Measure of Dispersion

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Section13.2 Measures of Dispersion

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The Range

The Range
To measure the spread or dispersion of data, we must
introduce statistical values known as the range and the
standard deviation.

Example 1 – Find a Range
Find the range of the numbers of ounces dispensed by
Machine 1 in Table 13.5.

Soda Dispensed (ounces)

Table 13.5

The greatest number of ounces dispensed is 10.07 and the
least is 5.85. The range of the numbers of ounces
dispensed is 10.07 – 5.85 = 4.22 oz. 5
The Standard Deviation

The Standard Deviation
The range of a set of data is easy to compute, but it can be
deceiving. The range is a measure that depends only on
the two most extreme values, and as such it is very
sensitive. A measure of dispersion that is less sensitive to
extreme values is the standard deviation.

The standard deviation of a set of numerical data makes

use of the amount by which each individual data value
deviates from the mean. These deviations, represented by
, are positive when the data value x is greater than
the mean and are negative when x is less than the mean
. The sum of all the deviations is 0 for all sets of
The Standard Deviation
This is shown in Table 13.6 for the Machine 2 data of
Table 13.5.

Soda Dispensed (ounces) Machine 2:Deviations from the Mean

Table 13.5 Table 13.6

The Standard Deviation
Because the sum of all the deviations of the data values
from the mean is always 0, we cannot use the sum of the
deviations as a measure of dispersion for a set of data.
Instead, the standard deviation uses the sum of the
squares of the deviations.

The Standard Deviation
Most statistical applications involve a sample rather than a
population, which is the complete set of data values.
Sample standard deviations are designated by the
lowercase letter s.

In those cases in which we do work with a population, we

designate the standard deviation of the population by ,
which is the lowercase Greek letter sigma.

The Standard Deviation
We can use the following procedure to calculate the
standard deviation of n numbers.

Example 2 – Find the Standard Deviation

The following numbers were obtained by sampling a

2, 4, 7, 12, 15
Find the standard deviation of the sample.

Step 1: The mean of the numbers is

Example 2 – Solution cont’d

Step 2: For each number, calculate the deviation between

the number and the mean.

Example 2 – Solution cont’d

Step 3: Calculate the square of each of the deviations in

Step 2, and find the sum of these squared

Example 2 – Solution cont’d

Step 4: Because we have a sample of n = 5 values, divide

the sum 118 by n – 1, which is 4.

Step 5: The standard deviation of the sample is .

To the nearest hundredth, the standard deviation is
s = 5.43.

The Variance

The Variance
A statistic known as the variance is also used as a
measure of dispersion. The variance for a given set of data
is the square of the standard deviation of the data. The
following chart shows the mathematical notations that are
used to denote standard deviations and variances.

Example 5 – Find the Variance
Find the variance for the sample given earlier in Example 2.

The standard deviation which we found in Example 2 is

The variance is the square of the standard deviation. Thus

the variance is


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