Caeer Development, Unit 7

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Career Career Development Development

Career Planning

What is career??
Job vs. Career
Job What can I do now to make money? Career Chosen Profession for your life. Requires a willingness to get the training needed to build your skills for the future.

A career is the work a person does. It is the sequence of jobs that an individual has held throughout his or her working life E.g. occupation of nursing.

Key terms in Career Planning

1. Career Goal: The future positions one strives to achieve in his career. 2. Career Path: Sequential and progressive path or line through which one moves towards his/her goal. 3. Career anchors: Basic drives acquired by an individual during the socialization process which urge him to take up a career of a certain type.

Key terms in Career Planning

4. Career Progression: Making progress in ones career through a series of right moves in the form of promotions. 5. Mentoring: A process wherein a senior employee serves in an informal way as a teacher, guide, friend, philosopher to the new employee in the organization. 6. Career planning: Career Planning can be defined as the systematic process by which one decides his/her goals and the path to reach these goals.

Key terms in Career Planning

7. Career Developing: Personal improvements one undertakes to achieve a personal career plan. 8. Career Management: Process of designing and implementing goals, plans and strategies to enable the organization to satisfy employee needs while allowing individuals to achieve their career goals.

Career planning whats that??

Career planning consists of activities and actions that you take to achieve your individual career goals Career Planning can be defined as the systematic process by which one decides his/her goals and the path to reach these goals.

Example of career planning

One young man decides upon an academic career and establishes the following sequence of positions. 1. PhD degree by 26. 2. Lecturer by 27. 3. First book published by 30. 4. Reader by 35. 5. Professor and HOD by 40. 6. Dean by 45. 7. VC of university by 55.

Career planning : An ongoing process

Here You Explore your interests and abilities Strategically plan your career goals Create your future work success by designing learning and action plans to help you achieve your goals.

The major focus is matching personal goals and opportunities that are realistically available. Career planning is building bridges from ones current job/career to next job/career. Well-conceived career plan is flexible to accommodate changing opportunities for development

How important is career planning?

People leave an organization due to lack of career growth Deeper focus on an employees aims and aspirations Degree of clarity Significant motivator Key retention tool

Need for Career Planning

Attract competent persons and retain them in the organization. Provide suitable promotional opportunities. Map out careers of employees suitable to their ability, and their willingness to be trained and developed for higher positions. Reduce employee dissatisfaction and turnover. Improve employee morale and motivation. Achieve higher productivity and organization development.

Career Anchors
Reason why a person decides to be a doctor or engineer or a fashion designer? It is because of the anchors. Different Career Anchors are: 1. Managerial competence. 2. Technical-functional competence. 3. Security 4. Creativity 5. Autonomy independence.

Career Development
An ongoing, formalized effort by an organization that focuses on developing

and enriching the organizations human

resources in light of both the employees

and the organization's needs

A Model of Career Development

Career development is the process by which employees progress through a series of stages. Each stage is characterized by a different set of developmental tasks, activities, and relationships. There are five career stages: Exploratory stage Establishment stage Mid Career Stage Late Career stage Disengagement/ Decline stage

Career Stages
1. Exploratory stage: Stage where the person explores, possible career options for oneself and it happens usually in midtwenties when one makes transition from education to learn, i.e., work. Experience suggest that several factors like the careers of the parents, their interests, their aspirations for their children and their financial resources shape children's career options. This stage has least relevance to organization.

Career Stages
2. Establishment stage: Begins with choosing a job. This stage is marked by first experience on the job. One tries to make his/her mark and in the process commits mistakes, learns from mistakes and gradually assumes increased responsibilities. This stage is like going uphill, putting in more efforts and spending lot of time and energy.

Career Stages
3. Mid-Career Stage: This stage is marked by improved performance. Mistakes committed are viewed seriously and invite serious penalties. At this stage one reaches to a plateau career and is expected to make moves. For many , this is the time of reassessment, job changes etc.

Career Stages
4. Late Career Stage: Usually a pleasant stage for those who continued growing in mid-career stage. One now gains comfort and gets respect and demand from juniors. People now do not have to learn, but to teach and give suggestions.

Career Stages
5. Decline stage: Final stage in ones career to retire from ones job career. These persons have to step out of limelight and give up a major component of identity. Ultimately, it is a bit difficult stage for everyone

A Model of Career Development (continued)

Exploration Developmental tasks Identify interests, skills, fit between self and work Establishment Advancement, growth, security, develop life style Maintenance Hold on to accomplishment s, update skills Disengagement Retirement planning, change balance between work and non-work Phasing out of work Sponsor


Helping Learning Following directions Apprentice

Making independent contributions Colleague

Training Sponsoring Policy making Mentor

Relationships to other employees Typical age

Less than 30

30 45

45 60


Years on job

Less than 2 years 2 10 years

More than 10 years

More than 10 years

Why Is Career Management Important?

From the companys perspective, the failure to motivate employees to plan their careers can result in: A shortage of employees to fill open positions Lower employee commitment Inappropriate use of monies allocated for training and development programs

Why Is Career Management Important?


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From the employees perspective, lack of career management can result in: Frustration Feelings of not being valued by the company Being unable to find suitable employment should a job change be necessary due to mergers, acquisitions, restructuring, or downsizing.

The Career Development Program Who is Responsible?

Organization Employee


Shared Responsibility: Roles in Career Management




HR Manager

Balancing Individual and Organizational Needs

Managers Role in Career Management

Roles Coach Responsibilities Probe problems, interests, values, needs Listen Clarify concerns Define concerns Give feedback Clarify company standards Clarify job responsibilities Clarify company needs Generate options, experiences, and relationships Assist in goal setting Provide recommendations Link to career management resources Follow up on career management plan

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Referral agent

11 Companys Role in Career Management 28

Companies are responsible for providing employees with the resources needed to be successful in career planning:
Career workshops Information on career and job opportunities Career planning workbooks Career counseling Career paths

The career management process:


Reality Check

Goal Setting

Action Planning

Components of the Career Management Process:

Use of information by employees to determine their career interests, values, aptitudes, and behavioral tendencies. Often involves psychological tests.

Reality Check
Information employees receive about how the company evaluates their skills and knowledge and where they fit into company plans.

Components of the Career Management Process: (continued)

Goal Setting
The process of employees developing short- and long-term career objectives. Usually discussed with the manager and written into a development plan.

Action Planning
Employees determining how they will achieve their short- and long-term career goals.

Career Models
1. 2. 3. 4. Pyramidal Model The Obsolescence Model A New Model Japanese Career Model.

Career Counseling
Process of discussing with employees their current job activities and performance, their personal job and career goals, their personal skills, and suitable career development objectives.

Typical Line of Advancement in HR Management

Limitations of Career Planning

Not suitable for small organizations. Environmental factors upsets career planning. Problems relating to career related issues.

Steps in effective Career planning and Development

Support from top management. Clear cut goals. Reward for performance. Career paths. Continuous basis. Awareness.

Class Exercise
Determine the following:
Identify your occupational orientation Identify your career anchor or anchors 1-2 career goals 2-3 development steps to get from where you are now to where you want to be

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