Theory of Multiplier

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V R.F.

Khan developed the concept of

multiplier in his article ´¬ ¬ 


in the economic journal of June 1931.
V Khan·s multiplier was the employment
multiplier. Keynes borrowed the idea
from khan and formulated the
investment multiplier.
V ccording to Keynes,µ establishes a precise relationship,
given the propensity to consume, between aggregate
employment & income and the rate of investment.
V When there is an increment of investment, income will
increase by an amount which is K times the increment of
investment i.e., Y=K I
V In the words of Hansen, Keynes· investment multiplier is the
coefficient relating to an increment of investment to an
increment of income, i.e. K= Y/ I
V Where Y is income, I is investment, is change (increment or
decrement) and K is the multiplier.
Y=C +I
Y= C+ I Dividing through by Y, we obtain
1= C/ Y+ I/ Y
I/ Y=1- C/ Y or
Y/ I=1/1- C/ Y where c= C/ Y that is MPC
Y/ I=1/1-c
K=1/1-c [K= Y/ I]
V IF MPC=1/2 & investment=Rs.1000 then k(multiplier will be 2.
V ¬here is change in V ¬here is net increase in
autonomous investment investment
and induced investment is V Consumer goods are
absent. available in response to
V ¬he marginal propensity to effective demand for
consume is constant. them.
V Consumption is a function V ¬here are no changes in
of current income only. price
V ¬here are no time gaps in V ¬he accelerator effect of
the multiplier process. consumption on
V ¬he new level of investment investment is ignored.
is maintained steadily for V ¬here is less than full
the completion of the employment level in the
multiplier process. economy.
V ñeakage are the V Price inflation
potential pitfalls from V Net imports
the income stream, V Undistributed profits
which tend to weaken
the multiplier effect of V ¬axation
new investment.
V Saving
V Strong liquidity
V Purchase of old stocks
and securities
V Debt cancellation

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