Estimate Lesson 2 Formworks

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the term given to either temporary or

permanent molds into which concrete or similar
materials are poured.
Formula in Finding the Materials for Square and
Rectangular Column Forms

P = 2 ( a + b) + 0.20

P = lateral perimeter of the column

a = shorter side of the column
b = the longer side of the column
0.20 = constant value for the lapping of joints
Sample Formworks
Computation for Column
b. Multiply the height and
number of columns to get
the lateral surface area.
Area = P x H x No. Columns
A = 2.20m x 5.0m x 10
A = 110 sq. meters
c. Divide areas by 2.88 to
a. Solve for the Lateral get number of plywood
P = 2 ( a + b ) + 0.20
P = 2 ( 0.40 + 0.60 ) + 0.20
P = 2.20 m
Sample Formworks
Computation for Column (cont)
c. Divide areas by 2.88 to
get number of plywood

d. Solving the 2” x 2’ wood frame,

multiply 29.67 board foot

39 Plywood x 29.67 = 1,157 board foot

Formula in Finding the Materials for Beams and
Girder Forms

P = 2 ( a + b) + 0.10

P = lateral perimeter of the column

a = shorter side of the column
b = the longer side of the column
0.10 = constant value for the lapping of joints
Workshop Example
• Estimate the cost of formwork for concrete wall (9’6” x 25’4”)
• The rate of placing concrete = 4 ft/hour
• Maximum temperature of concrete = 70ºF
Wall 2- 2”x 4” 2”x 4”x 10’- 0 “ stud 3/4” plywood sheathing
tie wale

2”x 4” x 10’- 0”
brace @ 6’- 0”

Concrete Footing
2”x 4” sill 2”x 4”x 3’- 0”
Stake @ 6’- 0”
Design of Forms for concrete Walls
Minimum Temperat ure of concret e, F 50 70 90
Rat ing of filling forms, ft /h 2 4 6 2 4 6 2 4 6
Maximum pressure, lb/ft 2 510 870 1230 409 664 921 350 550 750
Maximum spacing of st uds for safe value of sheat hing, in
For 1- in sheat hing 22 17 14 24 19 16 26 21 18
For 2- in sheat hing 38 29 24 42 33 28 45 36 31
Maximum spacing of wales for safe value of st uds, in
2 x 4 st uds 1- in sheat hing 26 23 21 28 25 23 29 26 24
4 x 4 st uds 1- in sheat hing 40 35 33 43 38 35 45 40 37
2 x 6 st uds 1- in sheat hing 41 36 33 44 39 36 46 41 38
2 x 6 st uds 2- in sheat hing 31 27 25 33 29 27 35 31 29
4 x 4 st uds 2- in sheat hing 31 27 25 33 29 27 34 30 28
3 x 6 st uds 2- in sheat hing 41 36 33 43 38 35 45 41 37
Maximum spacing of form t ies for safe values of wales, in
Double 2 x 4 wales 2 x 4 st ud 1S 34 28 24 37 31 27 39 33 29
Double 2 x 4 wales 4 x 4 st ud 1S 30 24 21 32 27 24 34 29 26
Double 2 x 4 wales 2 x 6 st ud 1S 27 2 20 29 24 22 31 26 23
Double 2 x 6 wales 2 x 6 st ud 1S 43 35 31 46 38 34 49 41 37
Double 2 x 6 wales 3 x 6 st ud 1S 43 35 31 48 39 35 50 41 37


8’ 8’ 8’ 8’

25’- 4”
The wall is 9’-6” high and 25’-4” long.
• From design table:
Max. pressure, 664 lb/ft2
Max. spacing of studs, 19 in, use 18 in
Max. spacing of wales, 25 in, use 24 in
Max. spacing of form ties, 31 in
• The 3/4“ plywood sheathing will be placed with the 4 ft wide
in the vertical direction and the 8 ft length in the horizontal
• The total quantity of sheathing will be:
No. sheets in vertical direction, 9’-6” 4‘/sheet = 2.37, use 3 sheets
No. sheets in horizontal direction, 25’-4” 8’/sheet = 3.16, use 4 sheets
No. sheets required per side, 3 x 4 = 12
No. sheets required for wall, 12 x 2 = 24
• Studs required:
Length of wall, (25 x 12)+4 = 304 in
Spacing of studs, 18 in
No. studs required per side, (304/18)+1 = 18
No. studs required for wall, 2 x18 = 26
Lumber required, 36 pc, 2 x4 x 10 ft = 240 fbm
• Wales required:
Height of wall, 114 in
Spacing of wales, 24 in
No. required per side, 114/24 = 4.75, use 5 wales
For each wale, use 2 pc of 2x4 x 12 ft
and 2 pc of 2x4 x 14 ft lumber
• Lumber required:
20 pc, 2x4 x 12 ft = 160 fbm
20 pc, 2x4 x 14 ft = 187 fbm
Total lumber = 240 + 160 +187
= 587 fbm
• Add 10 to 20% for misc. (sills, splice…etc)

Total quantity of lumber

= 587 + 0.2 x 587
= 704 fbm
Number of ties needed
If we use 4000 lb ties
664 x 9.5 x 25.3
Number of ties = 4000
= 51ties
Quantity of Nails
= 704 x 10 lb/1000fbm
= 7.04 lbs

Prof Awad S. Hanna

Summary of Materials to Build forms:

• Plywood required = 24 sheets

• Lumber required = 704 fbm
• Nails required = 7 lbs
• Ties required = 51

Prof Awad S. Hanna

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