People Media

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 As a springboard give the students 5
minutes to answer the essential questions:

Guide Questions:
1. What are people involved in media?
2. What are the roles and tasks of
people involved in media?
3. How can people be regarded as a
form of media?
4. What are the effects of media o the
individual and the society?
 After answering the questions, let the
students write four information in the first
column in the table below. In the second
column, write questions about the
information you want to learn from the
What do I already know? What do I want to know?
What comes in
your mind when
you hear about
people media?
People Media are
those who work in
the media and
discussed how they
become produces
Print Media is a form of media
wherein information is
disseminated and circulated
through paper, publication. People
who work in print media include
writers, authors, editors, layout
and graphic artists,
photographers, art directors, and
Journalist- People who are classified
as either a correspondent or as a
Writers and authors- Like the
journalist, a writer should thoroughly
research the subject he is writing
about so that the information
presented is comprehensive.
Editors – An editor’s responsibility is
to ensure that the author’s work is
worth publishing.
Layout Artists or Graphic
Artists – A person who is
responsible for the overall
presentation of a printed material
from the text to images.
Photographers – using a
camera, a photographer
artistically captures images that
will be used to accompany a
written materials or to visually
represent a concept or idea.
 Art Director – the one is in charge
of the overall concept of the material
in the terms of art design and
graphics. he oversees and supervises
the pool of layout artist and
 Publishers – they are the one who
is responsible for financing and
handling the publication in order to
print the material like newspaper,
textbook or magazines.
Broadcast Media is the most widely
used from of information,
dissemination, programs for TV and
 reporter
 news anchor
 TV or program host
 director
 producer

Have you ever watched a play

or a movie that moved you or
left a lasting impression on
 actors
 performers
 celebrity

 depression and anxiety

 cyberbullying
 FOMO(fear of missing out)
 unrealistic expectations
 negative body image
 unhealthy sleep patterns
 general addiction
Answer each question briefly. would you react if your
favourite celebrity posted negative
opinions about social issues on his
social media accounts
2.would you feel sad if you only a few
followers on your social media
account? your opinion, how should people
who work in the media maintain
Draw a happy face if the statement conveys
positive attitude. Draw a sad if otherwise.

_____ 1. Sean, a popular actor, posted an appeal

on his social media account asking people to
support a fund raising charity event.
_____ 2. Rita, a famous actress snubbed a grouped
of fans who were politely asking for her autograph
because she finds them annoying.
_____ 3. Daniel, a well-known TV personality,
boasted in an interview that he will win a senator
because he is god looking.
_____ 4. Wilma, a popular TV host, does a weekly
feeding program for the homeless in their
community without publicity.
_____ 5. Erwin, a famous movie actor asked the
customer service representative for special
treatment because he is a
Goal – create an informative and artistic print ad campaign for the
school to have more students to enrol

Role – you and your group mates own an advertising company

Audience – present your ad campaign to Grade 10 completers and

SHS graduates in both public and private schools in the province or

Situation – the head of the Marketing Department of the school/the

VP for student affair services office approach your company to create
a print ad campaign

Performance – create an informative yet creative print ad campaign

for the school to convince more students to enrol. The print ad
campaign should be informative about the school including its
facilities, activities, accomplishments and achievements.

Standards – the print ad campaign for school will be assessed

based on the criteria and rubrics for making a print ad campaign.

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