Individual Inventory

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1. The individual Inventory Service (IIS)
- sometimes called Individual Analysis consists of all the information gathered about
each individual in school.

2. Cumulative Folder
- where the accumulated data about each student are kept while the student is still
in school, and up to a few years after.

3. Nature and Purpose

- the Individual Inventory Service systematically collects, evaluates, and interprets
data to identify the characteristics and potential of every client.

- The data can be used in proper diagnoses, predicting progress and behaviors,
accurate placement, and program evaluation.
The Inventory helps the people in different ways:

 It enables the Client (student) to

- Develop a deeper, fuller SELF AWARENESS
- Discover potentials and obstacles to full development
- Create appropriate plans for improving the quality of his/her life based in this awareness and self-

 It enables the Counselor to

- get to know the client
- facilitate the client’s self-awareness, self-understanding and decision making
- ascertain appropriate avenues for clients to pursue
- determine the best options for helping the client
- assist significant others in understanding the client.

 It gives the Administration and Faculty an idea of the

- profile of the school population
- appropriate strategies for responding to needs, interest, and values
- strengths and passions that can be channelled to appropriate goals

 Parents/Guardians would have a basis for

- understanding their children better
- responding more sensibly to their children
Major Contents of a Comprehensive Individual Inventory Records

1. Personal Data
2. Academic/Educational Data
3. Health Data
4. Social Data


A. Personal Data Form – is distributed by the Guidance Office for all the students to fill out.

1. Personal Data which includes the

- Age
- Family Background and Home Environment
- Hobbies, Interests, Goals & Values
- Personal Strengths and Personality Traits & Characteristics
- Problems and Needs

2. Academic/Educational Data
- School Attended
- Grades
- Co-curricular & Extracurricular Activities
- Course Taken
3. Health Data
- Physical Strength and Health

4. Social Data

B. Personal Information Sheet – the personal information sheet shows the major aspects of client’s life.

Anecdotal Reports - these are descriptions of a client’s unusual or unexpected behavior in a given
situation or event.
Anecdotal Record - A summary of the Anecdotal Reports over the months/years can facilitate the
discovery of patterns that aid in diagnosis and treatment.
Rating Scales – these scales enable the rater to observe an individual systematically and objectively
in a given situation and record his/her observations.
Checklists – are designed to focus on observable personality traits and characteristics of an individual.
- the checklist does not require the observer to indicate the degree or extent to which a
characteristics is present.
Checklists – are designed to focus on observable personality traits and characteristics of an individual.
- the checklist does not require the observer to indicate the degree or extent to which a
characteristics is present.

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