Lesson 6

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Elasticity of

Supply and

At the end of the session the students are

expected :

• Define Elasticity
• Identify the different kinds of elasticity
• Explain and cite examples of the different
types of elasticity.

Elasticity- It is a measure used in response

to changes in the determinants of demand
and supply.

Price Elasticity- a measure used in

determining the percentage change in
quantity against the percentage change in

Income Elasticity- the percentage change in

quantity compared to the percentage change
in income.

Cross Elasticity- the percentage change in

quantity of one good compared to the
percentage change in the price of related
Price Elasticity of Demand

Price Elasticity of Demand- refers to the

degree of reaction or response of the
buyers to changes in price of goods and
The price of rice of P16.00 per kilo at
retail, leads a daily total sales among all
markets in a given region of 100,000 kilos.
The price then rises to P16.50 per kl. Which
leads to sales of P97,000 kilos, or a
reduction in the amount of P3,000. What is
the response of quantity sold to the change
in the price of rice?
Demand Schedule of Commodity X

Price Quantity Demanded

4 100
5 60
Interpretation of Elasticity

To derive the price elasticity of
demand, we use the formula:

ep= Percentage change in quantity demanded

Percentage change in price
Where: percentage change in quantity demanded=
percentage change in price= P2-P1
Types of Elasticity

Elastic- when a percentage change in price

leads to a proportionately greater percentage
change in quantity demanded. This means
that a 1% change in price calls for more than
1% change in quantity demanded.
- The elasticity coefficient is more than 1.
Types of Elasticity

Inelastic- demand is described as inelastic

when a percentage change in price results in
a proportionately lesser change in price
evokes less than 1% change in quantity
- The coefficient of elasticity is less than 1.

Unitary- when a percentage change in price

leads to a proportionately equal percentage
in quantity demanded.
- The coefficient of elasticity is equal to 1.

Perfectly Elastic- at a given price,

percentage change in quantity demanded
can change infinitely.

Perfectly Inelastic- a percentage change in

price creates no change in quantity
demanded. There is no change in the
quantity demand.
- The coefficient is 0.
1. Demand Schedule for Rice

Price Quantity Demanded

150 15,000
154.50 14,550
2. Demand Schedule for Burger

Price Quantity Demanded

35 500
37 450
3. Demand Schedule for Suman

Price Quantity Demanded

7 100
9 80
Interpret your answer whether it is Elastic,
Inelastic and Unitary.
Price Elasticity of Supply

es= Percentage change in quantity supplied

Percentage change in price
Income Elasticity

ey= Percentage change in quantity

Percentage change in income
Demand Schedule of Commodity X

Price Quantity Demanded

P12.00 38
P21.00 56
Cross Elasticity

ec= Percentage change in QD of Good A

Percentage change in price of Good B

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