re looking to get started with Facebook Ads for ecommerce to propel
your marketing efforts and drive sales, keep on reading. In this guide, you’ll
• How to identify your target audiences on Facebook
• How to select the proper Facebook campaign objectives
• How to set your accounts up for Facebook ecommerce success
• Before you begin driving Facebook ecommerce sales, let’s take a few
steps back and lay the foundation of your account. Begin by setting
up an advertising account for your business in
Facebook Business Manager. This is where you will house all of your
business assets, such as your business Page, Ads Manager account,
and your Catalog (more on this later).
• Next, whether you are ready to begin advertising or not, generate
the Facebook Pixel in Ads Manager and implement it on your
website. With this pixel installed, you can begin tracking users for
future benefits, such as custom audience creation and targeting, and
tracking both overall performance and conversions. You can also use
pixel-generated data to improve your Facebook ecommerce
Funnel-based Facebook ecommerce campaigns

• Facebook ecommerce campaigns: Awareness

• Awareness campaigns are excellent introductory points. Test
these with a cold audience that is not yet familiar with your
products. These campaigns are typically lower in cost as they
are top of the funnel.
• In these ads, say hello, introduce yourself, just as you would
when meeting someone in real life. Don’t start off with a hard
sell, as that may be off-putting. After all, you wouldn’t attend
a networking event and say, “Hello, nice to meet you, give me
money.” Would you? We haven’t been acquainted yet, so you
might – but the chances you’ll get that money will be slim.
Traffic campaign
• As users get further down your Facebook funnel but have
not yet converted, test out a traffic campaign. It’s an
excellent method of driving more traffic to particular product
pages, which can increase your chances of sale. Admittedly, I
use this campaign objective as our introductory point over
an awareness or reach campaign for Facebook ecommerce
clients, because we can drive users to the website and tag
them with the pixel so in the case that they don’t convert.
That way, we can retarget them to come back later with new
messaging around features or special promotions. The
former awareness options may not get us that far.
Facebook ecommerce campaigns: Conversions

• Now that your audience knows you, it’s time to get down to
business and encourage them to return and make that
purchase. Launch a conversion goal campaign with warmer
audiences. One tactic that is effective here is retargeting a
warm audience, such as previous website visitors, page visitors,
cart abandoners, or newsletter subscribers, by enticing them to
come back to your site and complete the purchase.
• For conversion campaigns, stepping it up a notch with a
stronger call to action such as “Shop Now” is effective in
increasing your chances of a sale, as seen in the Nisolo shoe ad
below. If you have a special promotion to share, this is a good
time to incentivize.
Facebook algorithms
• fb algorithms tends to be more rewarding to advertisers if
they can achieve the selected campaign goal. For example, if a
conversion campaign is selected and does not drive many
conversions, Facebook will see that campaign and its assets as
irrelevant to the audience, thus providing a poor user
experience on their platform. Word has it that if you aren’t
able to complete about 30 goals per day, your impression-
share will decrease over time and costs will go up. The adverse
seems to be true as well in that if you are able to drive high
goal completion rates, impression share goes up and costs
decrease. It’s a “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” type of
relationship between Facebook and advertisers.
• Good news for Facebook ecommerce sellers:
Products can be advertised using every
ad type on Facebook. If you’re looking to
showcase a single product, try single image or
video ads. If you have multiple products,
Carousel ads and Collection ads are optimal
here, as they give users more options to
choose from and can increase your chance of
a sale.
Catalog sales

• Catalog sales
• Single creative ads and Carousel ads can use used in all campaign
objectives except Catalog Sales. For this campaign objective,
you’ll need to use Collection ads.
• Collection ads may sound and appear similar to Carousel ads, but
they are much more personalized, customizable, and automated.
Carousel ads, as seen above, scroll left to right with individual
slides. Collection ads, on the other hand, take up more screen
real estate for a catalog-like shopping experience, as seen here.
Video adds
• Did you know?
Visitors who view product videos are 85% more likely to buy tha
n visitors who do not
, according to Internet Retailer. Need we say more as to why
video ads are stepping stones to Facebook ecommerce success?
• Video leaves less to the imagination and manages customer
expectations. It’s also a faster visual way to connect with your
audience. From showcasing your brand story or products in
awareness campaigns to displaying new features or customer
testimonials in conversion retargeting campaigns, there are
endless creative possibilities of how to advertise your products
to drive that sale through Facebook video ads.
• As an ecommerce brand, you have the luxury of using a variety of
Facebook’s features to your advantage. From an introductory to a
conversion point, you will not find yourself in a bind as there are
many variables to explore and test as an advertiser of every
experience level.
• If you have a smaller inventory, start small with single creative or
Carousel ads. As you grow and have a better understanding of what
works well and what does not, evolve your Facebook ecommerce
efforts into Catalog Sales campaigns with dynamic ads. Stick to
targeting audiences with relevant messaging as it relates to their
place in the funnel, and you’ll be sure to see a healthy return on
your Facebook ecommerce advertising investment.
Ecommerce using video
Video blogs
• When it comes to buying products online, your customers want to
see what they're getting.
• You might have invested in high-quality product images, written
irresistible descriptions, and even gathered reviews of your
products, nothing tells the story quite like an engaging video.
• Potential customers are more likely to fall in love with a product if
they can see how it works and why other customers are raving
about it.
• Creating eCommerce videos may seem like a big investment, but
the payoff is always worth it. In fact, it’s projected that by 2020
videos will make up to 80 percent of all internet traffic. You want a
piece of that digital pie, don’t you?

• The statistics on video marketing speak for themselves.

• Marketing blog Hubspot found that 78 percent of people watch online videos every
week and 55 percent watch them daily.
• Did you know that next to Google, YouTube is the second most trafficked website on
the web?
• What this shows us is that the majority of people watch videos online regularly..
• There’s no doubt this shapes the way that customers interact with content, absorb
information, make buying decisions, and share content across the web. Those are eyes
that you want to see your eCommerce brand and products.
• Not only does video content receive a lot of traffic, it can also play a role in
conversions. Landing pages with video content have been shown to experience an
80 percent increase in conversions. For email campaigns, even the mention of “video”
in the subject line shows a 19 percent higher open rate.
• Video content is no longer a “tactic” for showcasing your products online — it’s an
entire strategy. Video marketing is especially effective for eCommerce businesses.
• Video marketing allows you to tell a story about your
products and engage your potential customers in a unique
way. Videos bring your products to life.
• While a still photo and a short description give an idea of
what your product is about, in a video, you can
demonstrate all of the benefits and features.
• You can show what it’s like when other customers use your
product, what they love about it, and what makes your
brand better than the rest. You can use humor, tell a story,
or even create a music video.
• Benefits of eCommerce Video Marketing
• Explain how to use your products
• Describe all of the features and functionality
• Share happy customer reviews
• Create a story around your product
• Tell customers about your business mission and values
• Show your product in action
• Compare your product to your competitors
• Instill more confidence in potential customers
• Drive home the benefits and what makes you stand out
• Video content helps your potential customers become more comfortable about your
product. They can see with their own eyes the quality of the product.
• It also makes it easy for users to share your content on social media, increasing brand
awareness and broadening your reach.
• Creating viral video content could mean major business benefits for your eCommerce
Short videos
• You can address common questions that customers
have, talk about what makes your brand unique, or
announce the release of a new product. Just as you
would plan out your content marketing, you can
plan out your video content with a script, an offer,
and plan for where to share your content.
• Sometimes short, concise, authentic videos work
best for getting potential customers to trust your
brand. No need for all the bells and whistles. Just
put your best foot forward.
Product tutorial
• Current and potential customers can both
benefit from product tutorial videos. You can
show a new customer how to use a product,
the benefits, and address any questions
people may have.
Animated videos
• If you don’t want to be in the video yourself or
hire an actor to be in the video, animated
videos are also an option. You can find digital
animators online to create fun and colorful
videos that are sure to catch a potential
customer’s attention.
• No one likes to read a lengthy manual. By creating
product set-up and installation videos, you can
better explain to customers how to set up their new
• Users are constantly searching for information about
products they are already using. Having videos
around their common questions is great for search
engine optimization (SEO), which will drive more
traffic to your eCommerce store or YouTube channel.
• While there are many places where users can check
out reviews of your products, nothing is quite as
convincing as a video testimonials.
• For one, it’s much harder to fake video testimonials,
so potential customers are more likely to trust the
reviews as authentic. Further, videos are much
more engaging than reading reviews online. Once
users see those smiles on your customers’ faces,
they’ll feel inclined to shop at your online store too.
Expert interviews
• Interviewing experts, either about your
products or a topic that is of interest of your
audience, is a great way to build authority in
your industry. People love to learn new things
and hear about upcoming trends from the
Instagram /fb live
• With the emergence of live video, such as Facebook
Live and Instagram Live, there’s no need for your
videos to be pre-recorded.
• Simply log into your social media account, plan your
message, and go Live. Not only can you talk to your
followers in real-time, but you can then share your
video on social media or upload it to YouTube to be
repurposed into more content.
• Live video is incredibly interactive and is a great way
for followers to connect with your brand.
Story boards
• The most effective type of video content is story-based videos.
These videos don’t just describe your product, they create a
narrative around it that your potential customers will remember.
• Think of Nike shoe ads. They don’t just describe the features and
benefits of the shoe. They show someone playing sports,
enjoying their life, and connecting with friends, all while wearing
Nike shoes. With that approach, the enjoyment on the actor’s
face is all users need to see to be convinced that Nike products
will improve their life.
• With story-based videos, you can create that sense of
connection with your potential customers.

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