Career Development

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The key takeaways are the challenges faced by HR professionals like increasing workforce diversity, competing in a global economy, eliminating skill gaps and the need for lifelong learning and facilitating organizational learning.

Some of the challenges faced by HR professionals include increasing work force diversity, competing in a global economy, eliminating the skill gap and the need for life long learning and facilitating organisational learning.

The employment relationship has changed from paternalism to an exchange relationship where there is no promise of long term security and future of employees is their own responsibility with employees having to obtain opportunities to remain employable and develop their skills.

Career development

Challenges of H.R.D Professionals

1.Increasing work force diversity.
2.Competing in a global economy.
3. Eliminating the skill gap
4.The need for life long learning
5.Facilitating organisational learning.
What is career?
. The occupation itself.
Ones progression with in an an organisation.
Status of a profession eg-Law,engineering
which is career.But plumbing,carpentry ,general
office work is not profession.
Career is involvement in work

Stability of a persons job.A sequence of related

jobs is career where as unrelated jobs does not.
New employment relationship
• Down sizing and outsourcing-this resulted the change in
employment relationship from paternalism to exchange
relationship for the mutual benefit of both parties.
• No promise of long term security.Future of the employees is
their own responsibility.
• Employees role is obtain opportunities to
remain employable.
Employees has to assume responsibility for dveloping and
maintaining their own skill .
They have to ensure demonstrable value to the organisation.
They have to understand the nature of their employers business
Role of employers
• Provide opportunities for skill development
and training and education.
• Employee involvement in decision making,
• Assistance with career management
[coaching and mentoring] and performance
based compensation.
Boundaryless career-a career not bound
to one organisation or profession.That is
the new concept.
Career planning
• Becoming aware of self,opportunities,constraints
,choices,and consequences.
• Idetifying career related goals
• Programing work,education,and related
developmental experiences to attain career goal.
• The focus of career planning is on the individual
eventhough they get outside help.
• Career plans first –set of actions next –leads to
achievement of the goal.
Career management
• Career management is an ongoing process of
preparing, implementing,and monitoring career
plans under taken by the individual.
• Career management has to ensure the
organisations H.R needs are met.
• Career management is an activity carried out by
the management. Eg- succession planning.It is
nothing but senior management decides which
employees can and should be prepared to replace
people in positions of greater responsibility .
Career development activities
Career management and career planning
can be coplementary and can reinforce
each other.
A balance between the two makes better
career development.
Employee centered career planning
• Self directed .
• Work books.
• Tape casettes.
• Company run career planning work shops.
• Corporate seminar on organisational work
Multi focus. Manager-Employee
• Manager –employee career discussions.
• Developmental assesment centre with
feed back.

Career management-organisation
1. Corporate talent inventories.
2. Corporate succession planning.
Career planning
• Career is a sequence of work related positions
occupied by a person during a life time.
Factors influencing the career
1.People who have influenced
2. Major work achievements
3.Successful and happy at work
4.Risks taken
5.Helped others
Define Career planning
• Career planning is a process of
systamatically matching career goals and
individual capabilities with opprtunities for
their fulfilment.
• Career planning is the process of
enhancing an employees future value.
• A career plan is an individuals choice of
occupation ,organization and career path.
Characteristics of career planning
• It is an ongoing process
• It develops a personal life career diagram.
• It defines life career,abilities,and interest of
• It tells about individuals life career and
• Helps individuals to develop skills.
• It strengthern work related activities in the
Objectives of career planning
To develop an awareness of each
employees uniqueness.
• To identify positive characteristics of
• To identify personal qualities and events .
• To identify personal
interests,abilities,strength and weakness
and how they relate to careers.
• To get an understanding of personality and
professional goal and how they can be aligned to
organizational mission.
• To recognize differences in the way people see
abilities of others.
• To foster effective team building skills.
• To create healthy ways of dealing with conflicts in self
and others.
• To attract ,engage,and retain talented
• To develop motivation and commitment.
Importance of career planning
• Organisation depends on the caliber of
• Career planning is not promotion and
• Today organizations are flat.So no much
promotion possibilities.
• H.R department plan future employment
needs.Through career planning they get
the right people.
• Career planning ensures constant supply
of promotionable employees.
• Develop potential abilities of employees.
• Career planning reduces employee
• Career planning discourage hoarding.
Career planning process
• Career planning process encourages individuals to
explore and gather information which will enable them
to synthesize ,gain competencies ,make decisions
,set goals,and take action.The steps are as follows.
1.Self Assesment.
This step involves gathering information
about self to assist in making a decision about a
,personal traits and life style.
It can be started by
Learning interests
Listing accomplishments
Understanding phisical and psychological needs.
• Assessing aspiration and motivation level.
• Understanding personal trait.
Self assesment is done though
Work book or workshops
Skill assessment exercises
Completing interest inventory
SWOT analysis
Career SWOT analysis
Employees strength
Work experience
proper education
strong job knowledge
transferable skill
Positive personal characteristics
Good net working
• Employees weakness
Lack of work experience
No proper education.
Lack of job knowledge
Weak skills
Negative personal characteristics
poor net working
Employees opportunities
HR market
Cashing on high education
Skill shortages
Increased self knowledge
increased professional development
good networking
possess unique skills
Employee threats
Down size in HR market
Competition from fellow professionals
Other competitors
Limited professional development
poor networking
2. Career exploration
• An employee will begin to explore
potential careers ,gather information about
those careers and match it with self
• Investigate career market.
• Seek information from academic advisors.
• Attend job/ career fair.
3.Career goal setting.
• Individuals evaluate occupational choices and gain practical
experiences through internships ,cooperative education,industrial
training etc.
• Decisions about occupational choices can be made through
individual career counselling.
Information services.

Career development activities are

Projects,coaching,role play,videos,audio-tapes,and website

4. Career preparation
• It can be done by learning how to prepare saleable resume and
cover letters and complete employment applications, implementing
job search strategies and practicing skills for appearing interviews

Organizations should provide the following services to employees.

1.Mentoring-advising,role modeling,sharing contacts etc.
3.Job rotation
4.Career assistance programme.
5.Managing self development.[Taking positive actions,increasing
knowledge and skills]
5.Self marketing
High performance employees are
Self directed.
Enjoy work
Accept responsibility and accountability.

Marginal performance employees.

Little ambition
Dislike work
Avoid responsibility and accountability.
Stages of life and career
• A persons life or career is by identifying
common experiences,challenges or tasks
people go through as their life progresses.
• A persons career is influenced by life
Erikson model of adult
He proposed that people progress through 8 stages in life-
psychological and social issues-facing challenges which must be
1.Basic trust verses mistrust- infancy
2.Autonomy vs shame and doubt. 4 to 5
3.Initiative vs guilt ------ 6 to 11
4.Industry vs inferiority.—6 to 11
5.Identity vs role confusion---------puberty and adolescence
6.Intimacy vs isolation----Young adulthood
7.generativity vs stagnation—Middle adulthood
8.ego integrity vs despair------maturity
• Fifth stage is adolescence.-conflict
between identity and role confusion.If not
successfully resolve people will enter
adulthood with confusion.
• Last 3 stages- issues facing with adult
development. If successfully completes he
can mingle with groups.otherwise –
• Erikson calls middle adulthood as Generativity.-
more involved in ones children,Social issues or
mentor for young generation.Failure in this stage
results stagnation-no contribution to the world.
• Finally in the maturity stage the individual faces
issues of ego integrity.Accept the choices one
has made in life.
Successful development of ego leads to peaceful
death.Failure in this stage lead to despair.
• Ego integrity ,generativity,and intimacy can
affect the career choices the individuals make.
• Organization has to help employees to resolve
these challenges
• Employees nearing retirement are facing many
sources of stress .To avoid this issue pre-
retirement counseling ,and motivational
programs geared towards old workers which
yield benefits to both.
Roles in career management
Individual role
People must learn how to gain knowledge and become
more adaptable.Jones and Defllippi distilled six
competencies that were possessed by people which they
argue typify new career land scape.These competencies

• Understanding the industries,
opportunities, threats and requirements
• Understand the meaning,motives and
interests for pursuing a career
• Understand the locations and boundaries
for entering ,training and advancing within
a career system.
• Forming relationship that will gain access
to opportunities.
• Understanding the timing and choice of
activities within ones career
• Understanding and acquiring the skill and
talents for effective performance in
Developing the above career
competencies will better enable you to
attain career goals .
Managers responsibility
one who listen ,clarify ,probes an defines ecmployee career
One who gives feedback, clarify performance standards and job
Helps set goals and give advice.
4.Referal agent
One who consults with the employee on action plans and links the
employee to available organizational people and resources.
HRD and career development
professionals duty.
• Create information and support.
• Play a broker role
• Become an expert in career information .
• Become a professional communicator
about your services and new career
• Promote learning through relationship at
• Intervene where there are road blocks for
career management
• Promote mobility and lifelong learner
• Develop mindset of using existing
resources for development.
Career development practices
1 .Self assesment tools career
Use work books.Who am I ? .What do I want out of my
life and my career ? .How can I best achieve my career
Self assesment work books provide information and a
series of exercises to help an individual discover his
values ,abilities and preferances.
Work shops provide experience in which paticipants
develop ,share,and discuss personal information about
their strengths, weakness ,and goals.
Individual counseling and career
• For the employees who are nearing
• Outplacement counselling
• For existing employees to be laid off or
Internal labor market inforormation
exchanges and job matching
1.Job posting
provide information about job opportunities
within organization.
2Career path
Make aware logical job movements .Eg.
Police- chief of department.patrol officer—chief
of police
• Dual career path-Management and non
management tracks-Those who are not
eligible for manager post are given
equivalent esteem and pay.
• Another source of internal labour market
information is a skill inventory.
Organization potential assessment
This aims at individuals available who are ready to
fill key positions when it becomes vacant.For
doing this there are three ways.
1.Potential ratings
The rater judges whether an employee is
likely to be successful in jobs in future.
2.Assesment centers
In an assessment center ,small groups of
employees perform a variety of tasks .eg-
interview,GD,role play,simulation etc.These are
3.Succession planning

4.Development programs
Job rotation
Mentoring refers to a relationship between a
junior member and senior member of the
organization that contributes to the career
development of the both members.
Development actions by the
• Training-to carry present job successfully.
• Job rotation.
• Job enlargement
• Special assignment
• Deputation to other departments.
• Others—allowing officiation in absence of
section head or peer,encouraging active
involvment in professional bodies,taking up
training or teaching assignments
Development actions by the
Knowledge upgrading
self study,consultation with experts,participation in
professional bodies attending part time courses

Behaviour and attitude development

Positive thinking,willingness to change,self

Skill building.
Quality of work life
QWL refers that favourableness or
unfavourableness of the job environment
for people.
1 Adequate and fair compensation
2.Safe and healthy working conditions
3 Immediate opportunity to use and
develop human capacities
4.Future opportunity for growth
5 social integration in work environment
6 Rule of law in the work organization
7 Work and the total life space
8 The social relevance of work life

Two types of workers

A job for living
Some others want a chance for self
development in work place
Role of supervisor in QWL
• Having a nurturant supervisor
• Receiving adequate help ,assistance etc
• Having a few labour standard problems
• Fair promotional policies
• No close supervision
• Supervisor technically qualified
• Autonomy in matters affecting work
• A job with enriching demands
Key supervisory role
1 .Consideration -supervisor be supportive,not not socially

Happy worker s work harder

Consideration reduces frustrations
consideration is a reward for productivity
Consideration may strengthen the effort-performance
Makes performance-reward more equitable
• Creating a feeling of approval
• Developing personal relations
• Providing fair treatment

He provides technical
support,guidance,direction and training
How to improve Facilitation?
• Work redesign.
• Participative management
Career srategy
• It refers highlighting an organizations
human resource for developing them for
future career opportunities within the
organization for benefit of employees as
well as organization.
• It is the duty of individuals to adapt
changes by adding new skills and
Career strategy process
Knowing oneself is the foundation for developing
successful career management and job search
strategy.It determine how to market oneself.For this
consider your
Existing career assets
Current skills and abilities.
Career mission,personal values
Career goals for one year,5year and 10 year.
2 Strategizing
A plan is created for enhancing career assets.
3 Developing
In this step employees need to focus on
developing the knowledge,experience,and skills to
market self to prospective organization.This is
launching of career by sharpening job search
assets .
Net working expands career options.
• The important tool for self marketing is a
flawless resume which highlights achievements
and experience and tell what employee can offer
to prospective organization.
4. Marketing
In this step the employee has to convey to
prospective organization his desires ,skills and
experience that will add value to the
Resources available to self market
Net working.
Finding available position.
Preparation for the interview.

5. Evaluating
After selecting prospective employer it is time
to analyse new options within current
organization and choose a new direction.
Career management
This is nothing but specific HRM activities
such as
recruitment,selection,induction,placement and
performance appraisal to facilitate career
development.It conveys the following
Self management of career
Organization focusing on individuals
Organization focus on their maintenance.

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