Ucsp Reporting (Group 4)

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Presented by: Group 4
Since time immemorial mankind has
been in constant search for an
explanation about the truth and
meaning of life. Questions regarding
the meaning , purpose and the
mystery behind everything that
happens in this world continue to
plague our very existence. People
have been asking about things that
are beyond the capacity of ordinary
This particular need to be able to
explore and understand the
realities of life and beyond is
fulfilled by adherence to some
religion in one way or the other.
 “Religion is a devotion to some principle; strict
fidelity or faithfulness; conscientiousness; pious
affection or attachment.” – The Shorter Oxford
English Dictionary 2004

 “Religionas an organized system of beliefs,

ceremonies, and rules used to worship a God or
group of gods. It is also define as commitment or
devotion to religious faith or observance.” –
Merriam Webster.

 According to Jenny King: “Religious activities of

Man centered on the most important elements of
their existence, such as prosperity, happiness,
perfection and abundance”
Christian 31.59%
Islam 23.2%
Hinduism 15%
Buddhism 7.1%
Sikh 0.35%
Jew 0.2%
Baha’is 0.11%
Atheist 2.01%
Other Religion 10.95%
Non Religion 9.66%
 Judaism
 Originated from West Asia and one of the oldest religions in
the World.
 It is centered on the belief that there is only one God called
Yahweh who made an agreement with his people which is
symbolized by the Ark on the Covenant.
 According to this Covenant the descendants of Abraham
regarded as the ancestors of the blessed nation of Israel will
prosper for all days to come because they are God’s chosen
 Judaism’s holy text is called the Torah which is also known as
the Old Testament of the Holy Bible.
 Christianity
 Is a religion that is based on the life and teaching of
Jesus Christ as chronicled in the New Testament.
 Three major groups: Roman Catholics, Protestants,
and Orthodox Christians.
 The belief system revolves around Jesus Christ as the
Savior and the sole solvation of mankind.
 Christians believed that the Universe is created by an
omnipotent and omniscient God who sent his Son
down to Earth to redeem mankind.
 They also believe in the doctrine of Trinity which say
that there is one God with three different personas:
The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.
 Islam
 Which literally means submission.
 Originated in Saudi Arabia in West Asia or the
Middle East.
 The fundamental belief system of this religion is
based on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad
who was born in Mecca around the year 570.
There are 5 pillars of Islam
Shahadah- the profession of Islamic faith.
Salat- the performance of prayers five times in a day.
Zakat- giving alms to the poor.
Sawm- fasting during the month of Ramadan
Hajj- the holy pilgrimage to Mecca.
 Buddhism

 Is one of the oldest, most established religions

in the world.
 Originated in a kingdom in South Asia known
today as the country of Nepal.
 It was founded by Siddharta Gautama, more
popularly known as Buddha or the
Enlightened One.
 His teachings known as the Dharma states that
for a person overcome the pains and
sufferings of life.
 One must break free from the cycle by
following the Middle Way and the Eightfold
 Hinduism
 It is deeply rooted in the culture of India as it
predates back the recorded history of the country
and even the rest of the world.
 Hinduism does not have a known founder or a
single text which could be found in ancient text
called the Vedas.
 Hindus believed in multiple gods but the most
important ones are the Trimurtri.
 Another central belief to Hinduism is the caste
system which classifies people into different
social classes.
 Four Main Categories of the Caste System are:
Brahmans, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas and Sudras .
 Ecumenism refers to the movement or tendency which
emphasizes worldwide Christian unity and
 The origins of the ecumenical movement can be
traced back to the teachings, commands, promises,
and prayers of Jesus Christ.
 Refers to a literal idea of a single charge which
could be achieved either by organizational unity or
spiritual unity.
 Promotes the idea that despite different practices,
cultures, and traditions, Christians all over the world
could be agents of hope, peace, and greater change.
 Interfaith Dialogue or Interfaith Pluralism promotes
the idea that despite the diversity of religious belief
systems existing in the world today.
 Does not necessarily support the literal unity of all
religious systems in the entire world.
 Promotes general understanding among different
beliefs system based on mutual respect and an
attitude of cooperation.
 The idea is that every religion should be respected
for what it is. In fact, trying to change the way people
think about religion would not lead to a better
dialogue and commitment of peace.
 Conflicts still exist despite of promoting
respect in the existing religions today.
 For thousands of years, religious beliefs,
customs and practices often cause
misunderstandings among people and
 The world’s history holds so many accounts
about different belief and faith.
 Religion plays a very central role.
 The conflicts lead us to believe that one
religion should be supreme among others.

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