Sexual Self
Sexual Self
Sexual Self
What is your sexual self?
■ Sexual health, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and values around
Important role of an individual’s sex in lifelong
development (Hurlock 2001, p.32)
■ Increasing societal pressures to develop attitudes and behavior patterns that are
considered appropriate for members of their sex.
■ Learning experiences are determined by the individual’s sex.
■ Attitude of parents and other significant family members towards individuals based
on their sex.
Sexual Development
Five Circles of Sexuality
1. Sensuality: awareness and feeling about your own
body and other people’s bodies, especially the body of a
sexual partner.
2. Sexual Intimacy: ability to be emotionally close to
another human being and accept the closeness in
3. Sexual Identity: a person’s understanding of who
he/she is sexually, including being male or female.
4. Reproduction and Sexual Health: capacity to
reproduce and behaviors and attitudes that make sexual
relationship healthy and enjoyable.
5. Sexualization: behaving sexually to influence,
manipulate, or control other people.
The Chemistry of Lust,
Love, and Attachment
■Lust: driven by the sex hormones
(testosterone and estrogen)