Economic Growth

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Long Run Economic Growth

The Sources of Economic Growth

The production function:
Y = AF (K, N), (1)
Where F tells us how much output is produced for given quantities of capital and labor. The production
function depends on the state of technology, A. The higher the state of technology, the higher output Y for a
given K and a given N.
Decompose into growth rate form (the growth accounting equation):
∆𝑌 ∆𝐴 ∆𝐾 ∆𝑁
= 𝐴
+ 𝛼𝐾 𝐾
+ 𝛼𝑁 𝑁
Where the (a) terms are the elasticities of output with respect to the inputs (capital and labor).
Interpretation: An increase of 10% in A raises output by 10%. An increase of 10% in K raises output by aK
times 10%. An increase of 10% in N raises output by aN times 10%.
Both aK and aN are less than 1 due to diminishing marginal productivity.

Four steps in breaking output growth into its causes (productivity growth, capital input growth, labor input
∆𝑌 ∆𝐾 ∆𝑁
1 Get data on ,
𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑁
, adjusting for quality changes.
2 Estimate aK and aN from historical data.
∆𝐾 ∆𝑁
3 Calculate the contributions of K and N as 𝛼𝐾 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝛼𝑁 , respectively.
4 Calculate productivity growth as the residual:
∆𝑌 ∆𝐴 ∆𝐾 ∆𝑁
= 𝐴
− 𝛼𝐾 𝐾
− 𝛼𝑁 𝑁

The Solow Model

Basic assumptions and variables:
Population and work force grow at same rate n.
Economy is closed and G = 0:
Ct = Yt - It (5)
Rewrite everything in per-worker terms:
𝑌𝑡 =
𝑌𝑡 𝐶𝑡 𝐾𝑡
𝑁𝑡 ; 𝐶𝑡 = 𝑁𝑡 ; 𝐾𝑡 = 𝑁𝑡
Where kt is also called the capital-labor ratio.
The per-worker production function:
yt = f (kt ) (6)
Assume no productivity growth for now (add it later). Plot of per-worker
production function (Fig. 6.3). Same shape as aggregate production function.
Steady states
 Steady state: yt , ct , and kt are constant over time. Figure 6.4 The relationship of
 Gross investment must: consumption per worker to the
 Replace worn out capital, dKt . capital–labor ratio in the
steady state
 Expand so the capital stock grows as the economy grows, nKt :
It = (n + d)Kt . (7)
Ct = Yt - It = Yt - (n + d)Kt (8)
 In per-worker terms, in steady state:
c = f (k) - (n + d)k
 Plot of c, f (k), and (n + d)k (Fig. 6.4).
 Increasing k will increase c up to a point.
 This is kG in the figure, the Golden Rule capital-labor ratio.
 For k beyond this point, c will decline. But we assume henceforth
that k is less than kG , so c always rises as k rises.

Reaching the Steady State

 Suppose saving is proportional to current income:
St = sYt , (9)
Where s is the saving rate, which is between 0 and 1.
 Equating saving to investment gives:
sYt = (n + d)Kt . (10)
 The higher the output, the higher are saving and invest
 Putting this in per-worker terms gives:
sf (k) = (n + d)k
Plot of sf (k) and (n + d)k (Fig. 6.5).
 The only possible steady-state capital-labor ratio is k*. Output at that point is y* = f (k*); consumption is c* = f (k*) - (n
+ d)k*.
 If k begins at some level other than k*, it will move toward k*:
 For k below k*, saving > the amount of investment needed to keep k constant, so k rises.
 For k above k*, saving < the amount of investment needed to keep k constant, so k falls.

 Putting this in per-worker terms gives:

sf (k) = (n + d)k
Plot of sf (k) and (n + d)k (Fig. 6.5).
Figure 6.5 Determining the capital–
 The only possible steady-state capital-labor ratio is k*. Output at
labor ratio in the steady state
that point is y* = f (k*); consumption is c* = f (k*) - (n + d)k*.
 If k begins at some level other than k*, it will move toward k*:
 For k below k*, saving > the amount of investment needed to keep k constant, so k rises.
 For k above k*, saving < the amount of investment needed to keep k constant, so k falls.


 Take a poor country (one with low k) and a rich country (that has a high k).
 The poor country will probably be farther away from k* than the rich country.
 Then the poor country should grow faster than the rich country and catch up.
 Given the same level of technology and human capital, same institutions, etc.
 This model says that all countries should converge to the same level.

The fundamental determinants of long-run living standards

The saving rate
 Higher saving rate (s) means higher capital-labor ratio (k_), higher
output per worker (y _), and higher consumption per worker (c_) (Fig.6.6).
 The saving rate has no effect on the long run growth rate of output per worker, which is equal to zero.
 Output per worker and capital per worker are constant in the steady state.
 If an economy wanted to increase the steady state k_ every year it would have to increase savings/output every year.
 Nonetheless, the saving rate determines the level of output per worker in the long run. Other things equal,
countries with a higher saving rate will achieve higher output per worker in the long run.
 Should a policy goal be to raise the saving rate?
 Not necessarily, since the cost is lower consumption in the short run.
 There is a trade-o¤ between present and future consumption.
Population growth
 Higher population growth means a lower capital-labor ratio, lower output per worker, and lower consumption per worker
(Fig. 6.7).
 Should a policy goal be to reduce population growth?
 Doing so will raise consumption per worker.
 But it will reduce total output and consumption, affecting a nation’s
ability to defend itself or influence world events.
 The Solow model also assumes that the proportion of the population of
working age is fixed.
 But when population growth changes dramatically this may not be true.
 Changes in cohort sizes may cause problems for social security systems and
areas like health care.

Productivity growth Figure 6.8 An improvement in productivity

 The key factor in economic growth is productivity improvement.
 Productivity improvement raises output per worker for a given level of
the capital-labor ratio (Fig. 6.8).
 In equilibrium, productivity improvement increases the capital-labor
ratio, output per worker, and consumption per worker:
 Productivity improvement directly improves the amount that can be
produced at any capital-labor ratio.
 The increase in output per worker increases the supply of saving,
causing the long-run capital-labor ratio to rise (Fig. 6.9).
 Can consumption per worker grow inde.nitely?
 The saving rate can.t rise forever (it peaks at 100%) and the Figure 6.9 The effect of a productivity
population growth rate can.t fall forever. improvement on the steady-state capital–
 But productivity and innovation can always occur, so living standards labor ratio
can rise continuously.
 Summary: The rate of productivity improvement is the dominant
 factor determining how quickly living standards rise.

Endogenous growth theory

 Endogenous growth theory— explaining the sources of productivity growth. Aggregate production function:
Y = AK (12)
 Constant MPK: Human capital
 Knowledge, skills, and training of individuals.
 Human capital tends to increase in the same proportion as physical capital.
 Research and development programs.
 Increases in capital and output generate increased technical knowledge, which offsets decline in MPK from
having more capital.
Implications of endogenous growth
Suppose saving is a constant fraction of output:
S = sAK. (13)
Since investment = net investment + depreciation:
I = ∆K + dK (14)
Setting investment equal to saving implies:
∆K + dK = sAK, (15)
= sA - d (16)
∆𝑌 ∆𝐾
Since output is proportional to capital,
= 𝐾
, So
= sA – d,
Which means that the saving rate a¤ects the long-run growth rate (not true in Solow model).

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