Animal Kingdom

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Animal Kingdom

Basis of classification
1. Levels of organization
• Cellular level – cells are arranged as loose cell aggregates.
e.g- Sponge
• Tissue level – Cells performing the same function arranged
in tissue. E,g - Aurelia
• Organ level – tissues group together
to form organ.
e.g.- Platyhelminthes
• Organ system level – organs associate
To form organ system.
• Asymmetrical - e.g. -sponge

• Radial symmetry - e.g. – coelenterates,

echinoderms, ctenophore
• Bilateral symmetry -
Embryonic cell layer

• Diploblastic – cells are arranged in two embryonic layers - ectoderm

and endoderm. E.g- coelenterates
• Mesoglea present.

• Triploblastic – endoderm, mesoderm and

ectoderm e.g- platyhemminthes
to chordates
• Coelom
• Acoelomates
e.g - platyhelminthes
• Pseudocoelomates
e.g.- aschhelminthes
• Coelomates
e.g.- annelids to chordates

• Segmentation – metamerism.
E.g.- earthworm
• Notochord
Phylum - Porifera
Water transport system –
• Marine • Ostia – minute pores through which
• Asymmetrical water enter into the central cavity
• Primitive multicellular • Spongocoel – the central cavity
• Cellular level of organization • Osculum – the channel through which
• Acoelomate and diploblastic the water goes out
• Body is supported by sponging fibres or
spicules • Choanocytes – cells lining the
• Hermaphrodite – eggs and sperm are Spongocoel and the canals
produced by the same individual
• Asexually reproduction- fragmentation
• Sexual reproduction – gametes
• Fertilisation – internal
• Development – indirect, larval stage present
and morphologically distinct from the adult
• Digestion - intracellular
• Example – Sycon, euspongilla, spongilla
Water transport system in sponges
Phylum – Cnidaria - Coelenterata
• Marine
• Sessile, cylindrical shaped - polyp
• free swimming, umbrella shaped - medusa
• Radially symmetrical, diploblastic
• Tissue level of organization
• Digestion can be both extracellular and intracellular
• Central gastrovascular cavity - coelenteron
• Hypostome – Single opening mouth of gastrovascular cavity
• Cnidobasts or cnidocytes – present on the tentacles, contain
stinging capsules or nematocytes
• Used for anchorage, defense and for the capture of the
• Corals have a skeleton made up of calcium
• Example- Hydra, Obelia, Aurelia, coral
Alternation of generation in obelia

Sea anemone
Phylum - Ctenophora
• Marine
• Radially symmetrical, diploblastic
• Tissue level of organization
• Eight external rows of comb plates
– locomotion
• Digestion can be both extracellular
and intracellular
• Sexes not separate
• Only sexual reproduction
• Fertilisation – external
• Development - indirect
• Bioluminescence
Phylum - Platyhelminthes
• Bilaterally symmetrical
• Triploblastic
• Acoelomate
• Organ level of organization
• Dorso–ventrally flattened body
• Endoparasites in animals
• Hooks and suckers present
• Flame cells – osmoregulation and excretion
• Sexes are not separate
• Fertilisation- internal
• Development – indirect
• High regeneration capacity - planaria
Phylum - Aschelminthes
• May be free- living or parasitic
• Aquatic or terrestrial
• Organ system level of organization
• Bilaterally symmetrical
• Triploblastic
• Pseudocoelomates
• Sexes separate
• Females are larger than males
• Fertilisation- internal
• Development – indirect or direct
• Alimentary canal complete – well developed muscular pharynx
• Excretory tube present
Phylum -Annelida

• Aquatic (marine / fresh water)/

• Free living/ parasitic
• Bilateral symmetry
• Organ system level of organization
• Triploblastic
• Coelomate
• Metamerically segmented
• Could be dioecious (nereis) or
monoecious (earthworm/leech)
• Reproduction - sexual
Phylum -Annelida
• Longitudinal and circular
muscle present – locomotion
• Parapodia (nereis)
– lateral appendages for swimming
• Closed circulatory system
• Nephridia- osmoregulation
and excretion
• Primitive neural system
• Paired ganglia
• Lateral nerves
• Double ventral nerve cord
Phylum - Arthropoda
• Bilateral symmetry
• Organ system level of organization
• Triploblastic, coelomate
• Chitinous exoskeleton
• Body consists of head, thorax,
• Jointed appendages
• Eyes compound and simple
• Mostly dioecious
• Fertilization – internal
• Mostly oviparous
• Development direct or indirect
• Open circulatory system
• Respiratory organs
• Sensory organs – antennae
• Excretory organs – Malpighian tubules
• Statocysts
Arthropoda anatomy
Phylum - Mollusca
• Bilateral symmetry
• Organ system level of organization
• Triploblastic, coelomate
• Calcareous shell
• visceral hump, muscular foot
and head
• Mantle
• Respiratory and excretory
• Sensory tentacles
• Radula
• Mostly dioecious
• Mostly oviparous
• Development indirect
Phylum- Echinodermata
• Endoskeleton – calcareous ossicles
• Organ system level of organization
• Triploblastic, coelomate
• Adult - Radially symmetrical
• Larvae – Bilaterally symmetrical
• dioecious
• Mostly oviparous
• Development indirect
• Fertilization –external
• Water vascular system –
• locomotion
• Capture and transport of food
• respiration
Phylum - Hemichordata
• marine
• Organ system level of organization
• Triploblastic, coelomate
• Bilaterally symmetrical
• dioecious
• Development indirect
• Body – cylindrical and made up of proboscis, collar and
• Fertilization –external
• Open circulation system
• Respiration takes place through gills
• Excretory organ - proboscis
Phylum - Chordata


Chondrichthyes Osteichthyes

Exclusively marine Both Marine and fresh water

Cartilaginous endoskeleton Bony endoskeleton

Exoskeleton made up of placoid Exoskeleton is made up of thin bony scales called cycloids

Mouth is ventrally located Mouth is mostly terminal

Air bladder is absent Air bladder is present

Gill slits are separate and not covered Gills are covered with operculum

Exhibits internal fertilization Exhibits external fertilization

Excretes urea Excretes ammonia

Example – great white shark, dogfish , saw fish etc. Example – labeo, catla, hippocampus
HABITAT Aquatic as well as terrestrial Mostly terrestrial Terrestrial and wetlands Wide variety
BODY Head and trunk, tails present in Head, trunk, tail Presence of Feathers, beaks, Mammary gland
some wings. Two pairs of limbs
Hind limbs have scales and
modified for walking,
swimming, clasping the tree
SKIN Moist, without scales Dry and cornified skin, Dry, except the oil gland at the Skin possess hair
epidermal scales or s cutes base of their tail

EAR Tympanum represents ear Tympanum represents ear Ear Ear, external ear /pinnae is
RESPIRATION Gills,. Lungs and skin Lungs Lungs, air sacs Lungs
HEART Three chambered – two auricles Three chambered except- Completely four chambered Completely four
and one ventricle crocodiles chambered
REPRODUCTION Separate sexes, external Separate sexes, internal Separate sexes, internal Separate sexes, internal
fertilization, oviparous, indirect fertilization, oviparous, fertilization, oviparous, direct fertilization, viviparous,
development direct development development direct development

OTHERS Poikilothermous Poikilothermous Homoiothermous Homoiothermous

Cloaca- common chamber Cloaca is present Endoskeleton is fully ossified Different types of teeth are
where alimentary, urinary and Pneumatic bones present.
reproductive tracts open.

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