Academic Performance of Student-Athletes: Basis For Decision Making

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Shaira Camille P. Abad

Kimberly F. Galinzuga
Ashlyn Kacey L. Gojetia
Mylene S. Nano
Niel Jhon Selades
Chapter 1
The academic per formance of student -athletes is a current and highly
publicized topic in secondar y education. The relationship between the extra-
curricular and academic per formance of student athletes as a basis for
deciding whether to pur sue athletics or academics has been questioned by
parents and students as well. The concerns are whether student-athletes
receives adequate learning and do they per form well in academics.

In Albor National High School, we want to know the academic

per formance of the student athletes despite their involvement in athletic
events. We want to know if their academic per formance is significantly
decreasing or not. We want to know if their involvement in athletics will have
an impact on their academic per formance or not.

Although there are many studies that already exists, but there are no
study about this topic that is conducted here in Albor, Libjo, Dinagat Islands.

The purpose of this study is to accurately describe whether joining an

athletic event will have an ef fect to the academic per formance of the student
athletes. And, whether being a student athlete is a good thing to improve
their academic per formance or not.
This research study aims to determine the students-athletes
academic per formance as basis for decision making in Albor National High
School, S.Y. 2019-2020.

 1 . What is the demographic profile of the respondents considering:

 Age
Grade level

 2. What is the academic per formance of students in terms of:

 Before the athletic event
 After the athletic event

 3. Is there a significant dif ference on the academic per formance of the

student-athletes before and af ter the athletic event?

 4. What extent is the decision of the student athletes in terms of:

 Continue being a student athlete
Focus more in their academic performance
The findings of the study are expected to benefit the following:

 School Administrators. It will ser ve as guide to the school

administrators in formulating school rules and regulations for the
welfare of the student athletes so that there academic grades will
not be affected.

 Teachers. The teachers will follow the school rules crafted by the
school administrators regarding the welfare of the student athletes,
they can also look for a remedy so that the student athletes’
academic per formance in his/her class will not be affected by
conducting remedials etc.

 Students: They would have a clearer decision whether they should

pursue athletics or should they focus more on their academic
performance. Students may have a better academic performance
once they have decided properly.

 To the Future Researchers. This will serve as their guide when

conducting a research similar to this. They will not only rely on
the internet but also on this research. This will able to open up
new ideas in conducting another study.

This study is about the decision making of student

athletes and its relation to their academic performance.
In choosing the respondents in this study, random
sampling will be applied in all student athletes of the
Junior High and Senior High Department of Albor National
High School (Albor, Libjo, Dinagat Islands) for S.Y 2019-
2020. They will be asked using researchers-made
instrument such as Descriptive research method
regarding their decision making with its relation to their
academic performance. Data gathering will be done
during October-December, 2019 in Albor National High
School. The data that will be gathered shall be processed
using Word Press (SPSS).
The following terms will be defined operationally or
conceptually to provide better understanding of the study:

 Academic Performance. It is the grade of the student athletes

reflected in their report card (SF ).

 Student- Athletes. A participant in an organized competitive sport

sponsored by the educational institution in which he or she is
enrolled. Student-athletes are full-time students and athletes at
the same time.

 Decision Making. It is regarded as the cognitive process resulting

in the selection of a belief or a course of action among several
alternative possibilities.
Chapter 3
In this chapter, the research methodology
used in the study will be describe. The
geographical area where the study will be
conducted, the study design and the population
and sample are described. The instrument that
will be used to collect the data, including methods
implemented to maintain validity and reliability of
the instrument, are described.
This study will utilize quantitative research
design specifically the descriptive research
survey. We will use this type of research design
because we will be describing the outcome of the
academic performance of student athletes based
on the result of our study.
The respondents of the study are some of the student-
athletes from Grade 7 to Grade 12 of Albor National High School
located at Albor, Libjo, Dinagat Islands for the S.Y. 2019-2020.

Respondents N Percentage

Grade 7 3 12.5

Grade 8 3 12.5

Grade 9 4 16.6

Grade 10 4 16.6

Grade 11 5 20.83

Grade 12 5 20.83

Total 24 100
Thi s study will utilize sur vey -questi onnaires . A sur vey -questi onnaire i s a
printed self-repor t form designed to elicit information that can be obtained
through the written responses of the subj ects . The i nformati on obt ained through
a sur vey -questi onnaire is similar to that obtained by an inter view.

 Sur vey -questionnaires .

 (Par t 1) Profile of the respondents .

 Academic per formance b e fore and af ter the academic event .

 Repor t Card . Given by the subject teac her/adviser.

 (Par t2) Questions that will focus on the decision making of the student
 Validity . The validity of an instrument i s the degree to whic h an instrument
measures what it i s i ntended to measure . The content will undergo content
validation once it will be checked by our research teacher.

 Reliability. Reliability i s the degree of consi stency with whi ch an instrument

measures the attribute it i s designed to measure . The reliability of the researc h
instrument will be validated once we launched a pilot -testing of it to some of
the respondents of the study.

The researchers will write a formal letter of request to the

Secondary School Principal of Albor National High School. Also, the
researchers will write a letter to the subject teachers/advisers
regarding their grades. The researchers will ask permission and
consent from the students before conducting the study to avoid any
nuisance while conducting the study. Students will be informed
about the purpose of the study, the procedures that will be used to
collect the data, and assured that there are no potential risks or
costs that will be involved.

Survey -questionnaires will be personally distributed by the

researchers to the students for them to fill it up completely. After
the respondents answered the survey -questionnaires, the
researchers will collect it and it will undergo data analysis
Weighted mean and standard deviation.
=This tool will be used to compute the samples
Frequency count and percentage.
=These tool will be used to determine the distribution of the
Person Correlation Coef ficient
=This tool will be used to measure the linear correlation between
two variables
T-test for dependent means
=This tool will be used to measure significant increase or decrease
in the academic performance of these student athletes.

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