An Approximate Realization of A Black Body As A Tiny Hole in An Insulated Enclosure

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An approximate realization of a black body as a tiny hole in an

insulated enclosure.
Black-body Radiation

2.9 x 10-3 m
l peak = T(Kelvin)
Light intensity

lpeak vs Temperature

2.9 x 10-3 m
T l peak = T(Kelvin)

3100K 2.9 x 10-3 m

(body temp) =9x10 -6m
infrared light

58000K 2.9 x 10-3

visible light
(Sun’s surface) 58000 =0.5x10-6m
Stefan-Boltzmann Law
• The energy radiated by a blackbody
radiator per second per unit area is
proportional to the fourth power of the
absolute temperature and is given by
• Wien's displacement law states that the
wavelength distribution of thermal
radiation from a black body at any
temperature has essentially the same
shape as the distribution at any other


where λmax is the peak wavelength, T is the absolute

temperature of the black body, and b is a constant of
proportionality called Wien's displacement constant, equal
to 2.8977685(51)×10−3 m·K
Rayleigh–Jeans law

• the Rayleigh–Jeans law attempts to

describe the spectral radiance of
electromagnetic radiation at all
wavelengths from a black body at a given
temperature through classical arguments.
Black-body Radiation & the
Quantum Hypothesis

Max Planck

Physics 100
Chapt 20
Max Planck came up with a solution to the problem
that involved two assumptions:
• The radiation inside the blackbody is absorbed
and re-emitted from the walls. The wall is
composed of "resonators" which can have only
certain discrete energy values, En = nhf, where
n is a positive integer called the "quantum
number", f is the frequency of the resonator, and
h is Planck's constant:
h = 6.626×10-34J s
• We say that the energy of the resonators is
• The second assumption is that the
electromagnetic radiation is also quantized, it
comes in packets called photons. When
radiation is absorbed or emitted, the resonator
changes from one quantum state to another; if
the resonator does not change state, no
energy is emitted or absorbed. If the resonator
changes from the state with n=3 to the state
with n=2, then a photon is emitted with energy
E = 3hf - 2hf = hf.
With the addition of these assumptions, Planck
was able to explain the observed blackbody
spectrum exactly.
Classical vs Quantum world
At atomic &
In everyday life, subatomic scales,
quantum effects quantum effects
can be safely are dominant &
ignored must be considered

Laws of nature
This is because developed without
Planck’s constant consideration of
is so small quantum effects do
not work for atoms

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