Land Filling in MSW

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Landfill Planning and Design

What is Waste?

Solid Waste

Liquid Waste

Gaseous Waste
Classification of Waste

• On the basis of Physical State

– Solid Waste
– Liquid Waste
– Gaseous Waste
• According to Original Use
– Food Waste
– Packaging Waste etc.
• Material
– Glass
– Paper etc.
• Physical Properties
– Compostable
– Combustable The classification on
– Recyclable the basis of source is
• Sources widely adopted and is
– Domestic used.
– Commercial
– Industrial
• Safety Level
– Hazardous
– Nonhazardous
Sources of Solid Wastes
• Agricultural Waste : Waste arising from
agricultural practice.
• Mining Waste: Mainly inert material from mineral
extracting industries.
• Energy Production Waste: Waste from energy
production units including ash from coal burning.
• Industrial Waste: Wastes generated by various
• Dredging Waste: Organic and mineral wastes from
dredging operations.
• Construction and Demolition Waste: Bricks, brick
bats, concrete, asphaltic material, pipes etc.
• Treatment Plant Waste: Solids from grit chambers,
sedimentation tank, sludge digesters of waste water
treatment plant.
• Residential Waste: Garbage including food waste,
paper, crockery and ashes from fires, furniture.
• Commercial Waste: Similar to residential wastes
produced from offices, shops, restaurants etc.
• Institutional Waste: Similar to residential wastes plus
hazardous, explosive, pathological and other wastes which
are institution specific (hospital, research institute etc.)
Municipal Solid Wastes
What is Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) ?
The MSW refers to all wastes collected by local authority or
municipality and is the most diverse category of waste.

MSW comprises all wastes except agricultural, mining,

energy production and dredging wastes.
Management of Solid waste

There are two fundamental objectives of solid waste

To minimize the waste.
To manage the waste still produced.
Various Activities Associated
With Solid Waste

• Waste Generation
• Processing at Source
• Collection
• Processing at a Central Facility
• Transportation and final disposal on land
Resource Recovery Through Separation
and Recycling

Recycling involves
• Separation of waste materials
• Preparation of separated fractions for reuse
• Reprocessing and remanufacturing
• Reuse of prepared material
Materials in MSW which can be separated and
• Paper
• Glass
• Plastic
• Ferrous metals
• Aluminium cans

Recycling is a good process as it reduces the

volume of waste to be disposed off on land.
Resource Recovery Through Waste
Waste processing involves the physical, chemical or biological
alterations of wastes to recover products for reuse. The various
techniques used for this are
• Biological Treatment
• Composting
• Anaerobic digestion/Biogasification
• Thermal Treatment
• Incineration
• Refuse Derived Fuel Burning
• Physical Treatment
• Making building blocks/bricks from inert waste
• Chemical Treatment
• To recover compounds such as glucose, synthetic oil and cellulose acetate
Waste Transformation
After recovery of various resources from a waste, the
residual material may be subjected to a variety of
processes to reduce the volume of waste requiring
disposal. Treatment process may involve
• Shredding
• Size separation (screening)
• Volume Reduction by thermal treatment or
• Encapsulation (to reduce toxicity)

These processes help in reducing the final land

areas required for waste disposal
Waste Disposal on Land
Despite all efforts to minimize waste, the
following requirement for storage/disposal of
the following types of waste will continue to
• The solid waste that cannot be recycled.
• The residual waste after all types of processing
has been undertaken.
Available Options
• Disposal on the earth’s surface.
• Disposal deep below the earth’s surface.
• Disposal at the Ocean bottom.

Among all the above three options,

Option 1 is the least desirable but it will
remain the best practical option for the
foreseeable future.
Waste Interaction with Hydrologic Cycle
Changes Occurring in a Waste Dump
Biological Changes
During the aerobic decomposition, carbondioxide is the principal gas
Once the available oxygen has been consumed, the decomposition
becomes anaerobic and the organic matter is converted to
Trace amounts of ammonia
Hydrogen sulfide
Many other chemical reactions are also biologically initiated therefore
it is difficult to define the condition that will exist in any waste dump
at any stated time.
Chemical Changes
The chemical reactions that occurs in a waste dump are
Suspension of waste materials
Biological conversion products in the liquid percolating through the
Evaporation and vaporization of chemical compounds
Sorption of volatile and semi volatile organic compounds into the waste
Decomposition of organic compounds
Oxidation-reduction reactions affecting metals and the solubility of metal
The dissolution of biological conversion into the leachate is of special
importance because these materials can be transported out of the waste dump
with the leachate.
Physical Changes

The important physical changes in waste dumps are

Lateral movement of gases in the waste
Emission of gases to the surrounding environment
Movement of leachate within the waste and into
underlying soils
Settlement caused by consolidation and decomposition of
the waste.
Impact on Environment
Concept of Landfilling
Engineered Landfills
The components of the engineered landfill
– Liner system
– Leachate collection and treatment facility
– Gas collection and treatment facility
– Final cover system
– Surface water drainage system
– An environmental monitoring system
– A closure and post closure plan
Types of Landfills
Landfills can be classified as

• Conventional MSW landfills.

• Landfills for processed and shredded solid
• Monofills for individual waste constituents
(used for industrial waste).
• Other types of Landfills (For gas generation to
generate electricity).
Implications of Disposal Above, On and
Below Ground Surface
Above Ground Landfills
Drainage of leachate is by gravity.
They alter the land use
Thickness of unsaturated zone below
pattern of the area.
the landfill is large.
They have more surface area
Landfill is conspicuous and thus cannot
exposed to elements of nature
be ignored.
such as wind, rain and require
Poor surface drainage due to
significant erosion control
settlement of final landfill surface can
be avoided.
Inspection of the entire facility i.e. final
cover, leachate collection system and
gas collection system is easier.
On and Just Below Ground Surafce
Advantage Disadvantage
• More waste can be stored per unit Leachate collection through
land area in comparison to above
ground landfills. regular pumping.
• Efficient use can be made of the
excavated material but using it as Require good surface water
landfill cover. drainage measures if
• Productive use of the flat landfill
surface can be made on located in low lying areas
completion of landfill. and are closer to ground
• Long term slope stability and
erosion control requirements are water table than above
not very critical in such landfills. ground landfills.
Landfills Deep Beneath the Earth’s Surafce
Wastes can also be dumped in if waste is disposed in strong
underground openings, tunnels or competent rock, the very low
caverns, however the cost of permeability of the rock mass
construction in such cases is extremely coupled with multiple barriers
high. If the disposal is in soil where layers ensures long term
water table is high, the waste would containment of the waste. Such
always be surrounded by ground water disposal techniques are adopted
and, irrespective of the multiple for extremely hazardous waste
barriers used for waste isolation, the wher cost considerations are out
potential of ground water weighed by the need for fail proof
contamination would always be high. environment protection measures.
On the other hand, Waste disposal deep beneath the
ground surface has the least
impact on the land use pattern.
Characterisation of Waste
Liquid Waste Characterisation
The basic characterisation parameters are
• Source Information for the individual points
• Waste components
• Rate of discharge during production run
• Periodic discharges due to batch operations
• Duration and frequency of production run
• Susceptibility to emerging discharges or spills
Chemical Composition
•Organic and inorganic components by
compounds or classes
•COD, Total organic carbon, BOD
•Specific problem ions(As, Bo, Cd, Cr etc.)
•Specific problem organic e.g. phenol, certain
pesticides, benzidine etc.
•Total dissolved salts
•pH, acidity, alkanity
•Nitrogen, Phosphorous
•Oils and greases
•Oxidizing or reducing agents
•Chlorine demand
Biological Effects
•Biochemical oxygen demand
•Pathogenic bacteria
• Physical Properties
• Temperature range and distribution
• Insoluble components
Meaningful characterisation
• Colour information can only be
• Odour obtained through proper
• Foamability analysis of representative
• Corrosiveness samples or through the use of
online water quality monitoring
• Radioactivity
• Flow data for total discharge
• Avg. daily flow rate
• Duration and level of minimum flow rate
• Maximum rate of change of flow rate
Solid waste Characterisation
Physical and chemical composition of solid wastes vary
depending on sources and types of solid wastes. The
nature of the deposited waste in a landfill will affect
gas and leachate production and composition by
virtue of relative proportions of degradable and non-
degradable components, the moisture content and
the specific nature of the bio-degradable element.
The waste composition will effect both gases and the
trace components.
The important parameters to characterise the waste
• Waste composition
• Moisture content
• Waste particle size
• Waste density
• Temperature and pH
These parameters affect the extent and rate of
degration of waste. The typical approximate analysis
for MSW are show below.
Moisture 20%
Volatile matter 53%
Fixed carbon 7%
Glass, metal and ash 20%
Geotechnical Properties of Solid Wastes
Unit Weight :- Insitu density– 1.2 to 2.1 t/m3 with extremes of
0.94 t/m3 for poor compaction and 2.8 t/m3 for best compaction.

Permeability :- The reported range of permeability of refuse is 10-1

to 10-5 cm/sec.

Strength parameters :- Friction Angle - - 300 to 350

Cohesion 1to 2.5 t/m2

Compressibility :- For one dimensional consolidation test on waste

of density 600 kg/m3, the compression index is 0.55 and secondary
compression coefficient varying from 0.0036 to 0.005 for a municipal
dump in Madras City.
Hazardous Waste Characterisation
The waste which can
• Contribute to increase in mortality
• Can cause irreversible illness
• Can pose potential hazard to human health
is called hazardous waste.
Hazardous waste can be classified as
• Radioactive substances
• Chemicals
• Biological Wastes
• Flammable waste
• Explosives
Characteristics of Hazardous Waste
There are four characteristics which make the waste hazardous category
• Ignitability
• Corrosivity if pH  2 or ≥ 12.5
• Reactivity:- A waste exhibits the characteristics of reactivity if a
representative sample of the waste has the following properties
• Reacts violently with water
• Forms explosive mixture with water
• When mixed with water, generates toxic gases, fumes or vapours
• Reacts at a standard temperature or pressure
• Toxicity:- The limits for a waste to Contaminant Max.
be toxic for different
contaminants are shown in the Concentratio
table. n (mg/l)
If the concentration of a particular
Arsenic 5.0
constituent into the ground Barium 100.0
water as a result of improper
management exceeds the above Benzene 0.5
limits, then it is called as toxic.
Cadmium 1.0
Lead 5.0
Mercury 0.2
Vinyl 0.2
Planning and Design Consideration

The landfill planning and design process consists

• Planning
• Main Design
• Construction operation Design
Planning Phase

The planning phase includes

Site Selection
Site Investigation
Landfill layout and section
Evaluation of landfill capacity
Phased Operation
Main Design Phase

The main design phase includes

• Design of liner, leachate collection and Treatment

• Gas Collection and Treatment
• Cover System
• Landfill Stability
• Surface Water Drainage
• Environmental Monitoring
Construction Operation Design Process

• Site Development
• Construction Schedule
• Material and Equipment Requirement
• Enviornmental Control During Operation
• Closure and Post Closure Programmes
Waste Acceptance
a) Authorised waste only.
b) No liquid waste or slurry type waste
c) No recyclable waste
d) No compostable waste
e) No waste from which energy recovery is feasible through thermal/
biological process.
f) Incompatible wastes in separate landfill units
g) No non-hazardous or municipal waste in HW landfills and no
hazardous waste in MSW landfills
h) Extremely hazardous wastes should be stabilised before land filling
or disposed in specially designed waste disposal units.

Site Selection

Site for development of landfill to be located

preferably in areas having
• low population density
• low alternate land use value
• low GW contamination potential
• having clay content in the sub-soil
Factors to be Considered in Site Selection

Receptor Related Attributes

• Population with in 500 m
• Distance to nearest drinking well
• Use of site by nearby residents
• Distance to nearest office building
• Land use
• Critical Environment
Pathway Related Attributes
• Distance to nearest surface water
• Depth to ground water
• Type of contamination
• Precipitation
• Soil permeability
• Bed Rock Permeability
• Depth to bed rock
• Susceptability to erosion and runoff
• Climatic factors relating to air pollution
• Susceptibility to seismic activity
Waste Related Attributes
• Toxicity
• Radioactivity
• Ignitability
• Reactivity
• Corrosivity
• Solubility
• Volatility
Waste Management Related Attributes
• Physical state
• Waste quantity
• Waste compatibility
• Use of liners
• Gas Treatment
• Leachate Treatment
• Site security
• Safety measures
Locational Criteria
(for lined landfills)
Lake/pond >200 m
River >100 m
Embankment protective embankment
Highway > 500 m
Habitation > 500 m
Public park > 500 m
Critical habitat No
Wetland No
Coastal regulation zone No
Airport > 3000 m to 20km
Water supply well > 500 m
Ground water table level 2 m below base of land fill
Others local needs
Siting criteria
Site investigation criteria
• Sub Soil Investigation: type of soil, depth of GWT and bedrock,
permeability of various strata, strength parameters, extent of
availability of liner materials
• Ground Water / Hydro geological Investigation: Depth of GWT,
GW flow direction, Baseline GW quality parameters
• Topographical Investigation: To compute the earth work
quantities precisely
• Hydrological Investigation: To estimate the quantities of runoff
for appropriate design of drainage facilities
• Geological Investigation and Seismic Investigation: to delineate
the bedrock profile beneath the landfill base
Landfill Layout
A landfill site will comprise of the area in which the waste will be
filled as well as additional area for support facilities. With in
the area to be filled, work may proceed in phases with only a
part of the area under active operation.
Landfill Section

Landfills may have different types of sections depending on the

topography of the area, the depth of ground water table and
availability of suitable daily cover material. The landfill may
take the following forms

Above ground landfills

are used in those areas
where GWT is high.
Below ground landfill are suitable for
areas where adequate cover material is
available and GWT is not near the surface.

Above and below ground landfill--------

Slope landfill ------------------------------

Valley landfills----------------------------
Trenches of landfills vary from
100 to 300 m in length
1 to 3 m in depth
5 to 15 m in width with side slopes of 2:1
Planning of Phased Operation

• Progressive use of the landfill area such that at any given instant of
time a part of the site may have a final cover, a part being actively
filled, a part being prepared to receive waste and a part in an
undisturbed state.
• Progressive excavation of on-site fill materials and minimization of
double handling.
• Minimizes the area required for landfill operations and concentrates
waste disposal activities within prepared areas.
• Reduces leachate generation by keeping areas receiving waste to a
• Enables progressive installation of leachate and gas control.
• Allows clean surface water runoff to be collected separately.
Phase:- It is the sub area of
the landfill. A phase consists
of cells, lifts, daily cover,
intermediate cover, liner and
leachate collection facility,
gas control facility and final
cover over the sub-area.
Each phase is typically
designed for a period of 12
to 18 months.

Cell:- It is used to describe the

volume of material placed in
a landfill during one
operating period usually one
Daily cover:- It consists of 15 to 30 cm of native soil that is applied
to the working faces. The purpose of this cover is
• To control the blowing of waste materials
• To prevent rats, flies and other disease vectors from entering or
exiting the landfill
• To control the entry of water into the landfill during operation
Lift:- It is a complete layer of cells over the active area of the landfill.
Typically each landfill phase is comprised of a series of lifts.
Intermediate covers are placed at the end of each phase; these are
thicker than daily covers and remain exposed till the next phase is
placed over it.
Bench:- A bench is a terrace which is used when the height of the
landfill exceeds 15 to 20 m. The final left includes the cover layer.
Landfill Capacity
a) Quantity of waste and its compacted density
b) Volume of waste
c) Volume occupied by liner and cover
d) Volume reduction due to settlement
e) Biodegradable waste/municipal waste may have density of 0.6 to
f) Inorganic waste may have density of 1.2 to 1.6 t/cum
g) Inorganic compacted waste:-5% in few years
h) Municipal biodegradable waste:-20% in 30 years

Estimation of Landfill Capacity
1. Waste generation rate = W tons per year
2. Active life of landfill = n years
3. Total waste in n years (T) = W x n tons
4. Volume of waste(V) = T/density cum
5. Volume for daily cover = 0.1 V
6. Volume for liner and final cover = 0.2V to 0.3V
7. Total volume(Landfill capacity) = V+0.1V+0.25V
8. Total area available = A sqm
9. Area for infrastructure = 0.15 A to 0.25A
= 0.2 A
10.Area of land filling = A-0.2A=0.8A
11.Height (+depth) of landfill = 1.35V/0.8A
Landfill Liner, Leachate Collection and Treatment

Liner system is provided to prevent migration of leachate

generated inside a landfill from reaching the soil and
ground water beneath the landfill. The function of leachate
collection facility is to
• Remove leachate contained with in the landfill by the liner system for
treatment and disposal.
• Control and minimize leachate heads with in the landfill.
• Avoid damage to the liner system.
Landfill liner comprise of
• Compacted clays
• Geomembranes
• Geosynthetic clay liner
• Combinations
On a basis of review of liner systems adopted in different
countries, it is recommended that for all MSW landfills the
following single composite liner system be adopted as the
minimum requirement:
– A leachate drainage layer 30 cm thick made of granular soil having
permeability (K) greater than 10-2 cm/sec.
– A protection layer (of silty soil) 20 cm to 30 cm thick.
– A geomembrane of thickness 1.5 mm or more.
– A compacted clay barrier or amended soil barrier of 1 m thickness
having permeability (K) of less than 10-7 cm/sec.
The liner system adopted at any landfill must satisfy the
minimum requirements published by regulatory agencies
Leachate collection systems consist of a leachate drainage network and
leachate removal facility. Drainage networks comprise of coarse
grained soils, perforated pipes or geotextile drainage layers. Drainage
removal facility consists of a system of sumps, wells and pumps.
The design steps for the leachate collection system are:
– finalization of layout pipe network and sumps in conjunction with
drainage layer slopes of 2%
– estimation of pipe diameter and spacing on the basis of estimated
leachate quantity and maximum permissible leachate head
– estimating the size of sumps and pump
– design of wells/side slopes risers for leachate removal; and
– design of a holding tank.
It is recommended that the detailed methodology given in Sharma
and Lewis (1994) be adopted.
The alternatives to be considered for leachate
management are:
o Discharge to lined drains
o Discharge to waste water treatment
o Recirculation
o Evaporation of leachate
o Treatment of leachate
Gas Collection and Treatment
The uncontrolled release of landfill gas, Landfill gas generation rates
methane contributes to the green vary over a wide range.
house effect. Landfill gas can migrate Typically generation rates
laterally and potentially cause
vary from 1 to 8 lit/kg/year.
explosions. Landfills are therefore
provided with gas collection and Bhide (1993) reported
processing facilities. The rate of gas landfill gas production rates
production varies depending on the of 6-9 cum/hour from the
operating procedure. The decision to landfill sites in India having
use horizontal or vertical gas recovery an area of 8 ha and depth of
wells depends on the design and 5 to 8 m.
capacity of the landfill. The decision of
flare or to recover energy from the
landfill gas is determined by the
capacity of the landfill site and the
opportunity to sell power produced
from the conversion of landfill gas to
Gas outputs of 10 to 20 cum per hour (corresponding
to 50 to 100 KW of energy) have been recorded in
wells of 15 to 20 cm diameter drilled 10 m into waste
at spacing of 30 to 70 m. For 1 MW output from a
landfill site, 15 to 20 such wells are required. The gas
management strategies should follow one of the
following three plans:
– Controlled passive venting
– Uncontrolled release
– Controlled collection and treatment/reuse
Cover System
Landfill cover is usually consists of
several layers. The objective of final
cover system is to improve surface
drainage, minimize infiltration and
support vegetation. The use of a geo
membrane liner as a barrier layer is
favoured by most landfill designers
to limit the entry of surface water
and to control the release of landfill
gases. To ensure the rapid removal
of rainfall from the final cover of the
landfill and to avoid the formation of
puddles, the final cover should have
a slope of about 3 to 5%. The cover
system adopted at any landfill must
satisfy the minimum requirements
published by regulatory agencies
Surface Water Drainage
Surface water drainage is required to ensure that
Rainwater runoff does not drain into the waste from
surrounding area.
– Rainfall does not generate excessive leachate.
– Contaminated surface runoff from the operational landfill area
does not enter water courses.
– Slopes on the landfill are protected from infiltration and
– Final cover soils are not subject to ponding or water logging.
Stability Aspects
The stability of a landfill should be checked for the
following cases:
– Stability of excavated slopes
– Stability of liner system along excavated slopes
– Stability of temporary waste slopes constructed to their
full height (usually at the end of a phase)
– Stability of slopes of above -ground portion of
completed landfills
– Stability of cover systems in above -ground landfills.
The stability analysis should be conducted using
the following soil mechanics methods
depending upon the shape of the failure
– failure surface parallel to slope
– wedge method of analysis
– method of slices for circular failure surface
– special methods for stability of anchored
geomembranes along slopes
In preliminary design of a landfill section, the following
slopes may be adopted:
– Excavated soil slopes (2.5H:1V)
– Temporary waste slopes (3H:1V)
– Final cover slopes (4H:1V)
Slopes can be made steeper, if found stable by stability
analysis results.
Acceptable factors of safety may be taken as 1.3 for
temporary slopes and 1.5 for permanent slopes.
In earthquake prone areas, the stability of all landfill
slopes will be conducted taking into account seismic
coefficients as recommended by BIS codes.
Environmental Monitoring
Monitoring systems are required at the landfill site for
– Gases and liquids in the vadose zone
– Checking the ground water quality both upstream and
downstream of the landfill site in the vadose zone
– For air quality on the surface and at the boundary of the
The number of monitoring stations will depend on the size of the
landfill and the requirements of the local air and water
pollution control agencies. A typical monitoring system

– Evaluates leachate head with in the landfills

– Leakage beneath the landfill
– Pore gas and pore fluid quality in the vadose zone
– Air quality in gas vents and gas treatment facility
– Water quality in ground water monitoring wells
– Leachate quality in leachate collection tanks and water
quality in storm water drains.
Construction Operation Design

Site development
The following site infrastructure should be provided:
– Site Entrance and Fencing
– Administrative and Site Control Offices
– Access Roads
– Waste Inspection and Sampling Facility
– Equipment Workshops and Garages
– Signs and Directions
– Water Supply
– Lighting
– Vehicle Cleaning Facility
– Fire Fighting Equipment.
Site entrance infrastructure should include:
– A permanent, wide, entrance road with separate entry and
exit lanes and gates.
– Sufficient length/parking space inside the entrance gate till
the weighbridge to prevent queuing of vehicles outside the
entrance gate and on to the highway. A minimum road
length of 50 m inside the entry gate is desirable
– A properly landscaped entrance area with a green belt of
20 m containing tree plantation for good visual impact
– Proper direction signs and lighting at the entrance gate
– A perimeter fencing of at least 2m height all around the
landfill site with lockable gates to prevent unauthorised
– Full time security guard at the site.
Construction schedule
The construction schedule shall plan for
the following
– The arrival sequence and time required for
vehicles bringing waste to the landfill site
– Climate and wind effect
– Traffic on the access roads
– Impact on adjoining areas.
Material and equipment requirement
A comprehensive material requirement plan for the construction
of various phases of the proposed landfill shall be prepared in
advance before the commencement of the construction work.
Materials may be required for

– Granular material for ground water drainage, leachate drainage

blanket, gas venting and collection
– Clay, sand, synthetic membrane for the liner system and final cover
– Suitable fill for internal and external bunds
– Base course and sub base course materials for haul roads
– Suitable material during site operations for daily cover
– Suitable soils or granular or screened material for pipe work zone,
drainage and protection layers above the barrier layer
– Sub soil and top soil for restoration layers
The type, size and number of equipment
required will depend on the size of the landfill
and maneuverability in restricted spaces.
Typically the following equipments are
required at the landfill site
– For excavating, spreading and leveling operations
crawler tractors/dozers are required
– Compactors/rollers for compacting
– Wheeled loader-back hoes for excavating,
trenching, loading and short hauling
Control of environment during landfilling
Environmental monitoring is carried out in four zones
– On and within the landfills
– In the unsaturated subsurface zone beneath and around the
– In the ground water zone beneath and around the landfill
– In the atmosphere/local air above and around the landfill
and the instruments required to be used for monitoring are GW
samplers, leachate samplers, lysimeters, free drainage
samplers, surface water samplers, downhole water quality
sensors, landfill gas monitors, active and passive samplers
for ambient air quality.
Environmental control during operation is
carried out to minimize the impact of the
landfilling operation on the nearby residents.
This can be done by
– Providing screens in the active areas
– Presence of birds at the landfill site is nuisance
and it can be serious problem if the landfill is
being constructed near the airport. This problem
can be over come by
– Use of noise makers
– Use of over head wires
– Use of recording of the sounds made by birds
• Wind-blown paper, plastics etc can be a problem
at the landfill site. This can be overcome by
– Portable screens near the operating faces
– Daily removing the accumulated materials on the screen
– Dust control can be achieved by spraying water

• The problems of flies, pests, mosquitoes and

rodents can be controlled by placing daily cover
and by eliminating stagnant water.
Closure and post closure plan
A closure and post closure plan shall be made to ensure that a
landfill will be maintained for 30-50 years in the future.
A closure plan includes
• Landfill cover and landscaping of the completed site.
• Long term plans for the control of runoff, erosion, gas and leachate
collection & treatment.
Post closure plan includes
• Routine inspection of completed landfill.
• Maintenance of surface water diversion facilities, landfill surface grades,
the condition of liners.
• Maintenance of landfill gas and leachate collection equipment.
• Long term environmental monitoring plan so that no contaminants is
released from the landfill site.
The present lecture has high lighted the planning and
design considerations for the MSW landfills. By
adopting these guidelines at a new landfill site will
promote effectiveness and efficiency of municipal
solid waste management, thereby reducing the over-
all cost of planning, design, operations and
maintenance of landfill facilities while ensuring the
protection of public health and the environment.

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