Basic Cell Types, Cell Structure and Function,& Cell Modifications

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– A cell is the smallest working unit of all living organisms on our planet
earth, which is capable of performing life functioning.
– Hence it can also be defined as a fundamental unit of life.
BASIC CELL TYPES: A. Prokaryotic cell
NUT  KARYON which
B. Eukaryotic cell means “NUCLEUS”
1. plant cell
2. animal cell


They are the first organisms to be present on our planet earth.

Organisms, with this cell type are known by the term prokaryotic organisms (or)

Bacteria, blue green algae and E.coli are few examples of this category.

Prokaryotic cells are single-celled organisms, with the absence of true nucleus and
comprises of capsule, cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleiod, ribosome, plasmids,
pili and flagella.
Prokaryotic Cell General Features
 The size of a cell ranges from 1-10 microns. Few prokaryotic cells
vary in their size.
 They are single-celled (unicellular), which forms a colony or
 The shape of the cell includes spherical, rod and flat shaped
 Mode of nutrients-- few organisms are photosynthetic (performing
food with the help of sunlight), feed on living things and dead things.
 They reproduce asexually by the process called binary fission,
transformation, conjugation, transduction.
Structure and Functions of a Prokaryotic Cell
Capsule: It is the slimy outer coating of the cell wall. It is composed of polypeptide. The main
function of the capsule is to protect the cell from getting dry and also helps in protecting cells
from external pressures.
Cell wall: It is the tougher and a rigid structure, which provides the shape and protects the
internal organelles of a cell. It is the middle layer, which is present in between the capsule and
cell membrane.
Cell membrane: It is the inner delicate structure, which plays a vital role in regulating the
entry and exits of materials in the cell. It acts a permeable membrane and separates the cell
from its environment. It is of about 5-10nm in thickness, which helps in the secretion of
proteins and elimination of waste products. It is also called by a name plasma membrane.
Cytoplasm: It is the liquid membrane, which is present in between the cell membrane and
nucleiod. It plays a vital role in storing all types of materials, which are required for an
organism to sustain the life.
Nucleiod: It is the cytoplasm region containing genetic material. The DNA of a prokaryotic
organism is one big loop or a circular, which is located inside the nucleiod. It plays a vital role in
cell division.
Ribosome: It comprises of both RNA and proteins. It helps in protein synthesis in the cell. They
are smallest membrane present inside the cytoplasm.
Plasmids: They are smallest membrane of a cell with double stranded DNA. Plasmids are rarely
present in prokaryotic organisms. The main role of plasmids is it helps in DNA exchanging
between the bacterial cells.
Pili: It is the thinnest membrane of a prokaryotic cell. They are composed of protein complex
called pilin and are mainly involved in sticking to the objects especially during sexual
Flagella: It is the helical shaped membrane, whose sizes ranges from 19-20nm in diameter and
plays a vital role in motility of an organism from one place to another place. It also helps in
swimming, gliding, spinning and rotating both in clockwise and anti clockwise directions.

They are the cells with the presence of true nucleus.

Organisms, with this cell type are known by the term eukaryotic organisms (or) eukaryotes.

Animals, plants and other organisms excluding bacteria and blue-green algae have been grouped into
this category.

Eukaryotic cells are more complex than prokaryotic cells.

These organisms have membrane bound nucleus with many cell organelles to perform several cellular
functions within the system.
Eukaryotic Cell General Features
 The size of a eukaryotic cell ranges from 10-100 microns. Few
eukaryotic cells vary in their size.
 They are large, advanced, multicellular and have membrane
bound organelles.
 They reproduce both by sexually and by asexually.
 Mode of nutrients - Autotrophic and heterotrophic.
 Protozoans, algae, fungi, plants, and animals are organisms with
eukaryotic cell.
Structure and Functions of a Eukaryotic Cell

Plasma membrane: They are semi permeable membrane that acts as a boundary of a cell, which
protects and separates the cell from the external environment.
Nucleus: It is surrounded by double layered of Phospholipid bilayer called as nuclear envelope.
They are the storehouse for the cell’s genetic materials in the form of DNA and store all the
necessary information, which are required for a cell to control all types of activities.
Nuclear membrane: It is the double membrane layer that surrounds the nucleus and it plays a
role of entry and exits of materials within the nucleus.
Nucleolus: It is the non-membrane bound organelles, which is present within the nucleus and is
mainly involved in controlling all types of cellular activities including cellular reproduction.

Mitochondria: They are the double smooth membrane, which are present in all eukaryotic cells.
They are the powerhouse of the cell. It plays a vital role in the synthesis of ATP and converts
glucose to ATP.
Endoplasmic reticulum: They are the double membrane organelle, which divides the cell into compartments. It
is connected to the nuclear membrane of the cell. It plays a vital role in protein synthesis (rough endoplasmic
reticulum), biosynthesis of lipids and steroids (smooth endoplasmic reticulum), stores and regulates calcium
and metabolism of carbohydrates. Endoplasmic reticulum is of two types: rough and smooth endoplasmic

Ribosome: It is present in the cytoplasm. They produce proteins.

Golgi Bodies: It is the flattened membrane, which are mainly used to store the substances made by the cell.
This membrane also helps in preserving, transporting materials within the cell. Hence it is also called as the post
office of a cell.
Lysosomes: They are the membrane bound organelles, which contains digestive enzymes to break down
macromolecules. Lysosome plays a vital role in protecting cell by engulfing or destroying foreign bodies entering
the cell.
Cytoplasm: They are the jelly types of organelles, which are present in the inner region of a cell. It plays a vital
role in keeping a cell in a stable and keeps the cell organelles separate from each other.
Chromosomes: The rod shaped structures, which are composed of proteins and DNA. Chromosomes also play
a vital role in determining a sex of an individual. All human cells contain 46 numbers of chromosomes.
Eukaryotic Cell Prokaryotic Cell

Number of chromosomes More than one One--but not true chromosome:

Cell Type Usually multicellular Usually unicellular (some
cyanobacteria may be
True Membrane bound Present Absent
Example Animals and Plants Bacteria and Archaea
Genetic Meiosis and fusion of Partial, undirectional
Recombination gametes transfers DNA
Lysosomes and Present Absent
Microtubules Present Absent or rare
Endoplasmic reticulum Present Absent
Mitochondria Present Absent or rare
Cytoskeleton Present May be absent
DNA wrapping on Eukaryotes wrap their Multiple proteins act together to fold
proteins. DNA around proteins and condense prokaryotic DNA. Folded
called histones. DNA is then organized into a variety of
conformations that are supercoiled and
wound around tetramers of the HU
Ribosomes larger smaller
Vesicles Present Present
Golgi apparatus Present Absent
Chloroplasts Present (in plants) Absent; chlorophyll scattered in the
Flagella Microscopic in size; membrane Submicroscopic in size,
bound; usually arranged as nine composed of only one
doublets surrounding two singlets fiber
Permeability of Selective not present
Nuclear Membrane
Plasma membrane Yes Usually no
with steroid
Cell wall Only in plant cells and fungi Usually chemically
(chemically simpler) complexed
Vacuoles Present Present
Cell size 10-100um 1-10um
1. Plant Cell
-plant cells are eukaryotic cells
-with the presence of true nucleus, multicellular large and advanced membrane bound
-plant cells are quite different from animal cells like in shape and other few organelles
which are only found in animal cells but are absent in plant cells.
-Based on structure and functions, plant cells comprise of:
Cell wall: It is the outer layer of a plant cell, which helps a providing the shape and strength to the entire
plant. A cell wall is composed of cellulose that protects and supports the plant to grow.

Cell membrane: It is a biological membrane that separates living cell organelles from non living
structures. This membrane plays a vital role in helping a cell to communicate with the external
environment and also in transporting proteins and other molecules throughout the cell.

Chloroplasts: They are green coloured oval shaped double membrane organelles, which are the sites of
photosynthesis. The green colour pigment (chlorophyll) present in the leaves helps plants in absorbing
solar energy to prepare food.

Cytoplasm: A jelly types double membrane organelles, which are present in the inner region of a cell. It
helps by keeping a cell in stable and protects the cell organelles by separating them from each other.

Lysosomes: They are single membrane round organelles, which helps in digesting proteins, fats and
carbohydrates. It also helps in excretion of undigested materials from the plant cells. It also helps in cell
renewal and breakdown of large cells into smaller cells, old and dead cells.
Golgi bodies (or) Golgi complex: The sac like structures, which are present in a cell to manufacture, store,
packing and shipping the materials throughout the cell.

Endoplasmic reticulum: The network of membrane, which helps in transporting materials around the cell. It
forms a connection between nuclear envelope and the cell membrane of a cell.

Mitochondria: They are rod shaped organelles, plays an important role in releasing energy and they are the
powerhouse of a cell. In plant cell, they are the sites of cellular respiration.

Nucleus: They are large, oval shaped organelle that contains one or more nucleoli with DNA. The main role of
nucleus in plant cell is it controls all types of cellular activities.

Nucleolus: They are the spherical membranes, present inside the nucleus. This membrane contains RNA,
which is used to build proteins. They are the sites of RNA synthesis.

Vacuole: They are the fluid sacs, which are present in large numbers in plant cells. The main function is this
membrane is to store food and other waste materials. Vacuoles are the largest organelles present in the plant
2. Animal Cell
-Animal cells are eukaryotic cells.
-with the presence of true nucleus; multicellular large and advanced membrane bound
-Like plant cells, animal cells have same organelles except the cell wall, chloroplasts, number
of vacuoles and many more.
-Due to the absence of cell wall the shape of an animal cell is irregular.
-Based on structure and functions, animal cells comprise of:
Cell membrane: They are semi-permeable membrane surrounding the cell. It helps in holding the cell
together and allows entry and exits of nutrients into the cell.

Nucleus: The largest organelle in the cell, which contains DNA and other cell's hereditary information. The
main role of nucleus in animal cell is it controls all cellular activities.

Vacuole: They are the fluid sacs, which are present in less numbers in animal cells compared to plant cells.
The main function is this membrane is to store food and other waste materials.

Golgi bodies (or) Golgi complex: The sac like structures, which are present in a cell to manufacture, store,
packing and shipping the selected particles throughout the cell.

Ribosome: It is present in the cytoplasm. They produce proteins.

Endoplasmic reticulum: The network of membrane, which helps in transporting materials around
the cell and also helps in the synthesis of lipids and proteins. It forms a connection between nuclear
envelope and the cell membrane of a cell.

Mitochondria: They are rod shaped organelles, plays an important role in releasing energy and they
are the powerhouse of a cell.

Cytoplasm: A jelly types double membrane organelles, which are present in the inner region of a
cell. It helps by keeping a cell in stable and protects the cell organelles by separating them from each

Lysosomes: They are round single membrane round organelles, which helps in recycling of cell
organelles. Lysosome of an animal cell contains some digestive enzymes that help in the digesting
out the cell debris.
All types of cells: eukaryotic and
prokaryotic cell, animal and plant
cells, have many similarities and also
differences in them, which all
depends on its structure and
functions of each cell organelles.

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